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  1. MehGuy

    Which Super Popular Movies Did You Not See?

    Well according to Star Wars cannon, Yoda used to be able to speak properly but one day a coconut fell on his head, and he suffered some brain damage as a result.
  2. MehGuy

    Which Super Popular Movies Did You Not See?

    You should watch the sequels. At least The Empire Strikes back. My favorite Star Wars movie. A lot better than the first one, IMO.
  3. MehGuy

    What are you currently watching?

    The Simpsons. Season 9. Past the golden years (IMO). Going to try to get through as many subsequent seasons as I can. Love the show.. but I've probably seen less than 50% of the episodes ever made. I know the latter seasons are not good, but I want to see every episode at least once.
  4. MehGuy

    Which Super Popular Movies Did You Not See?

    The Blob (1958). Been meaning to watch this one. Don't care about any remakes. Neil Degrasse Tyson sold this movie on me.
  5. MehGuy

    Which Super Popular Movies Did You Not See?

    Little Shop Of Horrors (1986).
  6. MehGuy

    What is currently on your mind?

    Not the best day ever..
  7. MehGuy

    Is modern secular society headed down the path to Sodom and Gomorrah.

    I've always found most of the satanism aesthetic kind of dorky.. As far as society becoming more "immoral", I think a large part of that has to do with the internet. As someone in/interested in the kink/fetish scene the internet is a great place for minds to come together and formulate new...
  8. MehGuy

    Latest controversial subject

    Not a dignified as getting brain worms from eating a skunk or a squirrel.
  9. MehGuy

    What are you currently watching?

    I know he was on Howard Stern once. Tiny Tim was really bothered whenever Howard took the Lord's name in vain. One of the rare times when young Stern actually gave in to the guest's demands.
  10. MehGuy

    What are you currently watching?

    The show Tires. Such a boring show. Although if they were going for the realism of being at a tire shop.. mission accomplished.
  11. MehGuy

    Famous Meme-model Shiba Inu Died

    A decent lifespan for a dog.
  12. MehGuy

    What is currently on your mind?

    Just the usual angst over cultural issues. Nothing special. I don't like it. Anger induces really mean-spirited thoughts inside me. Makes one less rational, social etc. I have been trying to be less angry for a while now.. overall, I think I have improved. Sadly today, just reminded me how my...
  13. MehGuy

    What is the attraction to the monkey movies?

    I liked the first Planet Of The Apes movie. Never seen the others. But something about monkeys (yeah monkeys.. lol) riding horses is so cool. Believe the first movie was originally supposed to be a Twilight Zone episode that was so good it was made into a feature length film.
  14. MehGuy

    What is currently on your mind?

    Been overwhelmed with anger today.
  15. MehGuy

    What are you listening to?

  16. MehGuy

    What is the attraction to the monkey movies?

    I have no idea, but the thread title made me chuckle.
  17. MehGuy

    Peru Declares Transgender People Mentally Ill

    I've only ever interacted with two (to my knowledge) trans people in my real world-life. Both were trans-female. It's usually the voice that hinders the really convincing ones. While I am in the unsure camp.. I do believe the trans community could be more dynamic and compelling than they...
  18. MehGuy

    Peru Declares Transgender People Mentally Ill

    I am sure there is a spectrum, with some being on the extremely confident side. Although I do wonder how many of those people think deeply about the issues of gender and sex. Initially I started observing the trans-gender community closely myself because despite not being trans-gender myself...
  19. MehGuy

    Peru Declares Transgender People Mentally Ill

    What did they share with you that you found compelling? I've never known a trans-person in real life, but I am genuinely interested about the experiences. In the past I've watched videos of trans-people sharing their life story. I've never heard anything from them that I'd call compelling. I do...
  20. MehGuy

    Peru Declares Transgender People Mentally Ill

    Seeing the lack of people who are in the 'unsure' camp, but instead in the yes or no camp just tells me that a lot of this cultural war over trans-issues is incredibly phony. Lol.