I am seeking answers on multiple questions about Christianity as a muslim that is curious and lost


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For years, I've been questioning my faith as a Muslim. After leaving Islam and drifting into agnosticism, I felt profoundly lost. However, during Ramadan last year, I rediscovered God and returned to Islam. Yet, despite feeling a connection with God in my heart, I find myself struggling to maintain consistent religious practice and connection with Islam as a religion. Recently, I've found myself drawn to Christianity, intrigued by its teachings. While watching a video that concluded with a call to salvation, I experienced a stirring in my heart, prompting me to explore this newfound interest further.

But I have so many questions and I can’t find an answer that satisfies me so I thought I would email as many churches and religious figures and access as many religious platforms as possible to seek an array of answers and perhaps gain some closure.

1. Regarding the difference between Jesus in Islam and Christianity, how do Christians reconcile the concept of Jesus being the Son of God with the belief in monotheism?

2. I watched a video by Bishop Mari Mari where he mentioned that Mohammed couldn't speak about Jesus like John did because he didn't witness him firsthand. How does this rationale apply to other authors in the Bible who also didn't directly witness Jesus?

3. If prophets like Abraham and Moses were sent by God, what was their purpose if not to bring the message of God, if God had previously only ever sent messengers why can’t Jesus be a messenger too?

4. How does hellfire and heaven work in Christianity?

5. Can you elaborate on the differences between Christian denominations and how they interpret various aspects of the faith?

6. How does Christianity address the existence of evil and suffering in the world, especially in the context of a loving and all-powerful God?

7. How does prayer work in Christianity, and what is its significance in the life of a believer? Do Christians have the same concept as the 5 daily prayers?

8. How do Christians explain the theological significance of Jesus being referred to as the Son of God and its implications for their faith?

9. Why should I choose Christianity and not Islam? What makes Christianity true and completely debunks Islam?

I have had a sudden pull to Jesus and christ these last couple days, I am not sure if it is a sense of belonging or the holy spirit coming to me but I would really appreciate my questions being answered. Thank you for your time.

Reluctant Theologian

Jul 13, 2021
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I'll try to reply in stages :)

1) God is one/prime ... and God relates to us as a Father, so GOD = the Father ... God is invisible, a spirit, yet he brought forth/begot Yeshua who has born as a human being to be the literal Son of God. Yeshua already existed in some form with God before his birth and even before Creation, yet He is in submission to God the Father .. Yeshua is the visible imprint/expression of GOD (who himself is invisible). A simple analogy here: I'm human, so my children are human also (= made from the same substance) but they're not the same identity as I am. The same for God (= the Father) and Yeshua as the Son of God. The Apostle John said that no one has ever seen God (which is true), and Yeshua himself said: 'he who has seen me, has seen the Father'. We see GOD (=the Father) through Yeshua.

2) Most if not all Bible authors would have been spiritually directed/guided by God's spirit or would have had revelations by God. The Apostle John and Peter were indeed eyewitnesses themselves. The Apostle Paul had a personal supernatural encounter with Yeshua when he was travelling on his way to Damascus. God can directly reveal His words or will to others than just direct eyewitnesses (e.g. many former muslims have experienced dreams about God and Yeshua).

3) A prophet indeed is a messenger who is supposed to bring literally the words of God to the people. Moses was a prophet and there were many others before Yeshua's time. And indeed, Yeshua himself also is a prophet because he stated that everything he did or say was because God directed him to do so. But His words show he was much more than just a human prophet. A virgin birth (just as also Islam professes), filled by God's Spirit, without any sin at all in His life on earth, obedient to His Father into His death on the cross (which Islam officially denies, but lack credibility in this denial), resurrected back to life of the 3rd day, and ascended into Heaven where He sits at the right hand of God.

More for some other time ... feel free to ask or comment on what you don't understand or may disagree with - be blessed in your search for His truth!
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Jul 9, 2018
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For years, I've been questioning my faith as a Muslim. After leaving Islam and drifting into agnosticism, I felt profoundly lost. However, during Ramadan last year, I rediscovered God and returned to Islam. Yet, despite feeling a connection with God in my heart, I find myself struggling to maintain consistent religious practice and connection with Islam as a religion. Recently, I've found myself drawn to Christianity, intrigued by its teachings. While watching a video that concluded with a call to salvation, I experienced a stirring in my heart, prompting me to explore this newfound interest further.

But I have so many questions and I can’t find an answer that satisfies me so I thought I would email as many churches and religious figures and access as many religious platforms as possible to seek an array of answers and perhaps gain some closure.

1. Regarding the difference between Jesus in Islam and Christianity, how do Christians reconcile the concept of Jesus being the Son of God with the belief in monotheism?

2. I watched a video by Bishop Mari Mari where he mentioned that Mohammed couldn't speak about Jesus like John did because he didn't witness him firsthand. How does this rationale apply to other authors in the Bible who also didn't directly witness Jesus?

3. If prophets like Abraham and Moses were sent by God, what was their purpose if not to bring the message of God, if God had previously only ever sent messengers why can’t Jesus be a messenger too?

4. How does hellfire and heaven work in Christianity?

5. Can you elaborate on the differences between Christian denominations and how they interpret various aspects of the faith?

