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  1. K

    Imminent Destruction of the United States

    Trump's new policy "Make America Great Again" is the beginning of the message that this nation should turn inward and thereby reduce and stop many of our activities in the rest of the world. This is the fulfillment of this passage in scripture: Ah, you destroyer, who yourself have not been...
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    Imminent Destruction of the United States

    Trump is the beginning of a new policy for the new United States, namely the "Make America Great Again" message. This message of turning our nation inward to seek to better our own affairs is the fulfillment of this prophecy in scripture: Ah, you destroyer, who yourself have not been destroyed...
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    A Woman: A Paragon of Health

    A woman is supposed to be a paragon of health. I have come to this conclusion by a vision of the Lord. And it is sad that we are losing our nutrition in this day and age. You see? If the woman is deficient in her minerals then the child will be born deficient in its minerals. The woman is the...
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    Automatic Cramping in Every Muscle

    Hi, I've been suffering my entire life from this phenomenon that if I tense my muscles in a direct fashion with enough intensity, then my muscles seize and become very hard and very painful. Every day my feet will lock up. If I tense my legs, then my legs all of a sudden lock up very painfully...
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    I'm Single and Content

    I want everyone to know that I'm single, cooking rice for lunch in a motel and I'm content. I trust in God's provision. I know that he will bring me a wife in due time but that I need to get my life together and get things going before those things happen. I'm not even middle-class. I trust in...
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    Why Do Evolutionists Always Battle the Theist and Not the Discussion?

    Every time I've ever seen a debate going on about creation versus evolution. The evolutionists always battle the creationist directly rather than the concepts at hand. If we are discussing the idea that animals all came from the same thing why can't we stick with that idea until the end? But...
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    Yahshua in the Old Testament

    Remember when Yahshua said that "Moses wrote of me"? Here: For if you believed Moses, you would believe me; for he wrote of me. ~John 5:46 Well here is one direct example of this very thing. These were the names of the men whom Moses sent to spy out the land. And Moses called Hoshea the son...
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    For Those in Pain of Loss, There is a Message

    I just saw this and thought I would share it. It seems legitimate. We should definitely ask God! Whether great or small! The message is at 5:12 of the video
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    Consider This Article

    New Genetic Study Seriously Challenges Darwin’s ‘Theory Of Evolution’ They scramble for a new theory of evolution to explain their findings that every single creature appears to have appeared all at once. The blind leading the blind will both fall into a pit but thanks be to God in Jesus Christ...
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    Encouragement What lo! Tis true. Thine own device Ist Peril's Gate, a Heart of Ice Forsooth, to claim the Chance of Dice “Tis tool of mine. Tis not a vice.” Betrays thy mind, thy only blind. And thou must hearken to advice. But ho! Deem not this true for thee! Thy Grace tis shone for all to...
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    Let's All Pray for Donald Trump

    We all know what it says, First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing...
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    A Prose Poem

    A foreword “The idea is density. What one seeks with each stroke of the pen is succinct expression. And when one gains such inspiration, which builds through the glorious satisfaction of having your ideas expressed, then they may go on beyond the everyday by filling their words with dance. This...
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    Emergency! Be Quick to Pray

    There is a great shortage of laborers in God's harvest! Please pray earnestly that he sends out laborers into his harvest. Pray also that we, the children of God, might have strength to escape and stand before the Son of Man! God bless you and make his face to shine upon you. Be sanctified in...
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    The Sounding of the Horn

    The Sounding of the Horn, an Ebook by Kevin Snow I wrote this book concerning the United States in prophecy. It's not meant to be an easy read but it covers many topics. Consider this wisdom literature as well.
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    Writing: The Sounding of the Horn

    The Sounding of the Horn, an Ebook by Kevin Snow As a writer, I've published this book! It's free. Check it out. What other writers are out there?
  16. K

    The Sounding of the Horn

    The Sounding of the Horn, an Ebook by Kevin Snow This is my book which I've published. It is free. If you read it, please discuss it here or somewhere.
  17. K

    The Call to Work

    Let us pursue the Lord. Consider that there are ways in which we can live our lives righteously but since Christ has come, this life has been shown to be nothing. Christ said anyone who seeks to save his life will lose it but anyone who loses his life for Christ's sake will find it. And Paul...
  18. K

    Declaration of Encouragement

    Hi I wanted everyone to know that I'm a 27 year old man and a virgin. I've lived my entire life addicted to pornography and masturbation however and am recently walking free of that addiction. It's been a hard and long battle but currently I am no longer doing those things. I want people to...