Search results

  1. TheLordIsMySheperd

    Advice regarding pursuing a calling

    Dear my brothers and sisters, I would like to hear some advice in how to pursue my calling. Perhaps some of you have similar experience, I would like to hear how you navigated through it. I have been going through a long discernment process, and it was confirmed that God gave me gift of...
  2. TheLordIsMySheperd

    Parachurch - Spiritual Formation group?

    Dear my brothers and sisters in Christ, Does somebody know of a parachurch organization of Spiritual Formation group? Perhaps something like Renovare? Either Spiritual Formation or Reflection Small Group that emphasizes deeper fellowship. Many blessings.
  3. TheLordIsMySheperd


    I understand weariness is an attack, spiritual warfare, it's just so hard when I go over it... I just feel so tired... I attribute it mainly because of lacking fellowship (still unable to find fellowship/small group), live far away from people that I know have my back, busy family life, or...
  4. TheLordIsMySheperd

    Discussion Looking for a Spirit-filled with strong exegesis foundation

    Hello my brothers and sisters in Christ, Is there Charismatic or Pentecostal church or denomination (in U.S.) that is: 1. Guided by strong Biblical exegesis principle/foundation in interpreting Holy Spirit revelations. 2. Has ministry similar to Elijah House (inner healing) - Elijah House USA...
  5. TheLordIsMySheperd

    Looking for a church

    Hello my brothers and sisters in Christ, I was wondering, is there a church or denomination in U.S. that fit these criteria: 1. Spirit-filled, but strongly rooted in the Scripture. 2. Accept/value personal revelation, but guided by/based on strong Biblical exegesis principle. 3. Heart focus /...
  6. TheLordIsMySheperd

    Reflection-based small group

    Dear my Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I posted before, asking about koinonia, but as I understand better, now I narrowed down my question. I grew up in a community-minded culture, and now I live in US. Back then I grew up in a reflection small groups. We have fellowship, bible study, and...
  7. TheLordIsMySheperd

    Feel helpless with church situation

    Dear All, I am in the process of recovering from shock and hurt because of a church situation. I participate in the church leadership training program. Whenever I come up with ministry ideas, I always make it to run on core leadership team model (for accountability and unity team spirit). I...
  8. TheLordIsMySheperd

    Mental agony...

    I periodically experience this mental torment, agony. Most of the time it starts around 3pm, sometimes 2pm or 4pm. There is feeling of sadness with no reason, I feel like I want to disappear, and I am so tired of life. Looking at the world who is getting worse and worse... greediness...
  9. TheLordIsMySheperd

    Relational based small group

    Hi, My church doesn't have small group that is relational based. They focus on bible study only. I am looking for a small group that is relational and focus more on spiritual formation. Is there any such inter-church small group like that? Blessings.
  10. TheLordIsMySheperd

    Fragile heart...

    Hi my brothers and sisters, I just want to share what I felt recently as it's getting too much to keep it to myself. --- #1 - I felt my heart is so fragile recently --- I don't know why, my heart has been saddened very easily when I witnessing greed that takes various forms and cause many...
  11. TheLordIsMySheperd

    Padre Pio answer to dilemmatic theology question

    Dear my brothers and sisters in Christ, A while ago I watched the movie "Padre Pio." In that movie, the "Catholic church authorities" (I don't know how I should address them) investigated Padre Pio's divine experience. At one scene, it showed that Padre Pio whispered to one of those authorities...
  12. TheLordIsMySheperd

    Anybody know the answer Padre Pio gave for dilemmatic theology question?

    Dear my brothers and sisters in Christ, A while ago I watched the movie "Padre Pio." In that movie, the "Catholic church authorities" (I don't know how I should address them) investigated Padre Pio divine experience. At one scene, it showed that Padre Pio whispered to one of those authorities...
  13. TheLordIsMySheperd

    Christian Mysticism = Intimacy with God?

    Dear my brothers and sisters in Christ, A little background: I was a Catholic for 21 years, I was baptized during my teenage year. I joined Catholic Charismatic Renewal movement couple years after I was baptized. Then I joined Assembly of God (AOG) church for several years, and after I moved to...
  14. TheLordIsMySheperd

    Discerning sadness and loneliness

    Dear my brothers and sisters in Christ, I would like to get your opinion and advice regarding what I feel in the last several months. A little about me: I was divorced 7 years ago (it was 10 years of marriage), and my ex-wife took our son with her, and I am unable to contact my son (they're...