6. How does Christianity address the existence of evil and suffering in the world, especially in the context of a loving and all-powerful God?

7. How does prayer work in Christianity, and what is its significance in the life of a believer? Do Christians have the same concept as the 5 daily prayers?

8. How do Christians explain the theological significance of Jesus being referred to as the Son of God and its implications for their faith?

9. Why should I choose Christianity and not Islam? What makes Christianity true and completely debunks Islam?

I have had a sudden pull to Jesus and christ these last couple days, I am not sure if it is a sense of belonging or the holy spirit coming to me but I would really appreciate my questions being answered. Thank you for your time.

This is likely to turn into a long discussion but here we go. When we say that Jesus is the Son of God we mean that he is the Word of God. The Word of God is God's Divine and Creative power. The Word, being a power of God, is in fact God. The book of John begins, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God". It is through His Word that God creates and sustains all things. The Word of God is also considered to be the first begotten Son of God. Just as you are a generation of your parents, the Word is generated from God. Your relationship to your parents is the same as the relationship between God and His Word.

The other Divine Power of God is His Holy Spirit. It is through the Holy Spirit that God reigns over His creation. So God has a creative Power, and a regent Power. It is God the Father and His two Divine Powers that we refer to as the Trinity.

You ask why could Jesus not be considered a messenger as well, and that has a simple answer. Jesus was -and is- in fact a messenger of God, but not like the purely human messengers who came before him. The Christian bible states, "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel..." Note that an angel is a messenger. An archangel is a chief messenger. Jesus is the chief messenger of God.

Christianity has always had three daily prayers, much like Islam's five daily prayers. These is an ancient writing called the Didache that has been a part of Christianity but was not included in the bible. The Didache says of the Lord's Prayer, "Thrice in the day thus pray".

We can continue this if you like. I'll even tell you why I personally never became Muslim.
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d taylor

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Oct 16, 2018
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For years, I've been questioning my faith as a Muslim. After leaving Islam and drifting into agnosticism, I felt profoundly lost. However, during Ramadan last year, I rediscovered God and returned to Islam. Yet, despite feeling a connection with God in my heart, I find myself struggling to maintain consistent religious practice and connection with Islam as a religion. Recently, I've found myself drawn to Christianity, intrigued by its teachings. While watching a video that concluded with a call to salvation, I experienced a stirring in my heart, prompting me to explore this newfound interest further.

But I have so many questions and I can’t find an answer that satisfies me so I thought I would email as many churches and religious figures and access as many religious platforms as possible to seek an array of answers and perhaps gain some closure.

1. Regarding the difference between Jesus in Islam and Christianity, how do Christians reconcile the concept of Jesus being the Son of God with the belief in monotheism?

2. I watched a video by Bishop Mari Mari where he mentioned that Mohammed couldn't speak about Jesus like John did because he didn't witness him firsthand. How does this rationale apply to other authors in the Bible who also didn't directly witness Jesus?

3. If prophets like Abraham and Moses were sent by God, what was their purpose if not to bring the message of God, if God had previously only ever sent messengers why can’t Jesus be a messenger too?

4. How does hellfire and heaven work in Christianity?

5. Can you elaborate on the differences between Christian denominations and how they interpret various aspects of the faith?

6. How does Christianity address the existence of evil and suffering in the world, especially in the context of a loving and all-powerful God?

7. How does prayer work in Christianity, and what is its significance in the life of a believer? Do Christians have the same concept as the 5 daily prayers?

8. How do Christians explain the theological significance of Jesus being referred to as the Son of God and its implications for their faith?

9. Why should I choose Christianity and not Islam? What makes Christianity true and completely debunks Islam?

I have had a sudden pull to Jesus and christ these last couple days, I am not sure if it is a sense of belonging or the holy spirit coming to me but I would really appreciate my questions being answered. Thank you for your time.
God is one who exist in three Person's Father/Son/Holy Spirit

It is not a choice. Jesus in The New Testament presents Himself as The Promised Messiah/ So of God. these two names are identifying Jesus, they are not two different names or two different people.

So if you read the Bible, especially The Gospel of John and you believe Jesus is who He say He is the resurrection and the life, the promised Messiah/Son of God. Then you become a permanent born again child of God.

A very Good site that has many free writings on Christianity https://faithalone.org/

Here is their youtube page. https://www.youtube.com/user/GESvids
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2023
United States
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For years, I've been questioning my faith as a Muslim. After leaving Islam and drifting into agnosticism, I felt profoundly lost. However, during Ramadan last year, I rediscovered God and returned to Islam. Yet, despite feeling a connection with God in my heart, I find myself struggling to maintain consistent religious practice and connection with Islam as a religion. Recently, I've found myself drawn to Christianity, intrigued by its teachings. While watching a video that concluded with a call to salvation, I experienced a stirring in my heart, prompting me to explore this newfound interest further.

But I have so many questions and I can’t find an answer that satisfies me so I thought I would email as many churches and religious figures and access as many religious platforms as possible to seek an array of answers and perhaps gain some closure.

1. Regarding the difference between Jesus in Islam and Christianity, how do Christians reconcile the concept of Jesus being the Son of God with the belief in monotheism?

