Recent content by PassionFruit

  1. PassionFruit

    Black Panther & Imperialism: Is Hollywood Afraid of Indigenous African Religions?

    I am, too. Was quite pleased with Civil War and excited for the new Black Panther movie. There's rumors about Lupita Nyongo'o playing the love interest. We'll see how that pans out.
  2. PassionFruit

    Is there really self-hatred among American blacks?

    It's a complicated topic, because for the most part I would say there is alot of self hatred and yes that self hatred can be traced back to slavery. First and foremost, one has to examine how Blackness was constructed (and is still constructed). I highly recommend watching a documentary titled...
  3. PassionFruit

    Apartheid versus US Segregation

    I'll answer this the best way I can. Unfortunately I haven't studied much about the South African Apartheid. As I pointed out awhile ago in the previous thread, Jim Crow was not only enforced legally but also socially. When people think of JC they only think of it in terms of separate drinking...
  4. PassionFruit

    Jim Crow Laws: What were they?

    Just because someone identifies as pro-life doesn't mean they actually value the lives of Black children.
  5. PassionFruit

    Jim Crow Laws: What were they?

    Thank you very much for your contribution. I definitely agree with you about transgender issues. If I was still as active on this forum as I was when I first joined I would have raised the issue. What I see mostly is that people who are transgender are more at risk of being targets of...
  6. PassionFruit

    Jim Crow Laws: What were they?

    Exactly!!! I'm not here for "well it was them who really started it, so they're the real racist!" nonesense. Both parties supported and fought to uphold Jim Crow. These facts weren't denied. Right. My position is this, when there's discussion about Jim Crow, it goes beyond Republican/Democrat...
  7. PassionFruit

    Jim Crow Laws: What were they?

    Everything you've posted thus far is nothing but "Democrats are the real racists!" narrative. This thread is specifically dealing with Jim Crow and it's impact. I'm not here for "They started it first!" If you wanna discuss that, then start your own thread, don't come here derailing the topic...
  8. PassionFruit

    Jim Crow Laws: What were they?

    *Comes out of lurkdom* Glad to see this thread is still going. Thank you for keeping the discussion alive. Oh okay, you wanna reduce centuries of institutionalized racism down to Democrat/Republican political binaries. :yawn1: If you're going to make this about "It's Democrats who are the...
  9. PassionFruit

    Jim Crow Laws: What were they?

    Thanks. I'm also starting another thread about integration. It may be somewhat controversial, but would welcome your input on the subject. :)
  10. PassionFruit

    Red Foxes Talking Circle

    I'm glad you're going to stick around, I know it's tough, this place can be toxic at times. But I just want you to know your voice is needed and it's important. I like threads like this because they can act as safe spaces for many. :wave:
  11. PassionFruit

    Red Foxes Talking Circle

    :wave: Thank you for creating The Talking Circle. The Christian NDN perspective is so rarely heard mainly due to people dismissing it or just flat out silencing their voices. I look forward to hearing your perspective. :)
  12. PassionFruit

    Black Panther & Imperialism: Is Hollywood Afraid of Indigenous African Religions?

    Absolutely. Especially what she means for young girls of color (specifically Black girls). She's always been one of my favorite characters, she was the main reason why I watched X Men The Animated Series. Storm wasn't tokenized, her back story is fascinating and she wasn't some sidekick either...
  13. PassionFruit

    Black Panther & Imperialism: Is Hollywood Afraid of Indigenous African Religions?

    Thanks for the info. Gotta say, wasn't too thrilled about the first link comparing Black Panther to Batman. Just kinda implies that Black Panther can't stand on his own (even though he can). But I liked The Atlantic article, for Black superheroes, it's definitely time to expand out. :)...
  14. PassionFruit

    Jim Crow Laws: What were they?

    Ethnic Notions is on YouTube, but it's good documentary detailing how racial caricatures of Black people came into existence and why. There's info about Jim Crow in it, but I think it does a nice job of showing how ubiquitous racism is. I know it's dated (came out in the late 1980's I think) but...
  15. PassionFruit

    Black Panther & Imperialism: Is Hollywood Afraid of Indigenous African Religions?

    I myself have thought about adopting certain African head wrap styles. :) I'm cautiously optimistic about the Black Panther movie, while it's great they're going through with the project, I wonder how it's going to be approached. Will Hollywood water down it's Afrocentric view to suit...