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  1. Yahudim

    Prayer needed

    My oldest brother Hal is being wheeled into surgery for heart valve problems and blockages. Please pray for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. Many thanks,
  2. Yahudim


    Please find attached: "A_Second_Temple_in_Egypt_The_Evidence_fo.pdf" downloaded from You may download and read for yourself. Instructions: Download (click on attachment), read, discuss. Repeat as necessary.
  3. Yahudim

    MJ Only Talmud Written AFTER 'New Testament' says Talmud Prof. Dr. Hananel Mack of Bar-Ilan University in Israel

    For nearly twenty years, I have witnessed leaders, teachers, and 'Rabbis' from both the Hebrew Roots movement and Messianic Judaism, fall all over themselves trying to appear more 'authentic' - by being more 'Rabbinic'. Please understand, I am not being critical of anyone's sincerity, or being...
  4. Yahudim

    MJ Only For Friends & Family that still eat PORK; Behold the EnviroPig!

    Click here =>The ENVIROPIG PDF This is something the Zack Bauer alerted his followers to on Youtube some time back. Then he directed our attention to Isaiah 66. For those of you that are unaware, Enviropig is a genetically engineered pig that was conceived in 1995 and actually became reality 5...
  5. Yahudim

    Armageddon? Really?

    We have been taught for many centuries that one of the End Times events was a great battle at Armageddon, presupposed to be at the Mount of Megiddo, in the expansive plain of Megiddo. But is that true? There is no 'mount' or 'mountain' on the plain of Megiddo. There is only a 'tel' otherwise...
  6. Yahudim

    Debate-For MJ's Only Seven Covenants with the Land / Seven Day Creation Declarations

    Shalom All, In the Sevens Matrix thread, I posted the following table with what I believe to be an alignment between the the 'Days of Creation declarations and those I thought had a covenant relationship with the Land. So I want for those with questions or alternative beliefs to have a place to...
  7. Yahudim

    MJ Only Messiah ben Joseph by David C Mitchell

    David C. Mitchell is the worlds foremost scholar on the Book of Psalms. In his exhaustive study of the structure and intricacies of the Psalms, he was intrigued by a section that spoke extensively about Messiah ben Joseph. Since then he has produced a masterwork on the topic. Drawing from...
  8. Yahudim

    MJ Only Matrix of Sevens

    This OP is not a debate. You may however, make observations and suggestions. There will be other related OPs that will allow for more robust discussion, as I intend to make an new thread to discuss matters related to the 1st Day of Creation, the 2nd, the 3rd, etc. This is an overview of a...
  9. Yahudim

    Who do you think the Palestinian people are? Must cite sources!

    Shalom All, There has been a lot of speculation lately about the origin of the Palestinians. Some say they are of the Arabs. Some say the have descended from the Philistines. Some say they are descendants of the mysterious 'Sea People', pirates that ravaged the Levant coast at the end of the...
  10. Yahudim

    Did we miss something about Yochanon, talmid of Yeshua?

    Berchot v'Shalom be multiplied to you all; that is, Blessings and Peace; We are all keenly aware of the arrest of Messiah and Kefa's thrice denial of Yeshua. But seldom do we note this oddity concerning Yochanon (or John, the 'second talmid' in this account). These verses begin with the arrest...
  11. Yahudim

    Prayer for Hal

    My brother is this minute, undergoing a dangerous procedure for his heart. But his condition was too dangerous for surgeons to postpone it. Please pray for his recovery and survival. Thank you.
  12. Yahudim

    Contrast, Styles, Lists and Code

    Your members are a wide ranging lot with a variety of abilities and disabilities. I realize that customizing software package such as this isn't without difficulty. So I would begin by thanking you for all of your hard work and acknowledge the difficulties in pleasing everyone. In the spirit of...
  13. Yahudim

    MJ Only It's Preparation Day!: Recipes, etc.

    This is not an egg loaf and is particularly light and fluffy. Plus, it doesn't take all day. Find this and other recipes at: TasteOfKosher
  14. Yahudim

    MJ Only Reminiscing; Sevens and Messiah

    Barachot v'Shalom Mishpocha, Something wonderful has happened. Adonai has shown me something amazing - again. I was reminiscing about something He showed me long ago. Then He did a new thing. He showed me something wonderful, something I had never heard of before. So I wanted to share it with...
  15. Yahudim

    MJ Only Why are things Created in Gen 1 and Gen 2 different?

    Beresh't 1 lists the Seven days of Creation in a chronological order. But the order of events recorded in Beresh't 2 are different. For instance, Adonai Elohim creates Adam before He formed the animals from the ground and brought them to Adam to be named. So, WHY is the order different?
  16. Yahudim

    MJ Only According to Scripture, What is in the Blood?

    We all know, "Life is in the Blood", but what else do we know and how does that impact our understanding and interpretation of scripture?
  17. Yahudim

    The Four Horsemen

  18. Yahudim

    Jesus’ Crucifixion – Nisan 14 in 30 AD or 33 AD?: A Robust Methodology to Determine Julian Dates in

    I have been corresponding with Charles Murphey, an SMU alum, a believer, a seeker, a writer, a Geophysicist and the author of a very interesting book entitled, Jesus’ Crucifixion – Nisan 14 in 30 AD or 33 AD?: A Robust Methodology to Determine Julian Dates in the Late Second Temple Period. But...
  19. Yahudim

    Why You Don't 'Get' the Passover...

    From my blog, "What He Said..." at p-s* (you have to remove the *for the link to work). Do you think you know the Passover? Sure you do. You've familiarized yourself with scripture and expositions authored of the anointed and notable. The Haggadah is memorized and so too...
  20. Yahudim

    When you come into the land...

    Shalom All, There are specific instruction about what to do, "...when you come into the land." There are instruction that preceded those that are to be kept immediately upon hearing them. The purpose of this thread is to identify those commands that Israel was to start keeping, "...when you...