2. I watched a video by Bishop Mari Mari where he mentioned that Mohammed couldn't speak about Jesus like John did because he didn't witness him firsthand. How does this rationale apply to other authors in the Bible who also didn't directly witness Jesus?

3. If prophets like Abraham and Moses were sent by God, what was their purpose if not to bring the message of God, if God had previously only ever sent messengers why can’t Jesus be a messenger too?

4. How does hellfire and heaven work in Christianity?

5. Can you elaborate on the differences between Christian denominations and how they interpret various aspects of the faith?

6. How does Christianity address the existence of evil and suffering in the world, especially in the context of a loving and all-powerful God?

7. How does prayer work in Christianity, and what is its significance in the life of a believer? Do Christians have the same concept as the 5 daily prayers?

8. How do Christians explain the theological significance of Jesus being referred to as the Son of God and its implications for their faith?

9. Why should I choose Christianity and not Islam? What makes Christianity true and completely debunks Islam?

I have had a sudden pull to Jesus and christ these last couple days, I am not sure if it is a sense of belonging or the holy spirit coming to me but I would really appreciate my questions being answered. Thank you for your time.
Hey Girl. :)
Would you mind if I Personal Message you?
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Nov 21, 2008
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For years, I've been questioning my faith as a Muslim. After leaving Islam and drifting into agnosticism, I felt profoundly lost. However, during Ramadan last year, I rediscovered God and returned to Islam. Yet, despite feeling a connection with God in my heart, I find myself struggling to maintain consistent religious practice and connection with Islam as a religion. Recently, I've found myself drawn to Christianity, intrigued by its teachings. While watching a video that concluded with a call to salvation, I experienced a stirring in my heart, prompting me to explore this newfound interest further.

But I have so many questions and I can’t find an answer that satisfies me so I thought I would email as many churches and religious figures and access as many religious platforms as possible to seek an array of answers and perhaps gain some closure.
Welcome. We want to be helpful.
1. Regarding the difference between Jesus in Islam and Christianity, how do Christians reconcile the concept of Jesus being the Son of God with the belief in monotheism?
One God (Deuteronomy 6:4) in three persons (Matt 28:19) because the concept of "God" is higher than "person". They are one in purpose and one in what they want to promote - but it goes much beyond that since they are infinite in being and go beyond what we can fathom in their unity.
2. I watched a video by Bishop Mari Mari where he mentioned that Mohammed couldn't speak about Jesus like John did because he didn't witness him firsthand. How does this rationale apply to other authors in the Bible who also didn't directly witness Jesus?
Jesus "appeared" to Paul personally -- and has shown himself to others such as Stephen in the book of Acts.

However that is not the reason that Mohammed is not considered by Christians to be inspired. Anyone who claims God is teaching a doctrine that turns out to be a false doctrine - cannot be inspired.

In Acts 17:11 non-Christian Jews and gentiles "test Paul" and are approved for doing so - as the text says "they searched the scriptures daily to SEE IF those things spoken by Paul - were so"

IN Mark 7:7-13 Christ condemns Jewish leaders that "set aside the commandments of God to teach the tradition of men". He says "in vain do they worship Me - teaching for doctrine - the commandments of men".

3. If prophets like Abraham and Moses were sent by God, what was their purpose if not to bring the message of God, if God had previously only ever sent messengers why can’t Jesus be a messenger too?
Jesus claimed to be the Son of God - no other prophet did that. John 10:35
Jesus said "I and the Father are ONE" - no other prophet did that. John 10:30
Jesus said "if you have seen Me you have seen the Father" - John 14 -- no other prophet claimed that
Jesus said He existed "before the World was - WITH the Father" - John 17 -- no other prophet claimed that
Jesus proved His claims by raising the dead , raising Himself from the dead, ascending bodily into heaven - no other prophet did that
Jesus allowed His followers to call Him "my lord and my God" John 20:28 -- no other prophet allowed that.

John 10:

25 Jesus answered them, “I told you, and you do not believe; the works that I do in My Father’s name, these testify of Me. 26 But you do not believe, because you are not of My sheep. 27 My sheep listen to My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; 28 and I give them eternal life, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand. 29 My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand. 30 I and the Father are one.
31 The Jews picked up stones again to stone Him. 32 Jesus replied to them, “I showed you many good works from the Father; for which of them are you stoning Me?” 33 The Jews answered Him, “We are not stoning You for a good work, but for blasphemy; and because You, being a man, make Yourself out to be God.” 34 Jesus answered them, “Has it not been written in your Law: ‘I said, you are gods’? 35 If he called them gods, to whom the word of God came (and the Scripture cannot be nullified), 36 are you saying of Him whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, ‘You are blaspheming,’ because I said, ‘I am the Son of God’?
4. How does hellfire and heaven work in Christianity?
Some (like the John Stott and also those in my denomination) - see the Rev 20 lake of fire as 'hell fire' - where it is not only real fire burning the earth and burning the lost - but also it is supernatural as Luke 12 states - where each one is tormented precisely the amount due to sin.

So it does not happen until after the 1000 years of Rev 20 concludes - a period of time
which starts at the moment Christ appears as stated in Rev 19.

