Recent content by packermann

  1. packermann

    Mary and the early Church

    I agree that Mary being the epitome of humility would not want her name be mentioned often. But look where Mary is mentioned in Scripture. St. Simeon prophesied to Mary that a sword (of sorrow) would pierce Mary's heart. From that time on Mary knew exactly the sufferings were waiting for her...
  2. packermann

    Mary and the early Church

    The earliest copy of The Apostles' Creed was in the middle of the first century. And an earlier copy could be found in the future. Some say it may have be written b y the Apostles themselves. Jesus is said in there that He was born of the Virgin Mary. It does a not say He was born of a virgin...
  3. packermann

    Mary and the early Church

    Mary said that God regarded the lowliness of his handmaid. God was pleased with her humility.Gabriel said to Mary that she was full of grace. The only other person that was called full of grace was Jesus. They were so full of grace that there was no room for sin. I notice that your arguments...
  4. packermann

    I am back

    I used to be on this forum but not for a while. I was trying to get closer to God. I was raised as Catholic but I was only a nominal Catholic. I left the Catholic Church and went Protestant in college. I became involved in Campus Crusade for Christ and went to Trinity Evangelical Divinity...
  5. packermann

    No one born of God makes a PRACTICE of sinning

    Correction: A sin is ok if not practiced
  6. packermann

    No one born of God makes a PRACTICE of sinning

    Not sure I sure I see how a sin is OK as long as it practiced. Is killing someone OK as long as it is not practiced?
  7. packermann

    Can I ask God to make me hit lottery?

    Our Lord gave us how to pray. Give us this day our daily bread. Any more than that we should just ask for His will be done.
  8. packermann

    I haven't truly repented and I'm not saved. What now?

    The word "repent" in the New Testament is used in the present, continuous tense. This means that we are called to continually or repeatedly repent. As we grow spiritually we move more from repentance due to our fear of God and more to love of God. But this will not happen overnight..
  9. packermann


    I used to be a Protestant. In fact, I was a Protestant minister - a single minister in a struggling church. The church rented an apartment for me and gave me $50 a week. The only reason I took it was because it was hard for me to find a pastorate being a single man. The reason the church...
  10. packermann


    Exactly! This is why we will always be time! Only God is outside of time. But when He does with us, He does enter time because we are in time!
  11. packermann


    Please list all those many, many elements that differ between Stanley and Catholics on this punishment and suffering that Christians could experience in the afterlife. Since there are so many, you should be able to come up with 10. Or how about at least 5?
  12. packermann


    Since Stanley is a Protestant it matters little to me. But he is still not a universalist. A universalist is one who believes that everyone will be go to heaven. Stanley does not believe in that. This is the point I was making! Stanley's "outer darkness" is purgatory. He would argue that...