Recent content by Oompa Loompa

  1. Oompa Loompa

    The common thread in Trump's defenders

    Well, I belive that Biden molests children. Therefore he should be convicted as a pedophile. I guess it could would both ways.
  2. Oompa Loompa

    The common thread in Trump's defenders

    What was the crime Trump was trying to hide when he supposedly falsified the documents? I will wait because even the prosecutors and the jury didn't know.
  3. Oompa Loompa

    CNN: Biden pulls from Trump’s immigration playbook in election-year twist

    The quality of the picture and the small font makes it almost impossible to read it. At best, it is probably Biden riding the coat tails of a bunch of bills passed in congress which his only contribution is drooling on the paperwork as a signature.
  4. Oompa Loompa

    The common thread in Trump's defenders

    Because whether he did anything or not is irrelevant. Even if he did, there is no reason to prosecute Trump for a federal offense in a state court long after the statute of limitations. Furthermore, in order to extend the statute, the prosecution had to show that the documents were...
  5. Oompa Loompa

    CNN: Biden pulls from Trump’s immigration playbook in election-year twist

    All of them. Even though i cannot read any of the listed examples, i can tell you assuredly that none of them were ever intended to help people. Only to give a false impression that they are doing something. I guess you know better than a black man about how black people are better off with...
  6. Oompa Loompa

    CNN: Biden pulls from Trump’s immigration playbook in election-year twist

    Or he is trying to finally do something about the border to give a false impression that he is strong on immigration right before an election cycle only to continue his failed policies after being elected? This it typical Democrat strategy because the party thinks the American people are stupid...
  7. Oompa Loompa

    CNN: Biden pulls from Trump’s immigration playbook in election-year twist

    I am getting flashbacks from when I told my wife hard truths and, despite knowing she was wrong, became upset. Not because I was wrong, but because being wrong hurt her feelings.
  8. Oompa Loompa

    CNN: Biden pulls from Trump’s immigration playbook in election-year twist

    In other words, Biden coincidentally realized that the Trump way of doing things was right all along right before and election where he failing in the poles. Sounds kinda schetchy to me. It seems as through this is another reason the country would have been better today if Trump won in 2020...
  9. Oompa Loompa

    Is God Worthy...?

    Response to title: Yes.
  10. Oompa Loompa

    Trump easily wins CPAC 2024 GOP presidential nomination straw poll

    According to the polls, this is what the election results would look like if the election was held today. This is even after Trump's convictions.
  11. Oompa Loompa

    Birds of a Feather...

    I would argue that it is called "Mutually assured destruction."
  12. Oompa Loompa

    Birds of a Feather...

    No. Although the common American is stupid, they were not that dumb to see things for what they really are. Plus, politically, the only person that is probably less likable that Hillary is Kamala Harris. So yeah, she lost because she was that bad. Like how Hillary Clinton lost to Trump because...
  13. Oompa Loompa

    Birds of a Feather...

    Are we invoking the "Fixed it for you" policy? Lol. Forgive me because I am texting through my phone while I am working the night shift
  14. Oompa Loompa

    Birds of a Feather...

    I think at this point, when almost half of the democratic party find Biden unfavorable, the country is ready to try something new. Like elect a convicted felon. Yes, that is how bad Joe Biden is. That people are more willing to vote for a felon than allow him to continue. I imagine the scene...