-- and concludes as Jesus said in Matt 10:28 "do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul, rather fear Him who is able to destroy BOTH body and soul in fiery hell"
5. Can you elaborate on the differences between Christian denominations and how they interpret various aspects of the faith?
ok that would take a long time - there are many different denominations and kinds of differences. But all of them claim to accept the Bible only some of them discard the Old Testament and others do not. Still there are a lot of differences even within those two divisions.
6. How does Christianity address the existence of evil and suffering in the world, especially in the context of a loving and all-powerful God?
God sovereignly chose free will for all the intelligent beings that He made. So starting with Lucifer in heaven (who later became satan) -- He allowed that perfect angelic being to fail, to choose evil, to deceive 1/3 of the angels in heaven (Rev 12), to come to Earth tempt Adam and Eve to fall. He has allowed free will for a long time -- but sets boundaries to it - since when this is all ended - all the universe will love and serve God not out of fear but out of love.
7. How does prayer work in Christianity, and what is its significance in the life of a believer? Do Christians have the same concept as the 5 daily prayers?
Colossians 4 says to "pray without ceasing" - we should always be in some form of attitude of prayer and yes we do have morning and evening worship in our families etc. But it is not a ritual like the 5 daily prayers in Islam.
8. How do Christians explain the theological significance of Jesus being referred to as the Son of God and its implications for their faith?
He is infinite God without a beginning - He is not created, He is equal in power, wisdom and infinite existence with the Father and the Holy Spirit, but He operates as the go-between - between infinite God and all finite beings (which all non-God finite beings are -- no one is infinite but God)
9. Why should I choose Christianity and not Islam? What makes Christianity true and completely debunks Islam?
Christianity has a perfect start, a perfect ending, a personal God of love who offers full pardon and forgiveness of sins. It is realistic i that it declares that all have sinned, all have a sinful nature, all need forgiveness. Then in the form of the Gospel it offers forgiveness to "whosoever will".

It does not call for hate toward anyone - not toward Jews or muslims or Hindus etc. It does not call for holy war. It does not conquer or make converts by force -- other than in an apostate form - since there has been no legitimate theocracy after Israel ended.
I have had a sudden pull to Jesus and christ these last couple days, I am not sure if it is a sense of belonging or the holy spirit coming to me but I would really appreciate my questions being answered. Thank you for your time.
John 16 - Jesus said "the Holy Spirit convicts the WORLD of sin and righteousness and judgment"
John 12:32 Jesus said "I draw ALL mankind unto Me"

God Himself is drawing you personally to the Gospel "Good news" of salvation.

Please choose to accept it.

You have nothing to lose. Accept it full on 100% if a year later you decide to do something else you are free to do so - but give this a serious shot as it makes all the difference in the world.

Peace be unto you.

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Richard T

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Mar 25, 2018
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You ask some great questions. There are some nice responses already but I will add to this question.

Why should I choose Christianity and not Islam? What makes Christianity true and completely debunks Islam?

Christianity is different from all other religions in that it is a gift from God. Jesus was offered as a sacrifice for sinful man. There is no other way to God. The question becomes how can you know the Christian path is true? God has to show you. The urge you feel, the draw is the Holy Spirit calling. It is not a one time thing, it is not a work you have to do, it is a relationship calling you to join the kingdom of God as a daughter. You become an heir of God, a joint heir with Jesus. Everyone has a human spirit, a body and a mind. To become a Christian believer your human spirit is reborn by your faith and God's grace. From this you are in a whole new dimension, one that is supernatural. How this manifests can vary but you will be able to directly hear from God, to have all God's attributes touch your life, not just for you but to also help others. Such a relationship is amazing and should not be confused with superficial Christianity where very little occurs, if any at all. I have witnessed God moving so many times, it is impossible for me to deny not only God's existence but also this pathway to His kingdom with all the privileges and sacrifices to follow.

Tonight in prayer I was impressed by the scripture Rom 8:11 "If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you." Scriptures like this are real. God's life and love are so real to a true Christian. His help is real, his word is real. The bible is literally living and active, it is not a dry thing that ceases to speak, no it brings life to others where they need it. This relationship becomes undeniable as you have access to God who actually wants to be the most important part of your life.

I am glad to see you do not this casually. it is life changing and destiny changing. IF God could save any other way other than as Jesus as sacrifice, He would have done it. But man's sin required a sinless sacrifice, a prophet would simply can not do. So Jesus humbled himself and became a man to extend the invitation to humans to come back to fellowship with God, commune with Him and dwell with Him forever. I pray you can take that step of faith. Faith that comes from God calling you, faith that shows that true Christianity is the right way. There are so many signs, and as you are seeking you will find many personal ones that you will not forget.

God bless you always!
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Jun 21, 2023
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Why should I choose Christianity

Its because if you were the only person on the earth, the only one on the planet, God would still have sent Jesus for you.

CHRISTianity, is not about doing and doing and dong... to be accepted by God.. Its about God's Love accepting you because His Love is Unconditional Love.

Real Christianity is about : Eternal MERCY that comes from God that is undeserved.

