Recent content by RSchlap

  1. RSchlap

    "Who made God?" need answer for my daughter

    We are very new Christians, just within the last few months. I have been learning alongside my children. We have two books, Old and New Testaments for Children. My eight year old daughter has asked me repeatedly "If God made the whole world and the whole universe, who made God? Where did He...
  2. RSchlap

    Where do I start reading the Bible?

    I want to start with something to help me really believe. Words of Christ maybe. But I don't know where that would be. I know it's New Testament but that is all I know.
  3. RSchlap

    Difference between Church of the Brethren and United Brethren?

    Thank you, Caretaker, that does help some :) I am going to start going and see if any of them are a good fit. There are two that have lots of children's play equipment, and so I assume lots of children, which is a big benefit as I have 5 kiddos. I think we will try those first. MrJim, I am in...
  4. RSchlap

    Difference between Church of the Brethren and United Brethren?

    In my area we have a large number of Brethren churches. Several are Church of the Brethren, and two are United Brethren. We also have a Grace Brethren. I have been trying to find the difference between these. What sets the United Brethren apart from the Church of the Brethren? Are there...
  5. RSchlap

    Prayers to become Christian

    The title says it all. I want to be a Christian. I don't know how to be myself and be a Christian. I see all these good Christian people and I feel like I could never be like that. I need help overcoming this block so I can be whole.
  6. RSchlap

    Hello, complete newbie here!

    Hi all! So I will try not to write a novel ... lol I grew up without much for religion. I had an aunt who was a little off and every time I saw her, she made me accept Jesus into my heart (I've done that probably forty times, no exaggeration) and really scared me a lot with talk of hell. I spent...