
CF Ambassadors
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Aug 11, 2023
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Hey guys and gals. Today's analysis will be on the Widow's Two Mites, and how the verse relates to our strengths, and that intent matters more so compared to amount.

May 10, 2024​
Luke 21:1-4 (NIV): "As Jesus looked up, he saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury. He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. ‘Truly I tell you,’ he said, ‘this poor widow has put in more than all the others. All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.’"​
Luke 21:1-4 is a well-known passage in the Bible that teaches us about the importance of giving from the heart and trusting in God's provision. In this passage, Jesus observed the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury and a poor widow who put in two small copper coins, worth very little. Jesus commended the widow for her selfless and sacrificial giving, stating that she had given more than all the others.
This verse relates to giving it all in life by emphasizing that it is not the amount of our gift that matters to God, but rather the attitude and intentions behind it. Regardless of our wealth, health, physical or mental handicaps, or limitations, God values and rewards the heartfelt offerings and sacrifices we make. The widow in the passage gave all she had to live on, demonstrating her complete trust and reliance on God.
Societal Relevance
In the modern world, we can apply this verse to our everyday lives by focusing on the intentions behind our actions and giving, rather than comparing ourselves to others or being discouraged by our perceived limitations. Here are a few practical ways to do that:
  1. Seek God's guidance and wisdom in your giving. Pray and ask God to show you how He would have you use your time, talents, and resources to serve Him and others.
  2. Cultivate a heart of gratitude and generosity. Focus on the blessings God has given you, no matter how small they may seem, and look for opportunities to share them with others.
  3. Embrace your unique abilities and limitations. Use your strengths and talents to serve God and others, and seek out opportunities to learn and grow in areas where you may be weaker.
  4. Connect with others and build relationships. Share your faith and life experiences with others, and look for ways to encourage and support them in their spiritual journey.
  5. Trust in God's provision and sovereignty. Rest in the knowledge that God is in control and will provide for your needs, and trust that He will use your gifts and sacrifices to make a difference in the world.
As a young adult, it has been difficult for me to make friendships, understand social situations and gain meaningful Christian relationships besides with Jesus Himself, and my loving parents because of my mental disability. In 2024, that has slowly become easier for me, but it meant a lot of work had to be done. Thankfully, Jesus told me, through a man on the Christian Forums that God does not judge us on our abilities, but instead values our work. For instance, if one can only help another person in his life turn to God throughout his entire lifespan after hard work, then that is still sufficient, as God knows we gave it our best shot. Now, this doesn’t mean we should be lazy, and give minimum effort, but it means God is a loving God with sympathy.

On the afternoon of May 5, 2024, I saw a pickup truck drop large planks of plywood boards from my window. So, after running downstairs, I arrived at the area, waited for the cars to stop, and helped carry the wood to the guy’s truck along with other volunteers (for safety, I waited a few minutes until a few other volunteers arrived on the scene to stop traffic). So, even if some social situations can be difficult, and I do not have many friends, God’s purpose can still be fulfilled, to help others in need. In 2016, I was on a mission trip to Ethiopia, and helped build a garden for a hospital (which was torn down in 2023 as the hospital was expanded for more patients). My strengths such as math were put to use, and I made sure all the blocks for the steps were level. So, in summary, we can make a difference in society, no matter our weaknesses.


CF Ambassadors
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Aug 11, 2023
United States
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I know I couldn't be that generous myself
Yeah, it can be hard, but sometimes we must balance out safety with other factors, and I knew the road was safe, and helped the man out with his plywood boards.
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