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  1. doc329

    Let the heart rejoice that seek the Lord.

    I don't know when I have had happier times than when I have been sitting at my desk with nothing before me and hearing no sound but that of my own breath, with God in my soul and heaven in my eye. I rejoice in being exactly what I am, a creature capable of loving God, and who, as long as God...
  2. doc329

    " Emotions "

    Human beings are emotional beings. We laugh and cry, and we love and hate. We face fear, doubt, lust, loneliness, and pain. We experience joy, excitement,certainty, and courage. Emotions are a gift from God, fulfilling a purpose in our lives. Our human bodies are made in three parts, our body...
  3. doc329

    What is a Christian?

    Unfortunately over time, the word “Christian” has lost a great deal of its significance and is often used of someone who is religious or has high moral values but who may or may not be a true follower of Jesus Christ. Many people who do not believe and trust in Jesus Christ consider...
  4. doc329

    Heaven ~ Home

    One of the things that makes heaven so beautiful to us is the concept of home. No one really has to tell us what makes home such a beautiful word. The word itself prompts comforting thoughts and feelings in the minds of most people. To know that heaven is the home for our soul tells us what...
  5. doc329

    Honor Through Faith Alone

    Do you want others to look up to you? Do you hope that other people will praise you? What do you do to try to get others to look up to you? If, after your efforts, others do not admire and respect you – what does that do to your self-image? All of us have this desire to leave a mark, to make a...
  6. doc329

    Are You Afraid?

    What has God asked you and me to do? Has He given us a super sized task that will require His talents to accomplish it? Is He concerned more about failure or success? The apostles did not take the message to the whole world. They took it to the limit of their ability and time in their life. Did...
  7. doc329

    An Act of Faith

    When we are willing that the Lord Jesus should take all, we must believe that He does take all. He does not wait for us to free ourselves from evil habits, or to make ourselves good, or to feel glad and happy. His one desire is that we should put our will on His side in everything. When this is...
  8. doc329

    Matter of Praise and Adoration

    Matter of Praise and Adoration Can never be wanting to creatures redeemed by the blood of the Son of God; and who have continual scenes of his infinite goodness presented to their view, that their souls were duly affected with a sense of his universal love, they could not but be continually...
  9. doc329


    Mercy, in the hands of a righteous and loving God, is to withhold deserved punishment from repentant sinners, and to help and encourage all those who are determined to serve Him more faithfully. David prays: "Have mercy on me O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great...
  10. doc329

    " We Have Religion "

    "We have religion when we hold some hope beyond the present, some self-respect beyond our failures." "We have religion when we have done all that we can, and then in confidence entrust ourselves to the life that is larger than ourselves."
  11. doc329

    " God's ways differ from our ways "

    God’s ways differ from our ways. We seek happiness through circumstances. We want to arrange what we consider a perfect life. Get a high paying job. Get a house with a manicured lawn with a BMW in the driveway. Finally, place a handsome husband/wife as the centerpiece. Then, we say, “Now, I...
  12. doc329

    " Pray Without Ceasing "

    “Praying without ceasing” means two things. It means “maintaining continuous fellowship with God as much as possible in the midst of daily living.” It is constantly dialoguing with God. No matter what you go through, you speak to God, both in good times and bad times. Christian life is not just...
  13. doc329

    This Is Reasonable

    Who redeemed you? Who bought you with a price? Who gave you holy spirit? Who gave you the spiritual ability to do the works of Jesus Christ? Who gave you eternal life? Who healed you? Who gave you exceeding precious promises? Who loved you unconditionally? Who forgives you every time you repent...
  14. doc329

    True Happiness

    Real happiness can be ours right now by choosing to serve the Lord and rejoicing in the hope that He has given us. We can choose to perish with the wicked, or we can make the right choice and serve the Lord our God with all our heart. If we do this, then God will be for us and who then can be...
  15. doc329

    What good is a friend

    Faithful are the wounds of a friend... - Proverbs 27:6 What good is a friend if all they do is placate us, if all they do is tickle our ears with what we want to hear. One of the marks of a true friend is that they are willing to speak the truth in love even when it hurts. The hurt from the...
  16. doc329

    Music Flows From the Soul

    Some of the sweetest and most meaningful music we know today has come from those that have experienced the greatest sorrow. They could not explain it with words, so they expressed it with song. Music flows from the soul. There is mystery and meaning in music that could never be expressed in any...
  17. doc329

    The Bible is an open book

    It both judges and forgives. The Scriptures both kill and make alive. We look at the Scriptures as Law and Gospel, the Word rightly divided. God's Word calls us to repentance and over and over again tells us that we fall short of God's intention for us. The Word convicts us of sin. The Bible...
  18. doc329

    The Children Of God

    Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! - 1 John 3:1a (NKJV) To know that God loves me is a wonderful truth. But to know God loves me and has made me His child is like the difference between standing on the crest of a hill and...
  19. doc329

    Redemption Of The Soul

    (For the redemption of their soul is precious, and it ceaseth for ever Psalms 49:8 The object of redemption is not just mere matter, but man’s living soul. God made it, He gave it a choice, and He loves it. But the soul has lost the image of God; it is utterly corrupt, polluted, debased, and...
  20. doc329

    Prayer - Meditation

    Let saints on earth unite to sing with those to glory gone. For all the servants of our King, in earth and heaven are one. Even now by faith we join our hands with those that went before, and greet the blood-redeemed bands on the eternal shores. What tremendous encouragement, Lord Jesus, to...