Search results

  1. fschmidt

    Religion is necessary, but not sufficient, for morality

    Both Christianity and Islam have produced successful cultures. But today, both fail. Islam failed some time ago and Christian nations are in obvious decline today. So what changed? The religious texts and early writings have not changed. I believe that intelligence and morality has dropped...
  2. fschmidt

    Hello again

    I was active on this forum years ago, but gave up when I realized that most Christians will never take Romans 12:2 seriously. I view modern culture as pure evil and I was seeking an alternative. The only real alternatives that I found are traditional Anabaptists (who aren't on this forum) and...
  3. fschmidt

    Is Islam moral?

    I am familiar with both Islam and traditional Christianity, and I see very little moral difference between them. I personally follow the Old Testament and I am not Muslim or Christian, so I think I am unbiased. If you see a significant difference, please tell me what it is. I have talked to...
  4. fschmidt

    Do you follow the New Testament?

    I am not Christian, I follow the Old Testament. I attend mosque because it seems to me that many Muslims understand and follow the Quran. I gave up on Christians because they do not follow the New Testament. It seems to me that members of a religion should follow their own scripture, and if...
  5. fschmidt

    Questions for conservative Christians

    I am curious about conservative Christians, so I have a few questions... Do you keep the Sabbath? What do you think justifies divorce? What are your standards of dress for public modesty? Should the sexes be mixed or separated in religious service? Do you have television in your home...
  6. fschmidt

    Separate Seating

    I would like to know if any Messianic synagogues/churches have separate seating for men and women? Orthodox Judaism does this, as do traditional Anabaptists. Why Separate Men and Women in the Synagogue? - The Mechitzah Partition - Wisdom & Teachings My Beloved Mechitzah - Inner & Outer...
  7. fschmidt

    Jesus's Divinity?

    I am still trying to understand Messianic Judaism. Do all Messianics consider Jesus to be divine, or are there some groups who do not and only consider Jesus to be the Messiah?
  8. fschmidt

    Ethnically Jewish?

    I am trying to understand what Messianic Judaism is. Are most members ethnically Jewish? Can a non-Jew easily join Messianic Judaism?
  9. fschmidt

    The Old Testament for Christians

    I am looking for feedback on something I wrote which is copied below. I don't know much about Messianic Judaism but I just ran into a Messianic blog about keeping the Torah, and that inspired me to post here. What I wrote below was written with Orthodox Christians in mind, but I am curious to...
  10. fschmidt

    The Old Testament for Christians

    I am looking for feedback on something I wrote which is copied below. In particular, I would like to know if anything I wrote conflicts with Orthodox Christianity in any way. Q. What is the Old Testament? A. The Old Testament is God's ethics explained in a collection of many types...
  11. fschmidt

    Best of the Old Testament

    I am trying to organize a study group for the Old Testament based on weekly readings, and I came up with the schedule below. Do you think I covered the best of the Old Testament in this list? Week 1: Genesis 1-4 Week 2: Genesis 6-9 Week 3: Genesis 11-14 Week 4: Genesis 15-17 Week 5...
  12. fschmidt

    Scoring Religions

    Since this is a place to discuss different religions, I would like to know how people here would score religions that they know on a scale of -10 to +10? A negative score means that you would prefer being isolated to joining that religious community, and a positive score means that you would...
  13. fschmidt

    If you reject modern culture...

    If you reject modern culture, I would like your feedback on my website Act Biblically. If you like modern culture, please do not participate in this thread. I am planning to start a meetup in El Paso, where I live, based on these ideas and I would like feedback before doing this.
  14. fschmidt

    Considering Islam

    My experience on this forum has convinced me that I should seriously consider Islam. If any Muslims on this forum have suggestions for me, please contact me privately. I plan to start by reading the Haleem translation of the Quran.
  15. fschmidt

    Faith and Reason Across Religions

    I am looking for feedback on a post on my site. I am not trying spam this forum, I just want honest feedback about my classification of various religions in this post. In particular, there is a table in the post which classifies religions and I would like to know if there are any obvious...
  16. fschmidt

    Following the Old Testament

    I would just like to get some Christian feedback on this website: Open Karaite The basic idea is to have a place for all those who follow the Old Testament regardless of their other beliefs. Jesus and Muhammad are examples of people who followed the Old Testament, and I am hoping that...
  17. fschmidt

    Denominations that reject sola fide

    Which denominations reject sola fide (justification by faith alone, works don't count)? I think Catholics and Eastern Orthodox do, right? Any others?
  18. fschmidt

    Obeying Torah Law?

    I would like to know which Christian sects feel compelled to abide by the Old Testament laws, particularly the ten commandments? I don't care what the reasoning is, I'm just curious about who feels compelled to behave morally as God requested in the Torah. I know that Jesus felt compelled to...
  19. fschmidt

    Old Testament versus New Testament

    Which is more important to study and why?
  20. fschmidt

    Sola Fide (faith alone)

    What is the Messianic position on Sola Fide (faith alone)?