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  1. D

    Evangelical Free Church and Evangelical Covenant Church

    These two movements emerged from a movement in Scandinavia of pietism among Lutherans who felt the official Lutheran church was too large. What is the difference between the two denominations, and how did it happen that they emerged in Scandinavian counties? Do they resemble some of the modern...
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    Which Old Testament laws to be observed?

    People have claimed that Christianity only requires observance of moral laws of the Old Testament, but ritual and civil laws are not relevant. But how can a person observe the Ten Commandments without the laws related to their performance and violation in civil law? For example, what penalties...
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    Saved, but what are the consequences of sin?

    If those who accept the idea (not found everywhere in the New Testament, especially Paul) that faith in Jesus accords salvation that can never be removed, what are the consequences of sin and misbehavior in a person's life? A person could easily think there are no consequences, at least no...
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    Jews and Jesus Arrest and Crucifixion

    I still have difficulty understanding how any Christian theology and doctrine could come up with the idea of blaming anybody for the death of Jesus, and build up a case century after century against "the Jews" for killing the messiah when the entire theology of salvation depended on his death...
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    Salvation/Justification Questions of Christian Denominations

    Greetings everyone. I am interested in understanding an explanation of how those denominations that accept eternal salvation through one act of faith in Jesus (such as Baptists) address the issue of people who do not do so but whose lives are moral. Is it claimed that they are nonetheless not...
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    Are Different Denominations Actually Different Religions?

    After some analysis of the main issues concerning several denominations in Christianity, the question has arisen in my mind as to whether in fact there are so many true fundamental doctrinal differences that each could be considered a distinct religion: For example, the Baptist denomination, the...
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    Questions about Wesleyan Denominations

    I have been reading and watching alot about John Wesley and the different churches. It seems to me that Wesley and Whitfield were teaching in a way that did not emphasize structure, ritual, hierarchies of authority, etc. but rather simple faith and moved away from the Anglican system that...
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    Printing Press, Protestantism and Dissenterism

    I have found it extremely interesting how the effects of the printing press and translation of the Bible led to an avalanche of change in religious beliefs for several hundred years, not unlike the effects of the internet today. If I understand correctly, once the Bible was widely available in...
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    Printing Press, Protestantism and Dissenterism

    I have found it extremely interesting how the effects of the printing press and translation of the Bible led to an avalanche of change in religious beliefs for several hundred years, not unlike the effects of the internet today. If I understand correctly, once the Bible was widely available in...
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    Questions about Wesleyan Denominations

    I have been reading and watching alot about John Wesley and the different churches. It seems to me that Wesley and Whitfield were teaching in a way that did not emphasize structure, ritual, hierarchies of authority, etc. but rather simple faith and moved away from the Anglican system that...
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    Creation of Christianity and Scriptures in 4th Century

    As is known, the traditional Jewish texts make no mention of a Jewish movement following someone named Jesus in the first century CE. Not in the Jerusalem Talmud, not in the Babylonia Talmud, not in any Midrash. Outside of the official church narrative and texts in the possession of the Church...
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    Gospels and Jewish law

    As a Jew I have found reading parts of the gospels interesting in terms of how they express what Jewish law requires. I have also been watching a 3 hour dramatization of the Book of John. In most cases I can see that the authors of the gospels were at best only superficially familiar with Jewish...
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    Christians attending Mass daily?

    I was interested in knowing what identifies specifically Catholics, Orthodox, Anglicans who attend Mass every day of the week as opposed to just Sundays, and how this make a difference in their lives.
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    Protestantism, Apostle's Creed etc.

    When I just saw a video story that at the funeral of GHW Bush the congregation recited the Apostles Creed except for Donald and Milenia Trump it made me wonder about something. When Protestant leaders and sects were rejecting so many things of the Catholic religion and theology over the...
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    How do denominational doctrines affect day-to-day life?

    So often we obsess about doctrines and dogmas from an intellectual perspective. However, there's another aspect: how the intellectual teachings impact an adherent's day to day life. How do the differing doctrines and teachings of different Christian denominations impact on how their adherents...
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    What's going to happen now because of McCarrick?

    The fact that Pope Francis has been ignoring the issues of the abuse by priests suggests that the Catholic church will either force him to quit or will break up as a result of the effects of the claims of Cardinal Vigano. What do people feel is the likely outcome of this big stinking mess?!
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    Clarification about Cardinal Siri as chosen Pope 1957?

    With all the scandal and controversy swirling around the Vatican I can't help but wonder again about the events that were apparently hidden concerning the selection of the Pope in 1957, when the white smoke had risen upon the selection of Cardinal Siri as Pope Gregory XVII and then went black...
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    Luke 17 Lepers

    This story of the healing of the lepers is evidence that the author of the gospel was not familiar with Jewish history or theology in such a matter. Tsaraat was not leprosy. According to Judaism tsaraat in the torah was not a physical disease but a sign of the person's sin of baseless slander...
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    Pentecostal Churches

    What are the current theological and other differences among the Church of God, Assemblies of God and Four Square Gospel Church?
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    The Issue of Perseverance/Eternal Security

    I have been fascinated in reading various Christian positions about this issue, although I find it confusing. As I understand it the question is does a person acquire eternal salvation by accepting Jesus as his/her savior once and for all, is it an ongoing process of personal commitment and...