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  1. ScottA

    Dear White People

    Me too! .......................Me too! ....................................................Me too! ...................Me too...
  2. ScottA

    Dear White People

    Racism is not "a fact", it's a scapegoat, a cop out - it's a word assigned to those who abandon reason and lash out in hatred. It has nothing to do with race, and everything to do with the nature of the gripe. For instance, if I get into a spat with a co-worker and it ends in name calling - it...
  3. ScottA

    What Should Trump Do First?

    If he is smart (and he is) he will take measures to put people to work, i.e., jobs, tax breaks that stimulate business and industry, etc.
  4. ScottA

    I can lose my salavation?

    That's like asking, Can you enter the kingdom of God and then come and go at will? And the answer is, No. It doesn't work that way. To be "saved" is death to the old you, and life to the new you. You cannot go back.
  5. ScottA

    Seriously, Does Anyone Care About This? are right. That just shows how bad things have come with the establishment and their media - it's the tail waging the dog. Instead of the media reporting the news...they think they are the news.
  6. ScottA

    One will be left the other taken...

    This, as all things (Mark 4:11), is a parable...the manifestation of things. This tells of the fate of the natural body and of the spiritual body (1 Corinthians 15:44), the natural is passing away, and the spiritual is raised up, some to everlasting life, some to shame and everlasting contempt...
  7. ScottA

    Satan is defeated or not?

    This is a biblical confirmation of the [scientific] truth that "time is an illusion" (Einstein). If we look only to the worldly timetable, then what is said of us being crucified and raised up with Christ in past tense, is a lie from God. Thus, the past tense understanding is true...and yet...
  8. ScottA

    To Make Heaven

    So am I.
  9. ScottA

    Salvation: Theosis, Assurance of Salvation, Once Saved Always Saved, Predestination?

    I was not "arguing against Traditions" or "Traditional Theology." I was answering the OP question (What is my perspective?): I say again, "one is only "saved" if they are "changed." And if changed, then saved, a new creation - and therefore forever saved."
  10. ScottA

    Trump & The End Times

    Not from a super power...but maybe from the peanut gallery. So, nuclear? Maybe. But proliferation? No.
  11. ScottA

    To Make Heaven

    You misunderstand. Heaven is being born again. This is the new heaven and the new earth, wherein you must be a new creation - and if new, then you leave the old behind. The old you is passing away.
  12. ScottA

    If "God is love", what about God's more violent actions?

    We misunderstand. Living in the world where all language was confused, where being alive we are as dead, seemingly being free we are said to be captives, and being created we not even begotten, but actually made up, imagined. So...from our perspective, we are like cartoon...
  13. ScottA

    When did the early fathers begin to go askew?

    If we take God at his word, he knows what "soon" means to us...and it was to us that he was speaking. So, no, it is "evasive" to sidestep the obvious, and not come to terms with just what Christ said to the churches: He said "soon"...and meant it.
  14. ScottA

    When did the early fathers begin to go askew?

    The evidence is history. Who has taught that Christ returned "soon" or "quickly", just as He said?
  15. ScottA

    Trump might not repeal Obamacare

    I didn't realize that you were inserting European tables in the mix to make points about the US situation. "Cheaper while better", would be nice.
  16. ScottA

    Trump might not repeal Obamacare

    It was the whole plan. It is as if they were offering plans at a much higher level, and then scaled everything back to a level of about half: Doctor visits, hospitalization, prescription drugs, everything. It is as if the top plan now, is like the old bottom or worst plan by previous standards.
  17. ScottA

    Trump might not repeal Obamacare

    As I explained: Benefits have been cut in half...and while I used to be able to afford twice the benefits, I now get half the benefits for half the price (without a choice - at someone else's expense). I don't consider that a fix.
  18. ScottA

    Trump might not repeal Obamacare

    I agree. But we patriots indeed do not want the ills of failed communism or socialism, nor do we want a US version of the same. What would be nice is to move forward, to advance to the next level with American ingenuity , rather than go back to the ways of our European predecessors (our...