Search results

  1. FuegoPentecostes

    Prayer Meeting/Service

    Just curious to see, what is a typical prayer service at your church like? I know some churches do this type of thing differently. Does the congregation pray together (as in for the same thing, taking prayer requests, etc.)? Do you pray out loud or silently? Does one person lead the prayers...
  2. FuegoPentecostes

    Powerful Testimony

    This is a video of a pastor telling her wonderful testimony about how she came to the ways of the Lord, I truly have felt moved by the Spirit to share this here on Christian Forums. If you have time, I encourage you to watch and just rejoice and praise God for what He has done with her. My...
  3. FuegoPentecostes

    Holiness Pentecostals: Why Does Everyone Hate Them?

    If you're not familiar with the term "holiness" you may be familiar with "legalistic" or "extremist". They are a small and shrinking group of Pentecostals that still preach the Word of God with power, authority, and fire to all whether people like it or not. They believe in HOLINESS - without...
  4. FuegoPentecostes

    Celebrating Christmas (my parents think I'm in a cult)

    So my church teaches that we should not celebrate Christmas. I realize that there are many God-fearing Christians that simply never know about any of this, but after studying Christmas and it's origins I no longer in good-conscience am choosing to celebrate it. I like this article if anyone's...
  5. FuegoPentecostes

    Don't like the youth of my church . . .

    Ok so this is funny but serious at the same time haha So I've been in my new church for almost a year now, and I do not get along with any of the youth. They have totally different lives from me and I feel whenever I try to get involved with what they're talking about I'm so lost. Sometimes I...
  6. FuegoPentecostes

    Prayer for me and all those trying to beat sexual sin

    I am asking for prayer for myself as I have been for years struggling with the sin of pornography and masturbation. I've been stuck in the sin, ask for forgiveness, "repent", repeat cycle. I truly need deliverance from this and I know the Lord Jesus will break these chains and free me. I want to...
  7. FuegoPentecostes

    I Hate Doubt

    Do you ever doubt that some of the things you see in your pentecostal church are from God??? Sometimes that happens to me . . . and I hate it when that happens. I see videos on youtube sometimes of some CRAZY weird and freaky "pentecostal" services that obviously aren't true pentecostals but...
  8. FuegoPentecostes

    Strange Fire Conference

    Next week will mark the start of John MacArthur's "Strange Fire Conference", where the topic of strange fire found in many charismatic circles will be discussed. It has been made clear that manifestations such as barking like dogs, uncontrollable laughter, and other newer charismatic practices...
  9. FuegoPentecostes

    People get scared . . .

    Have you ever brought a friend to a church service and they get scared? A friend of mine was once looking through photos on my iPod and came across a video I took of my church one day when the Holy Spirit was moving. People were dancing in the spirit and all. My friend, who is a non-practicing...
  10. FuegoPentecostes

    Defending Losing Salvation

    What are the best Bible verses and explanations that defend the belief that one can lose their salvation? Basic Pentecostal doctrine, I know, however I have always gone back and forth between "once saved always saved" and losing salvation. I always just thought it was simple enough to say what...
  11. FuegoPentecostes

    Is it wrong to pray for healing for an animal?

    My dog has been very sick for a long time, no one can figure out what's wrong with her. She has a horrible itch all over her body, she scratches and bites and mutilates herself because of it. Her hairs falling it, she's just miserable. The vet gives her medicine that works for a season, but when...
  12. FuegoPentecostes

    Hand-held instruments in church?

    Does your church allow hand-held instruments within the congregation? Like tambourines and what not? I'm interested to see, it saddens me but I feel like this is a dying practice . . . If your church does allow it, how do you feel about it? I know some people find it annoying. If your church...
  13. FuegoPentecostes

    God is a God of Order

    . . . I know the Bible says this, but I was wondering how you all interpret it. It is a common phrase thrown at Pentecostals to condemn what they do. "Pentecostal services are crazy and orderless, manifestations of demons!!!" This weekend was our Youth Camp for my church (all the churches from...
  14. FuegoPentecostes

    Why Do So Many People Associate Speaking in Tounges With Demons?

    Even people who are educated in the Bible associate speaking in tounges with something evil . . . I never understood it. I know demons can copy-cat the gift of tounges, but so can they with prophecy and many other gifts. Yet Paul makes it clear in 1 Corinthians he spoke in tounges on a regular...
  15. FuegoPentecostes

    Things that annoy you about your church?

    I currently love the church I'm in, however certain things I honestly just shake my head at. Tonight I took my friend to youth service, and I have never been so embarrassed by my church. I was playing the tambourine and my friend (who is Pentecostal) wanted to play, so I let her play! And I look...
  16. FuegoPentecostes

    Have You Ever Seen Demons Cast Out?

    Yesterday at church, there was a man who kept almost drooping over in the middle of worship. He looked weak and was crying, and they went over to pray for him and turns out he had a demon (a "spirit of death" they called it). They started rebuking and rebuking and the man fell to the ground and...
  17. FuegoPentecostes

    Slain in the Spirit Opinions?

    So normally at my church people don't "fall out" in the whole slain in the spirit sort of way. Every once in a while during an altar call one or two people may experience it, but it's something my church doesn't really talk about or necessarily support. Well today we had a guest preacher come...
  18. FuegoPentecostes

    Please Tell Me What Happened?

    So this weekend my church went visiting another one for a youth thing, basically just church services three days in a row focusing on youth issues in the preaching and stuff. Let me tell you, the Holy Spirit was really filling that place! It's an incredibly small church, but we were still going...
  19. FuegoPentecostes

    Settling in a church . . .

    Do you find it easy to settle into a new church/what makes you WANT to settle into any one church? What do you look for? I realize lately that in my family I'm getting the reputation of "church hopper", and unfortunately rightfully so. I've been "settled" in 3 different churches in the past...
  20. FuegoPentecostes

    Do you ever feel STRONG conviction against TV Pastors?

    Tonight I was channel-surfing and came across the Pastor Danny Davis, and I started watching. He was asking people to call for "No Evil Oil", something He said the Lord told Him would heal you. He was one of those guys, every other second it was "The Lord told me, God told me, etc". He was...