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  1. BlondieLashes

    My story soon to be on the website

    Thanks Tenebrae! That means a lot. How are YOU doing these days? p.s. don't worry that this is an old thread! ;)
  2. BlondieLashes

    My story soon to be on the website

    Thank you so much Sacerdote. Your kindness is appreciated!
  3. BlondieLashes

    My story soon to be on the website

    I haven't been on the forums in quite some time. Mainly due to the fact that life has become way too busy and partly due to the fact that I have been a target for trolls and harassment and I seriously just don't have the time for that. I just want to update this thread by letting people know...
  4. BlondieLashes

    Pushing myself...

    Hi Honey! thank you for your continued prayers. We are doing okay. Andrew goes back to school tomorrow after 6 days off. He is worried and scared already. I am going to miss him so much! It's been really nice having him home. I am struggling with depression still. My hubby called me from...
  5. BlondieLashes

    HELP! I think she's falling...

    Hmmmm....that's a tough one. I was hoping that something in Harmony's writing would trigger something she could relate to- maybe not. I will keep both you and her in prayer.
  6. BlondieLashes

    I don't know what I have become...

    USNGemenii- You have my sympathy. No judgement here. I am thinking though that you may find more support on the Men's forum (I think it's called struggles with pornography). You have my prayers and just know you are never too far gone for the Lord!!!!
  7. BlondieLashes

    Pushing myself...

    Hi Sweetie! We did have a good weekend. Went to the movies and out to dinner for my birthday. I am sick, but trugged through anyway! Andrew had a great time and he and Daddy went shopping for me on Sunday and picked out some really cute all in all it was fun. Just wish I could...
  8. BlondieLashes

    Pushing myself...

    Awwww Criada thanks for the prayers! Thanks also for asking. It was a rough few days with the substitute. She was very nice, but it was change which Andrew does not do well with. On top of it, he got hit in the head with a tetherball (again) at recess and broke his glasses (again). He truly...
  9. BlondieLashes

    HELP! I think she's falling...

    Elliemare - I am so excited that you ordered Harmony's book and that you are checking out the Treasures website!!! It will help you help your niece and others you may encounter in your ministry! If you think about it, there are thousands of strip clubs all over the world and thousands of women...
  10. BlondieLashes

    HELP! I think she's falling...

    Elliemare - If she was talking this way when she was just a child, do you have any suspicions that she may have been molested or raped at some point? I am certainly not saying she has been, but to be objectifying herself at such a young age it makes me wonder. Many, many women in the industry...
  11. BlondieLashes

    HELP! I think she's falling...

    Hi Elliemare! Sorry I didn't respond yesterday, but I was thinking about you and your niece. She is so fortunate to have you praying for her! I will pray for her as well. As far as what to as gentle with her as possible. As you have noticed, she is very reactive and probably will be...
  12. BlondieLashes

    Pushing myself...

    Well, I got a bit more information out of him. It turns out he was walking UNDER the Monkey Bars when he got kicked! I of course told him to please be careful and not to walk near or under the Monkey Bars any more and to stay away from tether balls, etc. He just does not look where he is...
  13. BlondieLashes

    Pushing myself...

    Well, I was just called to come down to Andrew's school. He was kicked in the face(!) by another kid at recess. It broke his glasses, but other than that he is physically fine. I brought him is other pair of glasses and asked if he is okay and he started crying. Seems he lost his hat (it's...
  14. BlondieLashes

    Pushing myself...

    Thank you so much! Andrew went to school with a smile on his face this morning! Praise God! I am praying he has a safe, awesome day and that he finds nice children to play with at recess! I just want him to be happy. He does not know it yet, but he is going to have a subsitute for the next...
  15. BlondieLashes

    Pushing myself...

    Hi Paul! Yes, you should see me without medication! :D We do have a dog. She was a gift to us a little over 2 years ago. When we lived in CA we had a lemon-spotted beagle. She was killed by a coyote. A friend of ours saw a lemon -spotted beagle puppy that looks very much like her and...
  16. BlondieLashes

    Pushing myself...

    Thank you for your prayers Ruth! I am really praying for my Andrew today. He was once again scared of going to school today. We once again spoke to his teacher this morning about it, and I now have a call in to the principal (waiting for a call back) to see if we can do anything at all to...
  17. BlondieLashes

    Pushing myself...

    Hi Honey! Thanks for the encouragement! My hubby was feeling better yesterday and we did get to do some "fun stuff"! We had a relatively good day. It's just hard that Andrew challenges my husband constantly and the two of them end up arguing. It's a bit ridiculous....and annoying. I wish...
  18. BlondieLashes

    Pushing myself...

    Hi Criada! Sorry I didn't answer yesterday, we had a lot going on! Thank you for sharing about your friend's son! That is so amazing and such an encouragement! He sounds like a wonderful young man! I am already on Ativan for anxiety (as needed) and Buspar. Can you imagine what I would be...
  19. BlondieLashes

    Pushing myself...

    Well, Andrew has been home with a fever since Monday. Today is the first day fever-free (so far) so hopefully he will be going back tomorrow. I have let him know that he will probably be going back tomorrow and he is upset and scared. I have looked up Bible verses on fear and found them in...
  20. BlondieLashes

    Pushing myself...

    Hi Criada! Thanks for praying for Andrew. His fever is slightly less today. He will have to miss school again tomorrow though as he must be 24 hours fever free before re-entering school. I'm doing okay. Could use a shower (hubby leaves early and gets home late...and I refuse to leave...