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  1. BryanJohnMaloney

    Steak and bacon

    Why do wives want their steak to be tanned to sole leather stage but their bacon floppy and nearly raw?
  2. BryanJohnMaloney

    Toilet paper, over or under the roll?

    Is toilet paper best loaded to come out over the roll or under? Citing the original patent for a toilet paper roll isn't allowed, for no good reason.
  3. BryanJohnMaloney

    Can we now presume that the Republican Party has definitively rejected States Rights?

    Given the way that the current occupant of the office of the President has determined that he WILL send in Federales to states that don't want them, does that mean that the Republican party now 100% agrees with leftists regarding states rights? That is, states rights can be legitimately ignored...
  4. BryanJohnMaloney

    I haven't gone over the deep end!

    Praise be to the Lord. My father's wife died in March. My father has advanced Parkinson's and cannot care for himself. I have had to move in with him. My wife walked out on me twice since March. We have to come up with a large sum of cash for our daughters to get back to college. I cannot...
  5. BryanJohnMaloney

    A Thanksgiving

    Comforter and King, who reigns above all and is the sole source of all goodness, for these things I thank you. I have eyes that see with little need for assistance. I have a roof over my head at all times unless it is my wish to be outdoors. I have the freedom to go outdoors as I wish. I have...
  6. BryanJohnMaloney

    Three predominant views of the salvific process.

    I think there are four predominant views of the salvific process, that I like to illustrate metaphorically. In all cases, we begin as adrift in the sea, in imminent danger of drowning, nothing to cling to. God as the Happy Party Boat Pilot: God is merrily chugging along, really jolly and...
  7. BryanJohnMaloney

    Is this way out there on the fringe?

    I'm posting here because I don't know where else to post it. Some time ago I attended a congregation that was within the SBC. I understand that SBC is pretty hands off regarding individual congregations, so nothing that I relate ought to reflect on them. Anyway, over the couple of years I...
  8. BryanJohnMaloney

    The problem with realistic RPGs...

    They will either be really dull or characters will be killed a lot. That's the problem with realistic adventure...
  9. BryanJohnMaloney

    I am autistic. Hallelujah!

    Bless the Lord in all His works! I am autistic, Hallelujah! Bless the Lord, my voice, bless the Lord. I am autistic, Hallelujah! Bless the Lord for His redemption. I need no "cure", Hallelujah! Bless the Lord for His sustenance. I am autistic, Hallelujah!
  10. BryanJohnMaloney

    "I have to forgive but I don't have to forget."

    "I have to forgive but I don't have to forget." What ought it mean? What does it really mean when someone makes the effort to say it to you? When is bitterness a virtue?
  11. BryanJohnMaloney

    How do I survive a bitter wife?

    My marriage is dissolving. My wife has flatly told me there is nothing I can do to fix. First, I did wrong her, two years ago. I had an online affair--no physical contact, but it's still an affair. She claimed that she forgave me. I have since been in therapy to the present day and kept my nose...