Recent content by RileyG

  1. RileyG

    Joined the KofC - Good or Bad

    That’s actually correct.
  2. RileyG

    SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

    Amen. Trans people made their choice. They just have to realize not everyone accepts their lifestyle, and move on. Simple.
  3. RileyG

    Female Athletes Sue NCAA for Allowing Transgender Competitors

    Behavior is a choice. Not attraction or dysphoria.
  4. RileyG

    Female Athletes Sue NCAA for Allowing Transgender Competitors

    That’s correct. I was merely pointing out the civil rights and lgbt movement are not even remotely the same. That’s all.
  5. RileyG

    Female Athletes Sue NCAA for Allowing Transgender Competitors

    They chose to be transgender, get surgery etc
  6. RileyG

    SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

    #1. I’m aware. Still doesn’t mean I have to accept it. #2. Yes? I’m still not going to call a male a she or her because he demands it. #3. Living as a transgender person is a choice.
  7. RileyG

    Prayer requests post here!

    Please pray for my friend Jen, a militant atheist, who died recently.
  8. RileyG

    Female Athletes Sue NCAA for Allowing Transgender Competitors

    The two are not comparable. Trans people made their choice. You can’t choose to be black.
  9. RileyG

    Female Athletes Sue NCAA for Allowing Transgender Competitors

    If they kept to themselves, there wouldn’t be many threads about them. They need to stop shoving it in peoples faces.
  10. RileyG

    Female Athletes Sue NCAA for Allowing Transgender Competitors

    Keep men out of womens sports! Period.
  11. RileyG

    SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

    Trans women, from my perspective, aren’t women. They’re men. Words do not change based on an ideology. So? They made their choice. Not everyone accepts it. Move on.
  12. RileyG

    SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

    Words have meanings. You cannot change words based on feelings. You’re correct, we should treat them kindly, but that doesn’t mean others have to tolerate their ideology.
  13. RileyG

    SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

    There are no attacks or propaganda. People can “self identify” as whatever they chose. They does not mean they are truly what they say they are and everyone must accept it.