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  1. friend of

    A Preview Of What Heaven Will Be Like

    Remember when we were younger, much younger as a child, when we could meet other children and befriend them without effort and go on forging the world around us by our imaginations, each one freely building upon the last, continuously, joyously, before the ego would spring up a barrier to...
  2. A Preview Of What Heaven Will Be Like

    A Preview Of What Heaven Will Be Like

    Remember when we were younger, much younger as a child, when we could meet other children and befriend them without effort and go on forging the world around us by our imaginations, each one freely building upon the last, continuously, joyously, before the ego would spring up a barrier to...
  3. friend of

    Psalms By Friend Of

    Comfort my soul dear Lord I am restless without your comfort Holy Spirit Have mercy on my soul lord teach me to count my days and make the most of my time here In your rebuke I cannot stand But as a loving father you build me up Teach me your ways always Let my life bear fruit to...
  4. Please God

    Please God

    Dear Lord, Please sanctify me and cleanse me for your holy work. Strengthen my faith and bring into remembrance all the things you've spoken. Tighten your grip on me oh Lord, lest I fall and dash myself to pieces. Uphold me with your undying Love and peace. Fasten upon me a willing heart to...
  5. friend of

    The Bible Is Jesus' Diary

    my friend told me this and it makes sense because Jesus is the word of God made flesh and that means that when you read the Bible it's like talking to Jesus and knowing His thoughts.
  6. friend of


    I was deeply humbled today. The Lord revealed the extent of the pride in my heart. It was frightening and painful. I realize just how inadequate I am to pass judgement upon others. Forgive me for condemning my earthly father and treating him with contempt. I fear I may have murdered him in my...
  7. friend of

    Significance Of Simon Carrying Th Crucifix

    Simon was a man who helped God carry His cross When a man takes up His cross, he can be sure that God will aid him along when taking up his cross in pursuit of Christ.
  8. friend of

    I Love The Life The Lord Has Given Me But

    I'd gladly give it back to Him of he wants it. It is His, after all. Those who seek to save their life will lose It, but those that lose their lives in order to fulfill the role Christ would like him/her to fulfill will gain it. Christ died for us willingly, likewise let our heart find ease in...
  9. Christ's Sacrifice <vs> Devil's Contract

    Christ's Sacrifice <vs> Devil's Contract

    Once upon a time there was a man...oh... let's call this man... "R.Kelly." R. Kelly sold his soul to the devil for fame and riches here. All was going well with R. Kelly, until he realized his grave error. He contacted the Devil again and the Devil waved the contract in front of his face and...
  10. friend of

    Our Liberty As Christians

    David was the man most intimate with God at the time, yet David was afraid when God struck Uzzah down for touching the Ark. David reasoned that God maybe didn't want him to take the Ark to its original destination If the Ark did not begin to fall, it may have been carried straight to David's...
  11. Vanity Of Pride

    Vanity Of Pride

    Pride is the language of Boasting Pride is the source of all Sin Pride is the state of separation from God Pride is spiritual Cancer Pride is the nutrient of Ego Pride breaks every Command Pride cannot Hide
  12. Lord Bless You [vs] God Bless You

    Lord Bless You [vs] God Bless You

    I said "God bless you" to a man in passing today. Then paused and realized I should have said "Lord bless you" Lord bless you > God bless you, so that the person you are blessing in the street knows you are a Christian and that you mean to bless him/her in the name of Jesus Christ and not in...
  13. Journal Entry 2

    Journal Entry 2

    Nobody Loves me... Save for You, Nobody Trusts me... You know my Heart, Nobody is for me... except for You, Everyone hates me... You don't, I am Alone... You are with me, They seek my death... You Died for me,
  14. Carpenter Analogy

    Carpenter Analogy

    Jesus was a carpenter who created things out of wood A crucifix is made of wood God was manifested in the flesh He was crucified by His own creation Jesus created his death on the cross Jesus died by his own creation
  15. Unstoppable Duo

    Unstoppable Duo

    hey God i was just thinking... :idea: With Your Almighty Divine Power... :priest: And My Rotting Mortal Coil... :sick: Together We'll Be Unstoppable! :ebil: 2 Corinthians 12:9 [...] “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the...
  16. Hero's Haiku

    Hero's Haiku

    Before I was saved [5] I was the Protagonist [7] of my very own life [5] _ Now that I am Saved [5] Christ is the protagonist [7] of my life Reborn [5]
  17. friend of

    Prayer Journal I

    Sept. 17/17 I am a little lamb saddened that you were killed for my iniquity. Your love is so perfect, my God Today was one of the best days ever at church yet. your presence was was felt so strongly today, even though it started out slow, your surprises are a value worth more than anything...
  18. friend of

    Jesus Is God Tho

    The grave couldn't contain Jesus why? Because He is the eternal God Jesus fulfilled the law how? Because God cannot contradict himself. God cannot sin against himself. Hebrews 1:1-4 1 Timothy 3:16 1 John 5:7
  19. Overcoming Temptations

    Overcoming Temptations

    Hebrews 12:3-4 Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted. [4] In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood. Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against...
  20. Another Good Reason To Pray

    Another Good Reason To Pray

    Matthew 12:36 But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken. Hebrews 12:1-2 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles...