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  1. Autumnleaf


    They tell me ad block is on and it shouldn't be. But it is because I want ads blocked. I'm tired. God carry's me as He feels inclined. So it should be. God does impossible things with broken people. Cheers!
  2. Autumnleaf

    They sell us propaganda through the schools now.

    It cost 10 dollars a ticket and 8 high school choir groups were involved. The only words in the symphony I could make out were Lord and Israel. I wondered at how they didn't fear the ACLU until I read the list of big shots in the symphony handout and recalled the big shot names in the ACLU...
  3. Autumnleaf

    How God works and learning.

    I've noticed people tend to learn different things at different times from similar situations. An example is reading the Bible. The same person or different people can read the same passage and take something different from it. Many well meaning people think that this means one person is...
  4. Autumnleaf

    A Last Word

    A Last Word LET us go hence: the night is now at hand; The day is overworn, the birds all flown; And we have reaped the crops the gods have sown; Despair and death; deep darkness o'er the land, Broods like an owl; we cannot understand Laughter or tears, for we have only known Surpassing...
  5. Autumnleaf

    Oreo came back.

    He came back around 3 AM last night. He meowed a lot and ate a lot. Everyone was so happy to see him this morning. Thank God he's back and none the worse for wear.
  6. Autumnleaf

    Humility and Oreo.

    Why is it that the things you look for don't seem to happen but the things you never even considered just seem to hit you from nowhere? Bah! Maybe its just a way God teaches a little humility. Oreo has been seen around. Hopefully all is well with him. A Confederacy of Dunces, gotta remember...
  7. Autumnleaf

    The cat and the fish

    Eating salmon. After working all night I usually pickup something to eat at the grocery store. Its been salmon lately. Salmon with guacamole, salmon with pesto, salmon with parmesan butter. The trick is cooking it in butter on low medium heat until the skin is crispy. That crispy salmon skin...
  8. Autumnleaf

    Halcyon tales.

    Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Robert Frost Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village, though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods...
  9. Autumnleaf

    's Blog