Recent content by tate4242

  1. T

    Possibly important Pro-Life development in Canada.

    Here is the message regarding abortion that I sent to MP Peter Mackay last September. You will find some interesting ideas regarding hastening the coming of Jesus/Yahushua to this earth in this thread: I'm probably the only pro-life candidate in...
  2. T

    Possibly important Pro-Life development in Canada.

    A federal election is looming here in Canada. I feel that I've been given a strategy over the past few days where the relatively small Christian Heritage Party might be able to use its influence to achieve a significant goal toward protecting the unborn. Please visit this thread and consider...
  3. T

    We should seriously consider any possible to help with Third Temple.

    be thankful to the Most High that you have a keybord that is fully functional, when copying and pasting a's it is easy to miss and look like a guy who flunked spelling in elementary school.... (or is that elemantery????)....definitely not the best wy to strt off run for public office.... or...
  4. T

    We should seriously consider any possible to help with Third Temple.

    I LOVE your siganture. Visionary, what do you think of the idea that the physical creation is a form of scripture, and is itself essentially comparable with Torah??
  5. T

    We should seriously consider any possible to help with Third Temple.

    This certinly SOUNDS like good theology...but is it????? (Luke 24:25) What about E-ekiel chapters 40 - chapters 48...Was he a prophet? are not his words going to be fulfilled?
  6. T

    We should seriously consider any possible to help with Third Temple.

    Oh...since you are interested in this thread, I will certainly appreciate receiving your comments on this other somewhat related post as well: Seeking co-applicants for anti global...
  7. T

    We should seriously consider any possible to help with Third Temple. I love how Mr. Cantrell thinks. Oh, and for the record I am trying my best to make this topic into a political issue at least up here in Nova Scotia. Tate supports Jerusalem Third Temple...
  8. T

    We should seriously consider any possible to help with Third Temple.

    I completely agree. Correction, this webpage was written by Mr. Carl Cantrell, not by Mr. Manthany as I had previously assumed.
  9. T

    We should seriously consider any possible to help with Third Temple.

    I agree that it seems like Europe is losing faith in their own "raison d'etre." On one level I believe that this perception has to do with the relative predominance of the United States in entertainment, economic development and in policing this world. There are a number of important trends...
  10. T

    We should seriously consider any possible to help with Third Temple.

    Shalom Visionary: I believe that The Heavenly Father is setting the stage for exactly this event even as we speak. I sent off my application for the $25 million dollar Virgin Earth anti-global warming prize about three weeks ago. I plan to get into how to set...
  11. T

    We should seriously consider any possible to help with Third Temple.

    Personally, I believe that this account of the Patriarch Judah defending Benjamin with tremendous courage,chutzpah and power....changed the course of history and finalized the plan that King David and the Messiah would be descendants of Judah....If Judah had not risen to the occasion and...
  12. T

    We should seriously consider any possible to help with Third Temple.

    I don't blame you one bit for thinking this way about this subject. A great case can be made for the idea that YHWH has planned everything out to the minute detail and timing....but then again a good argument can be made that YHWH has given a certain amount of power to humans to affect events...
  13. T

    Did you feel a special anointing this PENTECOST????

    Greetings Darksky, I really enjoyed your post. I am beginning to see what you mean about those times when we don't have the time to pray and study a great deal, but still we feel the presence of The Eternal with us powerfully and we may seem to accomplish more than in those days when we put...
  14. T

    I'm becoming more Jewish than I falling into a strong delusion???????

    Thank you for the link. This is a very interesting website! Shalom, Dennis
  15. T

    I'm becoming more Jewish than I falling into a strong delusion???????

    Yes...this sure sounds like a good explanation to me!