Recent content by Estrid

  1. Estrid

    Moon light - the word of God vs falsely so called science

    I'll abbreviate to just " d". "That crazy man just sits there saying ' d d d d d d d d d d' and it's so annoying:."
  2. Estrid

    Moon light - the word of God vs falsely so called science

    The "yes there is evidence" boys should duke it out with thems as say there isn't any, coz God tidied up.
  3. Estrid

    Moon light - the word of God vs falsely so called science

    The yec have the bible, not evidence. So that prob is handwaved. ' ....even if all the evidence in the universe turns against yec I'd still be yec coz bible..." I suppose it's tough for those with no integrity to see themselves, or to even know what integrity is.
  4. Estrid

    Establishing Secular Morality

    You have failed to identify anyone because there is no such person. It wouldn't kill you to just admit that.
  5. Estrid

    Moon light - the word of God vs falsely so called science

    And said handful have to abandon integrity as they have no data for their beliefs, so what they mayp choose to believe is of no value.
  6. Estrid

    Sports Should Unify, Not Divide Us

    Play snark with someone else. Maybe they won't notice you can't explain yourself.
  7. Estrid

    Establishing Secular Morality

    Find us one (1) person who believes corporations should be free of state constraints. You cannot. The idea is ridiculous. Making rest of the post not worth a glance.
  8. Estrid

    Good Guy with a Gun Prevents Teen from Returning Malfunctioning Airsoft Pistol to Sporting Goods Store

    In general it may be difficult to calculate joules and pellet diameter in a stressful / quick decision / life and death situation. Not that Ive tried
  9. Estrid

    Milky Way last major collision

    Three body problem on steroids!
  10. Estrid

    Declining Atheism v Disproportionate influence

    Ha. The religious is always wailing about decline in membership, surging paganism etc. For obvious reasons. The rest of us don't concern ourselves unless some religious group blows up buildings or tries to force their agenda into public policy.
  11. Estrid

    Milky Way last major collision

    This is a phys sci thread, please respect the rules.
  12. Estrid

    Sports Should Unify, Not Divide Us

    Looks right to me but if not presse exprain.