Recent content by Yahudim

  1. Yahudim

    Prayer needed

    Thank you all for your prayers. It was an unqualified successful procedure and my brother is resting comfortably. Again, thank you all so very much!
  2. Yahudim

    Prayer needed

    My oldest brother Hal is being wheeled into surgery for heart valve problems and blockages. Please pray for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. Many thanks,
  3. Yahudim

    The Essene Quarter

    I'm sorry it is taking me so long to get back to you. There are a lot of things going on right now. Concerning my earlier post, I now seem to remember seeing and hearing that information in a video. No telling how long it will take to find it, but I want to go back and review those videos again...
  4. Yahudim

    The Essene Quarter

    Memory just kicked in. I saw it on one of the Zadokim Calendar websites but I didn't bookmark it. (The sound of more rummaging around in the attic ;))
  5. Yahudim

    Three Witnesses Against the Masoretic Text

    Don't you just love it when someone brings in 'code talk' conceived after the Roman destruction of the Temple to explain the Torah of Elohim; given so very many centuries before? So Our Father in Heaven now needs an 'explainer'? I thought that's why the fallen Watchers were condemned; for...
  6. Yahudim

    Three Witnesses Against the Masoretic Text

    According to the calendar of the Babylonians, Persians and Greeks?
  7. Yahudim

    Three Witnesses Against the Masoretic Text

    AGAIN - The entire corpus of 'NT' writings PRECEED the the entire corpus of rabbinic writings - just as the chicken preceded the egg. The rabbinic writings were written as a reaction to the testimony of Yeshua and His talmidim. The testimony of Yeshua and His talmidim were written in fulfillment...
  8. Yahudim

    Three Witnesses Against the Masoretic Text

    Citations please.
  9. Yahudim

    The Essene Quarter

    Absolutely Splendid! I greatly enjoyed the articles and concur with most of your conclusions. Concerning the location of the living quarters of the high priest, there is one account that I came across not too terribly long ago. Perhaps I'll be able to find it so that these remarks can be...
  10. Yahudim

    Follow the feasts?

    A very good philosophy indeed. Just don't forget the Master said, If you love me, keep my commandments.
  11. Yahudim

    Follow the feasts?

    @lollykh said, "Why do you say some of the festivals have been fulfilled and some haven't?" Hi again! The appointed times (moedim) are forever events that we are bound by covenant to keep as a 'remembrance'; not just of what was, but what is to come! It is Adonai that fulfills them. You asked...
  12. Yahudim

    Follow the feasts?

    Being adopted through Messiah (that's the Hebrew just like 'Christ' is the Greek), you are adopted into the covenants of promise and into a nation of priests and kings! So yes, we are to keep the moedim (appointed times) as a remembrance of past events and that also speak of the ministry of...
  13. Yahudim

    Follow the feasts?

    The phrase, 'eonian statute throughout your generations' means as long as people are having children. :oldthumbsup:
  14. Yahudim

    Follow the feasts?

    Pleases forgive me for not responding sooner, as I have been dealing with family matters. As promised, I will answer to the best of my abilities. And in this case, I think it best that I prepare you with some information about the nature of a covenant within the Hebraic context. The Hebrew root...
  15. Yahudim

    The City of Henok

    Blessing upon your mom Edenah @daq and todah rabah, achi. Wow, great stuff. I'll be studying and researching this for a year!