Recent content by Neogaia777

  1. Neogaia777

    Why does a good God allow pain and suffering to exist in this world?

    You might believe that, but it doesn't mean that that's the truth, because the truth about suffering is what I told you. Doesn't matter how you see it as no one has a choice but to walk this path, or the path that you are right now complaining about. Aka, going through evil, or experiencing...
  2. Neogaia777

    Why does a good God allow pain and suffering to exist in this world?

    This goes for the world as well, the world cannot be transformed into God's Kingdom without it first having to go through it's sufferings, etc. And since we live in the world, that means we sometimes have to suffer because of that as well, etc. But it's purpose is always transformation, and...
  3. Neogaia777

    Why does a good God allow pain and suffering to exist in this world?

    The simplest and shortest answer to your question is, because one cannot have or experience true growth into the true highest God's true likeness any other way. Our part is to make sure this is doing that for us each and every single day. Otherwise it's meaningless. And in my view, might even...
  4. Neogaia777

    Exodus evidence

    Ok, so what do you think so far then?
  5. Neogaia777

    Exodus evidence

    Well, he points out many things wrong with the OP, and he is probably right, so if you choose to ignore that, then that's on you. God Bless.
  6. Neogaia777

    Exodus evidence

    How much space a thing takes up matters not. You said in your post #5 that you couldn't wait until @sjastro see's this thread. Well did you just completely ignore his post in post #11, or what? God Bless.
  7. Neogaia777

    Exodus evidence

    Maybe when Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life", he really meant it maybe, eh? I might add "only" to all of those as well maybe, etc. God Bless.
  8. Neogaia777

    Exodus evidence

    @BCP1928 also. Well, up your game and present your evidence you guys. That's what this thread is right now about anyway. And "now" is as good a time as any, etc. I wanna hear it all, etc. God Bless.
  9. Neogaia777

    Exodus evidence

    And Ezekiel 22:28 as well, also one I have known for quite a long time. God Bless.
  10. Neogaia777

    Exodus evidence

    I'm open to a lot of different things at this point, and actually have been for a long while now, for example, I've know Jeremiah 8:8-9 for a very, very long time now, etc. God Bless.
  11. Neogaia777

    Exodus evidence

    This is really @All, etc. If someday, a more literal interpretation is shown beyond a shadow of a doubt to be absolutely impossible, then at some point it (the Bible) does become pretty much literal though, as a history book, or history-wise, etc, and I can't help but wonder where that line...
  12. Neogaia777

    Faster than light approaches and impact?

    I've been watching the show "How the Universe Works" lately, and it's a very interesting and informative and entertaining show, maybe you should try it, or try looking it up sometime. It's a very cool show. Might be able to find some of it on YouTube, IDK? God Bless.
  13. Neogaia777

    Earth in hot water? Worries over sudden ocean warming spike

    Couldn't see the forest for the trees though. That will probably be humanities epitaph in the end, etc. If not this current thing, then later on down the road with some other dang thing, etc. God Bless.
  14. Neogaia777

    Earth in hot water? Worries over sudden ocean warming spike

    I used to have all these pictures on my computer of all these oh so wonderful and ingeniously thought up and oh so beautiful large cities from different parts of the world everywhere, etc, and I just couldn't help thinking to myself how incredibly stupid that was or is, etc. All right at sea...
  15. Neogaia777

    Faster than light approaches and impact?

    It takes galaxies, with stars and planets in them, to be 46.5 billion light years away, in order to appear to be moving out away from us as the center at 1x the speed of light, so I doubt that there is any situation in any individual galaxy where individual stars, or planets, or star systems...