CHRISTianity, is built on the Truth and its built on the Love of God. Its foundation is not what you do, its what God has done for you, and because HE DID IT for you.... Christianity can never fail you.

CHRISTianity, is God sending His only begotten Son, so that through the Cross of Christ, we can come home to God the Father, forever.
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Just me
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Regarding the difference between Jesus in Islam and Christianity, how do Christians reconcile the concept of Jesus being the Son of God with the belief in monotheism?

The Bible presents God as one, meaning in unity. It does not overall, if an in-depth study is done present God as an individual personality, there is the Father the Son (John 1:1) and Holy Spirit (Mat 28:19). To further complicate this the Holy Spirit is depicted as seven individual personalities (Zec 4:10, and various places in Revelations). But these members are so in unity that they are depicted as one God.​
I watched a video by Bishop Mari Mari where he mentioned that Mohammed couldn't speak about Jesus like John did because he didn't witness him firsthand. How does this rationale apply to other authors in the Bible who also didn't directly witness Jesus?

All authors in the Bible experienced God in some way. So they had direct communication with God. As an example Isaiah prophecied of Jesus death to save us from sin, 800 years before Jesus came. In Chapter 53:​

Isa 53:1-12 Who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed? For He shall grow up before Him as a tender plant, And as a root out of dry ground. He has no form or comeliness; And when we see Him, There is no beauty that we should desire Him. He is despised and rejected by men, A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him; He was despised, and we did not esteem Him. Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, every one, to his own way; And the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed and He was afflicted, Yet He opened not His mouth; He was led as a lamb to the slaughter, And as a sheep before its shearers is silent, So He opened not His mouth. He was taken from prison and from judgment, And who will declare His generation? For He was cut off from the land of the living; For the transgressions of My people He was stricken. And they made His grave with the wicked—But with the rich at His death, Because He had done no violence, Nor was any deceit in His mouth. Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise Him; He has put Him to grief. When You make His soul an offering for sin, He shall see His seed, He shall prolong His days, And the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in His hand. He shall see the labor of His soul, and be satisfied. By His knowledge My righteous Servant shall justify many, For He shall bear their iniquities. Therefore I will divide Him a portion with the great, And He shall divide the spoil with the strong, Because He poured out His soul unto death, And He was numbered with the transgressors, And He bore the sin of many, And made intercession for the transgressors.​

If prophets like Abraham and Moses were sent by God, what was their purpose if not to bring the message of God, if God had previously only ever sent messengers why can’t Jesus be a messenger too?

Jesus and his disciples show that He is God in the flesh. There are many scriptures that show this, as an example:​
Col 2:9 For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily;​

How does hellfire and heaven work in Christianity?

The person who rejects Jesus and His offer of salvation will spend eternity in hell fire. One can not have a different religion and be saved. A person must not delight in sin, but in doing good, for God is good.​

Can you elaborate on the differences between Christian denominations and how they interpret various aspects of the faith?

There are some that are basically cults, like Mormons, and Jehovah’s Witnessses, these falsify the message of Jesus. Then others have differences based on the interpretation of Scriptures, some believe in an idea called Predestination (where God chooses our destiny) or free will (where our actions determine our salvation).​

How does Christianity address the existence of evil and suffering in the world, especially in the context of a loving and all-powerful God?

My interpretation is that for God to allow people to have free choices, that means they can also choose to do evil. Some suffering is caused by God’s judgment on sins.​

How does prayer work in Christianity, and what is its significance in the life of a believer? Do Christians have the same concept as the 5 daily prayers?

Prayer is for a few reasons:​

To strengthen us to not sin:
Mar 14:38 Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak."​

To have our prayers answered:

Mar 11:23 For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be removed and be cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.​

How do Christians explain the theological significance of Jesus being referred to as the Son of God and its implications for their faith?

As referenced earlier God is more than one member, how Jesus is God’s son is not really known, is is more just a title based upon HIm becoming a man, as such He was a "son".​

Why should I choose Christianity and not Islam? What makes Christianity true and completely debunks Islam?

The Bible presents God as love. He wants us to love one another. Stating things like:​

Mat 5:44 But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,​
Luk 6:27 "But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,​
Luk 6:35 But love your enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High. For He is kind to the unthankful and evil.​

Muhammad on the other hand acted in a fleshly human way, taking revenge on his enemies, and was involved in sexual sins, such as forced marriages, and rapes. Showing he was not of God but just a man.​
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Sir Joseph

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Nov 18, 2018
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For years, I've been questioning my faith as a Muslim. After leaving Islam and drifting into agnosticism, I felt profoundly lost. However, during Ramadan last year, I rediscovered God and returned to Islam. Yet, despite feeling a connection with God in my heart, I find myself struggling to maintain consistent religious practice and connection with Islam as a religion. Recently, I've found myself drawn to Christianity, intrigued by its teachings. While watching a video that concluded with a call to salvation, I experienced a stirring in my heart, prompting me to explore this newfound interest further.

But I have so many questions and I can’t find an answer that satisfies me so I thought I would email as many churches and religious figures and access as many religious platforms as possible to seek an array of answers and perhaps gain some closure.

