Recent content by jonojim1337

  1. J

    The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

    I'd refer you to the ancient alphabet for a better understanding.
  2. J

    The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

    Completely missing the point, are you. Or the "jot".
  3. J

    WOW! You can save a ton of suffering by doing this

    Nun Chet Shim - Seed Separate Fire - Seed Separate Two
  4. J

    WOW! You can save a ton of suffering by doing this

    I'm used to being a miserable person so I don't immediately recognize some voices as out of the ordinary. But after 24 hours of the same theme going around in the head, the dissatisfaction of the current state of things, I decided to simply observe the thought. First I noticed how the thought...
  5. J

    The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

    How should we understand this instruction on marriage? How is it that a person who fulfills the word, or whom the word fulfills, does not marry?
  6. J

    The Name of YHWH

    She will give birth to a Son, and you shall name Him Jesus (The LORD is salvation), for He will save His people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21 Amplified Mind boggling.
  7. J

    The Name of YHWH

    We can look at how Jews today belittle the name Jesus or Yahshua, which literally only means "YHWH saves". How one can belittle or deny that, as a Jew, is mind boggling.
  8. J

    The Name of YHWH

    "The Lord" is not "my Lord". "The Lord", actually, "The LORD", is the translation of YHWH - it is never substituted for "Lord" in the original, only substituted by the translators. "My Lord" however is literally Adonai, so that is not a translation error but a correct translation. So what he is...
  9. J

    How can we avoid the same mistake?

    The only thing that really comes to mind is to be consecrated and wait for His guidance. Unless you can suggest anything that would help in this endeavour.
  10. J

    How can we avoid the same mistake?

    There are many gods in the flesh. Some do not think that YHWH is the Father of Jesus, but some other God. Knowing the meaning of YHWH, I am protected from that kind of illusions. But there might be other illusions still.
  11. J

    How can we avoid the same mistake?

    In the sense that, we might have gotten this part right, but maybe not others. In that case, what are the important parts?
  12. J

    How can we avoid the same mistake?

    If the Jews had not changed the Name of God to Adonai, they would know that YHWH is a prophecy of Christ. The Muslims, too, would know, if they didn't change it to Allah. I suppose alot of western believers, I'm counting all those false gospels as well, would know that YHWH is Christ, if they...
  13. J

    1 Thessalonians 5:22-23 - Abstaining from Evil

    Actually I think that understanding the name YHWH is salvation.
  14. J

    Why seeking spirits is Vanity

    Glory to YAH :)
  15. J

    Why seeking spirits is Vanity

    Christ is the one who gave his life for us, when he breathed his spirit, and when he died for us. That is why the Name is above all names.