Recent content by daq

  1. daq

    The Essene Quarter

    MATTHIAS BEN THEOPHILUS: Name of two high priests. 1. The successor of Simon ben Boethus, and, unlike the other high priests appointed by Herod, who were foreigners, a native of Jerusalem (Josephus, "Ant." xvii. 4, § 2). On the eve of a Day of Atonement—for the priest the most important time in...
  2. daq

    The Essene Quarter

    And in those ten days are seventy weeks, for they are ten years, a year for a day. Daniel 1:5, (three years under Nebuchadnezzar). Daniel 7:1, Daniel 8:1, (three years under Belshazzar). Daniel 6:28, Daniel 9:1, (one year under Darius). Daniel 10:1, (third year under Koresh-Cyrus). These same...
  3. daq

    The Essene Quarter

    According to the hypotheses presented in the links from the OP, Paul would have surely been in the Essene Quarter: for we know by his own testimony that after having immersed in the desert of Arabia, (Gal 1:17), a six month immersion into that which Hananyah had laid upon him at Damashek-Qumran...
  4. daq

    The Essene Quarter

    My comment had only to do with the Testimony of the Master and what he says and teaches about it and what is also written in Apocalypse Yakob, (which was one of the reasons I linked to it). Matthew 23:34-35 KJV 34 Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some...
  5. daq

    The Essene Quarter

    What I find most interesting in all of this, and related to the OP, is that we have multiple historical sources reporting that Yakob the Tzaddik actually wore the breastplate of righteous judgment and entered into the sanctuary: if he was not forbidden to do so then there is more to the story...
  6. daq

    The Essene Quarter

    Yes, of course.
  7. daq

    The Essene Quarter

    It's all good, no hurry: and if you simply cannot get to it, believe me, I understand. :)
  8. daq

    The Essene Quarter

    That would be great! Thank you for doing that. :)
  9. daq

    Three Witnesses Against the Masoretic Text

    The problem is that anyone with eyes open may plainly see that even from where I started when I entered this thread, Reply#25, what remains written in the quote found in Hebrews 1:6, from Deuteronomy 32:43, remains to this day right there in the text of the OG LXX, while it is now missing from...
  10. daq

    The Essene Quarter

    Surely it is intended, but I did not come up with that term: it is simply the name by which it has been called in more recent times. The word quarter has several different meanings in English, one being a fourth part, the other being used for a living quarter or more commonly, plural, as in the...
  11. daq

    The Essene Quarter

    Regarding the map in the OP, I would also add: note that the residence of the High Priest is also within the Essene Quarter. This was likely because in the time before the Hasmoneans usurped the Priesthood, when the High Priests were sons of Tzadok, the natural location for the palace or...
  12. daq

    The Essene Quarter

    There are several articles I just read over the last few days, by an archaeologist named Bargil Pixner which I thought I would post here. The first article is mainly archaeology, the discovery of the southwestern wall which enclosed that corner and gate of the Essene Quarter of Yerushalem. The...
  13. daq

    Three Witnesses Against the Masoretic Text

    As for the statement from the Talmud it was even posted by @Yahudim in a screen shot from one of the videos, (Part 3), in the following post from a different thread where this came up. The reference given and quoted is from Megillah 9a. Here is that passage from Sefaria...
  14. daq

    Three Witnesses Against the Masoretic Text

    As I said to you when I addressed it: the Torah is my witness.
  15. daq

    Three Witnesses Against the Masoretic Text

    Once again you utterly exclude all Greek writings except for the Gospel accounts? What happened to everything that follows the Gospel of John? And where is that stated to be acceptable teaching in the SOP? The SOP says two things related to this: So then, we can study and discuss "other...