1. Regarding the difference between Jesus in Islam and Christianity, how do Christians reconcile the concept of Jesus being the Son of God with the belief in monotheism?

2. I watched a video by Bishop Mari Mari where he mentioned that Mohammed couldn't speak about Jesus like John did because he didn't witness him firsthand. How does this rationale apply to other authors in the Bible who also didn't directly witness Jesus?

3. If prophets like Abraham and Moses were sent by God, what was their purpose if not to bring the message of God, if God had previously only ever sent messengers why can’t Jesus be a messenger too?

4. How does hellfire and heaven work in Christianity?

5. Can you elaborate on the differences between Christian denominations and how they interpret various aspects of the faith?

6. How does Christianity address the existence of evil and suffering in the world, especially in the context of a loving and all-powerful God?

7. How does prayer work in Christianity, and what is its significance in the life of a believer? Do Christians have the same concept as the 5 daily prayers?

8. How do Christians explain the theological significance of Jesus being referred to as the Son of God and its implications for their faith?

9. Why should I choose Christianity and not Islam? What makes Christianity true and completely debunks Islam?

I have had a sudden pull to Jesus and christ these last couple days, I am not sure if it is a sense of belonging or the holy spirit coming to me but I would really appreciate my questions being answered. Thank you for your time.

Girl 505444, you've asked good questions but too many for one thread. Due to time, space limits, and people's attention spans, let me just address the last question:

"Why should I choose Christianity and not Islam? What makes Christianity true and completely debunks Islam?"

I offer 5 reasons:

First, Christianity's foundation clearly started well before Islam with the birth and message of Jesus preceding Mohammad by about 600 years. Indirectly though, the fulfilled prophecies of Jesus and the resulting Christian faith go back another 800-1500 years starting with the writing of Genesis. While this isn't categorical proof of Christianity's superiority over Islam, I'd suggest that the Creator of the world would seemingly interact with his creation sooner in human history rather than later.

Second, Christianity is simply a nicer, more loving religion. Even if all religions were equally true and valid as today's culture of relativism holds, I'd choose the former over the latter. The former offers a loving relationship with God the Father, assured salvation by grace through Christ's sacrifice, and a life goal to love others. Islam rejects the personal relationship with a loving God, rejects Christ's gift of grace and salvation, and embraces death to others.

Third, I'd expect any girl to prefer the respect and freedom that Christianity offers over Islam. Whether its education, driving, going out in public, clothing, home environment, husband treatment, or legal rights, Islam is a religion that severely oppresses women. And while Christianity many have wives submitting to their husbands, there's an equal mandate for the husband to love and respect his wife, with no cultural requirements for women in general to be suppressed more than men.

For a concise comparison chart of the pros and cons of each religion, I'd suggest a close look at this article:

Fourth, Islam is a false religion that can be demonstrated by both internal and external textual analysis of the Quran, the false prophesies of Mohammad, and the false narrative that is claimed for the religion's history. Here's an excellent video that explains the shaky grounds and claims of Islam's beginnings. Any Muslim questioning the faith should watch and consider this presentation carefully.

Fifth, Christianity far surpasses any other religion in the world with apologetic evidence for the Bible. Be it scientific foresight, archeological findings, fulfilled prophecy, manuscript authority, or textual criticism, Islam can't come close to defending it's foundational scriptures like Christianity can. There's too many books, articles, and videos presenting such detailed evidence, but let me just introduce one simple video concerning the case for Christ and his resurrection since that's a major difference between the two religions.

If you or anyone wants more Christian apologetic material, I can recommend some of the best videos I've found, starting with Mike Winger's 20 part series "Evidence For The Bible." It alone should be good enough to persuade anyone on the fence that wants to seek true religion. Here's a start:

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For years, I've been questioning my faith as a Muslim. After leaving Islam and drifting into agnosticism, I felt profoundly lost. However, during Ramadan last year, I rediscovered God and returned to Islam. Yet, despite feeling a connection with God in my heart, I find myself struggling to maintain consistent religious practice and connection with Islam as a religion. Recently, I've found myself drawn to Christianity, intrigued by its teachings. While watching a video that concluded with a call to salvation, I experienced a stirring in my heart, prompting me to explore this newfound interest further.

But I have so many questions and I can’t find an answer that satisfies me so I thought I would email as many churches and religious figures and access as many religious platforms as possible to seek an array of answers and perhaps gain some closure.

1. Regarding the difference between Jesus in Islam and Christianity, how do Christians reconcile the concept of Jesus being the Son of God with the belief in monotheism?

2. I watched a video by Bishop Mari Mari where he mentioned that Mohammed couldn't speak about Jesus like John did because he didn't witness him firsthand. How does this rationale apply to other authors in the Bible who also didn't directly witness Jesus?

3. If prophets like Abraham and Moses were sent by God, what was their purpose if not to bring the message of God, if God had previously only ever sent messengers why can’t Jesus be a messenger too?

4. How does hellfire and heaven work in Christianity?

5. Can you elaborate on the differences between Christian denominations and how they interpret various aspects of the faith?

6. How does Christianity address the existence of evil and suffering in the world, especially in the context of a loving and all-powerful God?

