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  1. Kees Boer

    Nuria: The Extraordinary Story You Won't Believe

    This is Nuria telling her amazing story in English! I'm so impressed with her knowing this little girl when she was just five years old to now, a young lady teaching her groups how to read Biblical Hebrew! The reads the Bible daily and shares the Gospel with thousands upon thousands of people!
  2. Kees Boer

    Basics of the Bible, that many don't know

    What is the Bible? Where It Came From & What's In It. This short video will provide an overview to look at the Bible as the original readers would have looked at it. If you have read the Bible for years or you just got started, this is the video to watch!
  3. Kees Boer

    How to do Missionary Work according to The Good Shepherd.

    What is the Parable of the Good Shepherd About? At times this is also called the Parable of the Lost Sheep. If we look at the parable through the Hebrew Culture, we get more insight. In Luke 15, there are three Parables Jesus told about the importance of the lost to the Heart of God. The Scribes...
  4. Kees Boer

    You will never Forget, You Saw this Video! (It took me 50 years before finding out)

    You will never Forget, You Saw this Video! Do I need to repent of my sins to go to heaven? What is the definition of Repentance? Do I need to turn and forsake my sins? Is the message repent and believe? Or is the message to just believe? What does the Bible say about this?
  5. Kees Boer

    How Young were the Disciples of Christ? Answer in the Book of Exodus...

    Uncovering the Age of Jesus' Disciples - What Exodus Reveals! Many people think of Jesus' disciples as old men with a stick and a grey beard. You want to take a few minutes and see from the Book of Exodus how old were these twelve disciples. This is still this way in the modern Hebrew Culture.
  6. Kees Boer

    The Two Prodigal Sons seen with Hebrew Eyes. (Luke 15)

    This is the story of the two prodigal sons. I put a lot of work in this particular video. You will like this video. It has a lot of details in it that show how much God wants us to see people reached with the Gospel. I think the Parable should really be called the Parable of the merciful father...
  7. Kees Boer

    Peace in the midst of the storm

    Hi, I made this short little video of Jesus and the storms on the Lake of Galilee. It's amazing how He applied God's Word to the storms. Watch this short video. You'll be encouraged by it, because all of us go through storms.
  8. Kees Boer

    What does a Roman Crucifixion Entail?

    We talked about what happened during a Roman crucifixion with the missionaries today. You would be surprised. It was the most horrific thing that could happen to you. Watch this short video:
  9. Kees Boer

    What the church is not about....

    This is such an important topic for believers. We're establishing churches here in South America. Look at this video... What the church is not about...
  10. Kees Boer

    Reading the Bible with Middle Eastern Eyes

    Hi, I've changed cultures twice in my life. I'm always amazed at how people in other countries can totally think differently and even interpret what I'm saying differently. And then I interpret what I observe in another country different. It can take decades to truly understand another culture...
  11. Kees Boer

    Are Christmas Trees Pagan according to Jeremiah 10?

    Are Christmas trees pagan according to Jeremiah 10. If they are, we shouldn't use them. But is this what Jeremiah 10 talks about? This is what It says: Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For...
  12. Kees Boer

    How do you get Biblical Wisdom?

    If there is one thing that you want to get, it is Biblical wisdom. You have that, you have a huge amount of understanding. I'm here in a very poor country. A lot of the reason of the poverty is because there is not a lot of Biblical wisdom. Watch this short video and tell me what you think.
  13. Kees Boer

    Upon Which Rock will Christ build His Church.... You might have never heard this!!!

    Take a few minutes and watch this. It's not Protestant. It's not Catholic... But if you were to know the geographical and cultural background of the Passage, it all will make sense. You'll be amazed at what happened here:
  14. Kees Boer

    Bleeding Pimple and sharing the Gospel... (Amazing what happened).

    What do England, a Bleeding Pimple and the BBC have in common. Watch this video. At the end the whole thing will make sense and there is a huge lesson in there for all of us as it relates to sharing the Gospel.
  15. Kees Boer

    Upon which rock will Christ build His Church.... You'll be very surprised!!!

    Upon which rock will Christ build His Church? What are the Gates of Hell? These are questions that churches have fought over for years. But if you look at the Hebrew geographic culture,and the location in Caeasarea Philippi, this is no secret. It's not what you think!!! Watch this very short...
  16. Kees Boer

    Secret of Discipleship

    The Secret to discipleship is to get people into God's Word. We do this by Scripture Songs, memorizing Books out of the Bible (since they were written as Books, not as verses), and daily quiet times. This way God is discipling them.
  17. Kees Boer

    The Most Important Command in the Bible.

    This is the biggest Commandment in the Bible. Jewish children would recite it twice daily during the time of Christ.
  18. Kees Boer

    Three Lands in the Bible and what they Represent... Must see!

    Hi, the Bible, at least most of the Old Testament takes place in three types of lands. The more we understand this, the more we understand what is the thinking behind each of these lands. This very short video (less than 5 minutes) goes over these lands. You want to watch this. Take a few minutes.
  19. Kees Boer

    Bible Teaching

    I would suggest a forum, where we discuss things from the Bible. Could be Old Testament culture. Original languages, How to memorize, etc...
  20. Kees Boer

    I love this song. It's very short, but very motivating.

    This song is very short, but it's very motivating. I wish that folks would sing more songs like this.