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  1. The Liturgist

    The most dangerous conspiracy theory

    Most “conspiracy theories” are dangerous, but one that consistently gets people in trouble is the “Sovereign Citizen” and related “Moorish National” idea, under which people claim to be exempt to various laws and the US constitution. And some, such as the terrorist Darrell Brooks, have even...
  2. The Liturgist

    Unitarian Universalist Church in Albuquerque Appropriates Eastern Orthodox Cross

    This really disturbs me, and I think it would disturb most traditional Christians, to see a central part of the iconography of their tradition abused by Unitarian Universalists in order to make a statement about religious equivalence and syncretism. I have half a mind to send them a letter of...
  3. The Liturgist

    Forgiveness Sunday Thread

    Please forgive me, for I have sinned.
  4. The Liturgist

    The Harrowing of Hell

    Those who enjoy listening to Choral Evensong, which I do on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from St. Thomas Fifth Ave, one of the last of the Anglican churches to preserve that great tradition of a boys’ choir, the majority having succumbed to a combination of liberalism, in abolishing boys...
  5. The Liturgist

    Some interesting theological terms from the Eastern churches

    At times, some members might notice that those such as myself, various Orthodox members like my Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox friends @prodromos @HTacianas @FenderTL5 @dzheremi and other friends of ours such as @ViaCrucis may use a vocabulary somewhat unfamiliar to the average Western...
  6. The Liturgist

    On the important Baptism of Infants

    Of late, my friend @Ain't Zwinglian has posted a number of interesting and important threads defending the practice of the infants and children against the attacks of the credobaptists who believe that only “Believer’s Baptism” of adults, and in some cases, older children or adolescents, is...
  7. The Liturgist

    Which jurisdictions have the most members of Carpatho-Rusyn, Lemko and Ruthenian Greek Catholic descent?

    In the US, while ACROD consists almost entirely of Carpatho-Rusyns, as the name implies, I would not be surprised if the OCA had more members in total, and my understanding is that a great many Rusyns are also members of the ROCOR and even the MP parishes in Western Pennsylvania. Likewise, in...
  8. The Liturgist

    9 year old boy without gender dysphoria “transitioned” contrary to father’s wishes This scenario is precisely what i have been warning about considering the recent legislative zeal to facilitate trans-sexual perversion under the nonsensical pretense of it being the only...
  9. The Liturgist

    A disappointing Christological homily at Guildford Cathedral, and the importance of stressing the deity of Christ

    I particularly like Guildford Cathedral for their music program, and was excited last week to hear a Christological sermon by the celebrant. However, on hearing it, I was disappointed, because rather than stressing the deity of Christ, she managed to inadvertently imply Arianism, through two...
  10. The Liturgist

    Roman Catholic Church in Kentucky Blesses Women in Immoral Relationship This incident demonstrates how Fiducia Supplicans is already being abused to perform what are obviously liturgical blessings, exactly like what the Church of England...
  11. The Liturgist

    First-World Persecution: Implications for Moral Theology

    We are all aware of increasing persecution of Christians for expressing scriptural truth about homosexuality, trans-sexual mutilation, abortion, euthanasia and other issues which have been adopted by certain “progressive” governments, media and major corporations, for example, this incident...
  12. The Liturgist

    Merry Christmas to Coptic, Armenian and Ethiopian Orthodox Christians

    Also I believe the Syriac Orthodox in Jerusalem still use the Julian Calendar.
  13. The Liturgist

    Concerning Chinese, Japanese and Korean Christianity

    This thread is a reply to certain posts concerning Chinese Christianity in my thread on potentially heterodox parishes and local churches, as this formed the basis of an interesting discussion with @bbbbbbb @MarkRohfrietsch and @FireDragon76 which was off-topic to the previous thread: What I...
  14. The Liturgist

    A Historical Reflection on Certain Schisms, both Ancient and Modern

    I am writing this post for the benefit of my friends @Berserk and @tampasteve and is also partially in response to a question asked by our friend @BobRyan I grew up as a Methodist shortly after the merger with the Evangelical United Brethren and the creation of the United Methodist Church...
  15. The Liturgist

    Venerating saints not yet canonized

    I would like to see Pope Benedict XVI, requiscat in pace, memory eternal, be glorified as a saint. Until the RCC officially beatifies and canonizes him, what are the rules concerning his veneration? For example, are Roman Catholics allowed to refer to people not officially canonized or in the...
  16. The Liturgist

    The Church of England has capitulated to the world on gay marriage

    Last week, in a truly devastatingly tragic event, the worst thing to happen in the Church of England in many years, they voted to begin trial blessing services for homosexual marriages, which are of course directly contrary to scripture. In retrospect, it is remarkable that the C of E held out...
  17. The Liturgist

    Koiakh Psalmody

    During the Nativity Fast, or Advent, the Coptic Orthodox Church has a particularly beautiful set of hymns and services known as the Khiakh Psalmody (also spelled Koiakh). @dzheremi , would you be able to brief us on this Psalmody, what Sundays it will be served on (like, does it just happen on...
  18. The Liturgist

    Eusebius of Caesarea

    @dzheremi Last night I was surprised to come across a report that the Syriac Orthodox venerate Eusebius of Caesarea, and apparently believe that he changed his mind, that is to say, repented of Arianism, at the Council of Nicaea, and is on their liturgical calendar. I have not had a chance to...
  19. The Liturgist

    Show me your favorite Iconostasis

    I often have posted photographs of churches I particularly love. I have a large collection of photos of iconostases that I think are stunning, which I thought about sharing, but I would rather see some of your favorites first, and then I will share some of mine, and in this manner we shall...
  20. The Liturgist

    On a brighter note

    My favorite traditional Methodist church, Epworth Chapel on the Green, has affiliated with, but not formally joined, the Free Methodist Church which has formed a grouping for liturgical churches, and is moving faster than the Nazarenes towards restoring Wesleyan Anglican liturgics.