7. How does prayer work in Christianity, and what is its significance in the life of a believer? Do Christians have the same concept as the 5 daily prayers?

8. How do Christians explain the theological significance of Jesus being referred to as the Son of God and its implications for their faith?

9. Why should I choose Christianity and not Islam? What makes Christianity true and completely debunks Islam?

I have had a sudden pull to Jesus and christ these last couple days, I am not sure if it is a sense of belonging or the holy spirit coming to me but I would really appreciate my questions being answered. Thank you for your time.
Hi Girl,

I've read two different versions of the Quran and many versions of the Bible, so I'll try to answer your questions. From my understanding Islam came about 600 AD while Christianity was formed before 300 AD making Islam an alternative to Christianity. I felt from reading the Quran, that Islam was a function to allow Arabs to believe in Jesus while Christianity was being occupied by Gentiles. The Quran is basically a summary of the Bible with some laws and commands of the Lord altered or reversed to clearly differentiate it from the other religions based on Judaism. I don't see how Islam can understand its religion without having some sort of copy of the Old Testament which it is based on.

Arguments about Jesus not only divide Christianity and Islam, but they also divide different churches in Christianity. For ages Christians have warred over the existence of the trinity, some believe in it an others don't. This started early in the church but was quickly stomped out. Many early Christians found it absurd that God and Jesus were one being, but were separate beings the Father and Son. There are many of these divisions like iconoclasm, the split between Eastern and Western churches and the separation from the Catholic church. Arguments like these are similar to the arguments between Islam and Christianity concerning whether Jesus is the Son of God, which typically come down to stubbornness.

Concerning the other questions. Paul who wrote many of the letters in the New Testament did not have direct contact with Christ except through a vision, and because of this a lot of what he says contradicts the messages that came directly from Jesus in the Gospels. Abraham, Moses and Jesus were all messengers of God who he chose to fulfill his plan and deliver his message to the world. Christianity addresses the existence of suffering and evil in the world through understanding, love, charity and also by understanding that all creatures are evil besides God Almighty. Jesus says hellfire is reserved for hypocrites with no understanding. In the Bible it calls Adam the first Son of God, and anyone who does the will of God and promotes peace is a child of God.

In conclusion, if you truly love God and live in a free country you owe it to him to learn as much as possible about him. You can do this by reading the Bible on your own and deciding for yourself.
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To the first question in the OP.



1. Regarding the difference between Jesus in Islam and Christianity, how do Christians reconcile the concept of Jesus being the Son of God with the belief in monotheism?”

See John 1:1-18 and Colossians 1:1-29 ( especially Colossians 1:15-19 & compare to John 1:1-3). Paul preached the same Lord and the same Gospel. Paul (formerly Saul) was directly taken by the Lord to preach His Gospel ( see Acts 9:1-16). Paul preached the same commandments stated by Jesus Christ as the Lord stated in Matthew 19:16-19 and reiterated by Paul in Romans 13:8-10.

While there is so much more of course, this is a big part of what is stated of the purpose of the Lord Jesus Christ in John 3:16-21. The apostle Peter affirmed the authority of Paul’s letters ( 2 Peter 3:15-18).

As most of what other posters have said in line with the New Testament which includes the preaching of Paul. The greatest testimony of our Lord’s resurrection is from Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:1-58 compare this with the Nicene Creed:

See how the Lord Jesus Christ was prophesied by Isaiah in 700 BC per Isaiah 52:13-15, Isaiah 53:1-12. In the Gospel of John chapters 14, 15, & 16, the Lord Jesus Christ testifies to our God as Father, Son, & Holy Spirit.

A good book to read on Christianity is Mere Christianity by the late great writer C.S. Lewis:

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Orthodox Christian
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From the OP


“4. How does hellfire and heaven work in Christianity?”

The Lord Jesus Christ ultimately says that those who did good will be saved & the wicked be damned ( see John 5:22-30). The prophet Ezekiel shows many examples of this by God in Ezekiel 18:4-9; indeed, Ezekiel 18:1-32 shows us the necessity, but also the uncertainty, of living by works alone. We can undo whatever good we did & be damned. This is where salvation by grace through faith comes in. St. Paul gives us the crucial definition in Ephesians 2:8-10; note that works are a part of faith but we can never boast or take credit of them. The Lord expects good works from us but we are not worthy to boast of them ( see Luke 17:5-10).

Our basic expressions of faith are in alms giving and prayer ( see Matthew 6:1-15). With the assurance of salvation ( Hebrews 6:11) we know now what we need to do. If we stumble ( see 1 John 1:5-10) and keep the Lords commandments ( see John 14:15-18 & 1 John 2:1-29).

