Search results

  1. Sir Robbins

    Dating apps have filter flaws

    After reading more internet articles and forums regarding christian singles and the reasoning behind so many wanting marriage but cannot find partners, I know of one culprit for certain. Dating apps, even the likes of eHarmony, are flawed when it comes to filtering out one's desires and...
  2. Sir Robbins

    Lolo Jones on turning into a 40 year old you know what...

    It's sad what the world has turned into... Looks like I have a lot to look forward too.
  3. Sir Robbins

    Losing their religion: why US churches are on the decline I'm sure this is nothing new to many of you but their claim of thousands a year seems a bit exaggerated but they are spot on the money with younger generations just not even bothering with attending and it seems to be...
  4. Sir Robbins

    I was fine being single until this virus arrived

    I work in the trade show and live entertainment industry. I am always traveling, exploring and engaging with friends who happen to be coworkers for concerts, shows etc. When I lost all of my work starting on March 10th, it has been devastating in areas I didn't think about before. I was always...
  5. Sir Robbins

    Marriage without a license.....

    Since I have insufficient privileges to post in the "singles asking married people" section (not sure why), I'll ask it here. How many of you would be ok or support someone marrying in front of family, friends and before God but not actually going through with the legality of it? Not getting a...
  6. Sir Robbins

    Prayers needed

    My grandfather whom is 90 is in the hospital and dying. He checked in last Tuesday with pneumonia and I drove to Atlanta from Orlando to see him. They found a blood infection (staph) 3 days ago and although he has cleared both, his heart is too weak to produce enough oxygen for him to maintain...
  7. Sir Robbins

    When will churches and leaders wake up to reality?

    I often read threads from Desiring God which for those of you whom don't know, is compiled of pastors, casual writers and of course, the work of John Piper. Another post was made a few days ago titled "Waiting to Awaken Love". Here is the article Waiting to Awaken Love It appears that many...
  8. Sir Robbins

    Celibate Marriage

    Since I have insufficient privileges to post in "singles asking married people" section (not sure why), I'll ask it here... I do see a fair amount of celibate people on here and while inspiring, I don't ever see them in society (unless just like me, they are very guarded about it). I chose it...
  9. Sir Robbins

    Iron Maiden's take on Isaiah 53

    Isaiah 53 speaks explicitly about Jesus' struggle in the world. Iron Maiden's bassist Steve wrote the lyrics to this Dave Murray musical composition. It comes from their last studio release in 2015, The Book of Souls. It's one of my favorites from their work. They are my favorite band. Here is...
  10. Sir Robbins

    Mothers who admit regretting having children

    I read this earlier today.... Can you imagine being a child of one of these women and knowing this is how they feel? I understand the world is becoming more and more selfish by the day but this is likely one of the lowest blows a parent (whether father or mother) can state. Inside the Growing...
  11. Sir Robbins

    MGTOW and God's purpose

    I'm not sure if many of you know what MGTOW means but it's becoming a more common thing each year that passes. MGTOW stands for "Men Going Their Own Way". It is used to describe men who for any given list of reasons have chosen to go their own way leaving women, children and other things vacant...
  12. Sir Robbins

    The Lone Ranger Christian

    For quite some time, I conversed with my home church pastor via email countless times about scripture and about my curiosity towards certain subjects and topics. One of those subjects was my attitude and absence towards church. I grew up going to this church and the pastor dedicated me there in...
  13. Sir Robbins

    Question about living with someone

    I have heard by numerous people it may be beneficial to live with someone (sleep in separate rooms) prior to marriage to see if your habits and lifestyle are acceptable or compatible to yours. What are your thoughts on this and did anyone or do you know anyone who did this and recommends it? I...
  14. Sir Robbins

    Celibacy for non spiritual reasons

    As we know, celibacy is the choice to remain unmarried. This is an honorable move for those who choose it for the sake of the Kingdom to spread the word of God and help him in every way they can. Some may even be gifted with this while others choose to follow that path. This thread is for the...
  15. Sir Robbins

    Rebellious against getting out

    Have you or are you in some way trying to avoid getting help for your depression or issues? This is something I have learned about myself that I cannot figure out to save my life. There is something that is keeping me from being fixed or even trying to search for an answer. I just don't care and...
  16. Sir Robbins

    Permanent Impotence

    :(I am still after 3 years awaiting any kind of diagnosis on a mysterious disease they think is MS. One of the rather sad and frustrating symptoms is there is permanent nerve damage in the penis and I have not only lost the ability to feel the urge to urinate but have lost the ability for...
  17. Sir Robbins

    For those involuntary celibates

    I want this thread to be taken seriously and understand the points of view from the responding members. We know as Christians that there are those gifted with celibacy and are known in the bible as Eunuchs. Eunuchs are born that way in their mother's womb, some that make themselves Eunuchs and...
  18. Sir Robbins

    Favorite Robin Williams movie and why

    I know this may be touchy to some but it can be both fun and informative. My favorite Robin Williams film is Dead Poet's Society. Not only my favorite Robin Williams film but also my favorite of all time. I related so much to not only Mr. Keating but many of the students and let's not forget...
  19. Sir Robbins

    Saying "I love you" without meaning

    Have you ever said "I love you" when you didn't mean it? Perhaps someone said it to you and it would be weird to not say it back? That has been my situation for several years.... Love was nothing but pain, suffering and abuse in my childhood which is why I live without it now and some relatives...