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    Question for Reformed

    Hi all, I've been trying to get an answer from a Reformed perspective on this issue, but most of the answers I find online tend to be from somebody who already has a hostile attitude to Reformed theology, so I wanted to get the "straight dope" as it were. How would a Reformed Christian answer...
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    Orthodoxy - Chesterton

    I just finished reading Chesterton's Orthodoxy. Much has already been written about how great an author he was, I will say I throughly enjoyed it. Particularly his argument that free will is important in understanding Christianity and how Catholicism does not make things gray, but rather holds...
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    I was wondering what the LCMS and WELS view is about the use of contraception (between married couples, it goes without saying it would be sinful as part of fornication). I've become convinced that the use of contraception, even between couples, can be viewed as objectively sinful. For a...
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    Sandy hook vigil

    Lutheran Pastor Apologizes for Praying at Newtown... | Christianity Today I watched the video of what Pastor Morris said at the vigil for Sandy Hook victims. (Newtown Connecticut Interfaith Vigil Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting (December 16, 2012) [6/6] - YouTube 04:30) I did not hear him say...
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    Who's a moderate?

    I'm pretty sure I'm a moderate, but I'm not sure who "qualifies" as one. I'm open to most of the findings of higher criticism. I'm not sure of the origins of life, but I'm definitely not a young-earth creationist. I'm opposed to the ordination of women and gay pastors. I wouldn't call a...
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    A Catholic book on free will.

    Greetings all, I want to know if there's a book by any Catholic theologians that are written about free will from the RC perspective. Does anybody have a few good titles? Thanks, Bach90
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    Question about Mosaic authorship.

    Hey everyone, I have a question I've been struggling with over the past month. I certainly believe that the entire Bible is without error and that it is the sole norm and rule of faith. However it's getting tougher and tougher for me to see the Pentateuch as being authored entirely by Moses...
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    Book of Sirach - Commentary

    Hi everyone, I'm not Roman catholic, but I figured this would be the best place to ask this question. I'm looking for a good commentary on the book of Sirach (Ecclesiasticus). I don't mind if it's a bit dry as long as it's accurate. Anybody know of one? Thanks.
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    My new blog.

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    NRSV v ESV

    So I'm aware how the NRSV typically gets labelled as being for liberals, and how the ESV is for conservatives...but I've noticed there are some important passages where the NRSV gives a better reading than the ESV. John 20:22-23 - ESV And when he had said this, hebreathed on them and said to...
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    I am speechless

    I came across this article; disgusting, disturbing, and an affront to human life as we know it. More Teens Seeking Gender Identity Treatment in Australia When I read these stories, and just how far humanity is engineering itself away from God, I am convinced that we are in the end of days.
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    I've begun taking a fresh look at the books of the Apocrypha, having been familiar with them when I used to be RC but having put them aside for the better part of a year. I've been wondering whether it's confessional to look at certain books of the Apocrypha as having for value than others. I've...
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    Small Catechism - Office of the Keys

    I was looking at the Small Catechism in the sticky section and saw that it was missing the office of the keys. I've seen this in some printed editions as well (one on my e-book). What's up with that? :confused:
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    I've been thinking of an issue lately. Can a confessional Lutheran be a pacifist? I don't deny that the state has the right, even the duty, to provide for the physical safety of its' citizens and I don't deny that the state has recourse to deadly force in protecting innocent lives. However in...
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    So I'm not looking for a debate, but an honest answer without the polemics. I hang out at the local Christian club on my campus, and we all get along pretty well. There's members of the AoG, Methodist, Lutherans, and a few Presbyterian Christians. One thing I can't understand, what exactly...
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    Bible Version

    Which Bible version do you prefer to use?