As far as the non Christian, we should never assume such a person is doomed ( see Matthew 7:1-12). Such individuals will be judged by their works ( see Romans 2:6-16). I have already described the dilemma of works only though. St. Paul warns of the peril that those without the Lord Jesus Christ face ( see Romans 3:21-26). The Lord Jesus Christ shows an expansive sense of forgiveness and judgment in Matthew 12:30-32 but also warns of the dangers of living haphazardly in this world ( Matthew 7:13).
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Where is the op? drops in for one post, to stir things up ? or what ? A lot of ops I checked were like this one - here for a few minutes, then not returning....
Is this a set up? To provoke or promote the forum numbers/ posts/ a certain way ? (some groups do this routinely)


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Where is the op?
Found on other sites too. Asks many 'big' questions.... someone else asked
if they are a student >>

4d ago

Lol. My friend, I hope you’re not a college student trying to get some papers written… but I’m going to believe that you are truly seeking.
However, do us a favor, break up the questions one by one because they’re ALL BIG topics… if we tried to answer all these at once it might crash the platform :)
just break them up and ask one at a time, you can even DM me if you want.
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9. Why should I choose Christianity
If this is your question below,
Are you ready to give up "manifesting" in order to learn about Jesus ?

Is this the same as you / posted a question on another site>>>

"2 mo. ago

"I can easily manifest everything else that I want but I’m finding it difficult to manifest my SP, any tips?​

"Hi, as you can see by the title i have quite literally manifested everything and anything that I want but I’ve been manifesting my SP for so long and nothing has happened. I met him at work and it’s coming towards my final days, he hasn’t asked for my number or anything. I literally manifested and got a new job the same day that I decided I’d be quitting. Why can I get everything but him? What can I do?
I struggle to forget and let go because I can’t stop thinking about him and making up scenarios in my head, having doubt when the day ends and it didn’t happen etc all i have is a gut feeling that tells me that it WILL happen and I know it will but I haven’t seen anything in the 3D world yet except him checking me out once a couple weeks ago and a couple other signs I’ve asked the universe to show me
Any advice and tips would be appreciated I’m really desperate"
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Apr 27, 2005
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You may need to first understand the big picture of Christianity and Judaism are.

I posted this some where else,
OT Eden story

It explains why Jesus is a must, an necessity, in terms of Law and human salvation. It's not something can be considered as a "nice to have" as it is in Islam.

9. Why should I choose Christianity and not Islam? What makes Christianity true and completely debunks Islam?

This is relatively easy then.

A close analogy is, if the US government has a critical message for its citizens what should it do?

It should pass the message to a US-facing mass media to broadcast it, such that all US citizens may have a chance to receive the message. US government shouldn't emply a Russian media to broadcast the message in the hope that "all US citizens" can receive it.

Similarly if the true God has a critical message for humankind, He should at the end pass the message to a human-facing mass media to broadcast it. God shouldn't leave His message to only India or only the Middle East in the hope that the message can reach all mankind. That's why Christianity remains the only religion with its deity given an explict command that, "the gospel (which is God's news or His critical message) shall be preached (i.e., broadcast) to all nations (i.e., making the broadcasting human-facing).

Other gods don't have such an explict command to turn their message broadcasting into a human-facing manner. It's like the US government has a critical message for all US citizens but only broadcasts it inside the border of Texas (the US government is very much incompetent in this case).
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Other gods don't have such an explict command
Nor do other gods speak, see, hear, nor answer anyone's questions or prayers. Other gods can do nothing, and are unable to save anyone or to heal anyone.
Yet the One True God says in one place >
Oky people, you have your other gods. Keep on following them if you want to - and on the day of judgment, let your gods that you chose to follow save you from the lake of fire if they can . (of course they cannot do anything!)
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For years, I've been questioning my faith as a Muslim. After leaving Islam and drifting into agnosticism, I felt profoundly lost. However, during Ramadan last year, I rediscovered God and returned to Islam. Yet, despite feeling a connection with God in my heart, I find myself struggling to maintain consistent religious practice and connection with Islam as a religion. Recently, I've found myself drawn to Christianity, intrigued by its teachings. While watching a video that concluded with a call to salvation, I experienced a stirring in my heart, prompting me to explore this newfound interest further.

But I have so many questions and I can’t find an answer that satisfies me so I thought I would email as many churches and religious figures and access as many religious platforms as possible to seek an array of answers and perhaps gain some closure.

1. Regarding the difference between Jesus in Islam and Christianity, how do Christians reconcile the concept of Jesus being the Son of God with the belief in monotheism?

2. I watched a video by Bishop Mari Mari where he mentioned that Mohammed couldn't speak about Jesus like John did because he didn't witness him firsthand. How does this rationale apply to other authors in the Bible who also didn't directly witness Jesus?

3. If prophets like Abraham and Moses were sent by God, what was their purpose if not to bring the message of God, if God had previously only ever sent messengers why can’t Jesus be a messenger too?

4. How does hellfire and heaven work in Christianity?

5. Can you elaborate on the differences between Christian denominations and how they interpret various aspects of the faith?

6. How does Christianity address the existence of evil and suffering in the world, especially in the context of a loving and all-powerful God?

7. How does prayer work in Christianity, and what is its significance in the life of a believer? Do Christians have the same concept as the 5 daily prayers?

8. How do Christians explain the theological significance of Jesus being referred to as the Son of God and its implications for their faith?

9. Why should I choose Christianity and not Islam? What makes Christianity true and completely debunks Islam?

I have had a sudden pull to Jesus and christ these last couple days, I am not sure if it is a sense of belonging or the holy spirit coming to me but I would really appreciate my questions being answered. Thank you for your time.

Can you own and read physical books or do you need online only materials?
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