Recent content by JGiddings

  1. JGiddings

    Methodist yet not in the UMC?

    The good thing is that this entire congregation left with it's former pastor, the UMC. I believe it's ok for now. :)
  2. JGiddings

    Methodist yet not in the UMC?

    The one thing that struck me, and it may be small to some people, is that they refer to Communion, and not "The Lord's Supper." Very unusual for non-denoms, from personal experience only.
  3. JGiddings

    Methodist yet not in the UMC?

    Hi all. The church I joined recently was a UMC church but broke away due to issues of stance on certain subjects. It was called Sardis UMC now it's just Sardis Church. It was a purely contemporary worship UMC church. It still is contemporary. We took communion and it was just like how a UMC...
  4. JGiddings

    We are not magically saved simply by believing.

    Yeah I gotta admit the whole "works-based salvation" label is thrown around without thought now a days. *subscribed*
  5. JGiddings

    Pope unites the churches?

    I wonder what people are going to do, hypothetically of course, if Jesus says to all at the are wrong about the pope? I love stirring stuff up. :D
  6. JGiddings

    Lent seems to be catching on

    You're statements are based how much research?. I've studied the subject and disagree on all points. Each to his/her own. Do you think that songs in church are not man-made? Well they are, noone claims they are a work, although they are in fact. They don't however speak of one's salvation in...
  7. JGiddings

    The movie NOAH

  8. JGiddings

    Lent seems to be catching on

    No thoughts? As opinionated as this group is? :D
  9. JGiddings

    Who gave Paul the authority to speak on behalf of Jesus?

    Concerning women we must also not forget the cultural norms of the time.
  10. JGiddings


    Me too brother. In the meantime don't get discouraged. Rebuke the darkness in your life.
  11. JGiddings

    Thoughts on TBN

    I can't stand the channel But they do show good movies. The first time I ever saw the movie Peter and Paul was on TBN.
  12. JGiddings


    I was baptized Catholic and all The churches that I've attended and Have been a member even my Baptist pastor said I Did not have to get re baptized. :)
  13. JGiddings

    World Vision hiring homosexuals?

  14. JGiddings

    Lent seems to be catching on

    It seems that people are celebrating Lent more and more in non Catholic churches. Personally I think it's wonderful because of what it represents. For those that don't know basically it is a time of preparation of the heart. It is a time for us To prepare ourselves For the resurrection of our...
  15. JGiddings


    I respect that brother. :)