Recent content by boughtwithaprice

  1. B

    Why the weekly Sabbath (Saturday) is the Lord's Day, in the Bible

    You need to choose your words more carefully. To say that I used “absolutely no scripture” is a gross mischaracterization. This is what is meant by detraction and calumny. A Christian does not speak as you do, are you sure you meant to say that? Luke 24 is scripture. It is the model for the...
  2. B

    Why the weekly Sabbath (Saturday) is the Lord's Day, in the Bible

    So you admit it is your own reasoning that brings you to this conclusion?
  3. B

    Why the weekly Sabbath (Saturday) is the Lord's Day, in the Bible

    You start with the Catechism but then deviate to secondary and tertiary sources that give their commentary on what the Church teaches rather than sticking to what the Church teaches. In so doing, you make it look like the Church had a conspiracy to profane the Sabbath, which your assembly alone...
  4. B

    Why the weekly Sabbath (Saturday) is the Lord's Day, in the Bible

    No what I am claiming is that instead of using original source material, you are using hearsay, which makes you and your ex-Catholics no better than gossips. Do you know the definition of detraction and why it is evil? Do they teach upright speech in the SDA? Detraction is speech meant...
  5. B

    Why the weekly Sabbath (Saturday) is the Lord's Day, in the Bible

    Sunday worship was observed long before Constantine, and it is a smear to try and associate the first day of the week with Sun worship. The Sun wasn’t even created until the fourth day of creation. What purpose would Christians have for associating the worship of the Son of God with worship of...
  6. B

    Why the weekly Sabbath (Saturday) is the Lord's Day, in the Bible

    Your last quote is a leap of logic and in no way applies to the Church We altered none of God’s commands and have consistently held them for 2000 years and after 1930, we seem to be the only ones that even want to do so anymore. The teaching on the Eucharist was abandoned by Zwingli in the...
  7. B

    Why the weekly Sabbath (Saturday) is the Lord's Day, in the Bible

    Where in the Catechism does it teach that the wages of sin are eternal life? That is not Catholic doctrine. How could I address something that is not Catholic? Indulgences are not bought. The giving of alms used to be an indulged work, but if you understood indulgences, you would know...
  8. B

    Why the weekly Sabbath (Saturday) is the Lord's Day, in the Bible

    You are trying to tell other people that worshipping God is pagan. The same way your sabbath is named after Saturn, the Lord’s day is named after the Sun in secular culture. We worship Jesus on the day of the Resurrection just like first Christians did. The first day of the week is also...
  9. B

    Why the weekly Sabbath (Saturday) is the Lord's Day, in the Bible

    You misinterpret Catholic doctrine. The giving of alms is a good work rewarded by God, but it is not the rich that reap it, unless they give all they have. Jesus tells us that the widow that gave two pennies gave more than all the rich that used their surplus wealth. He did not say her...
  10. B

    Why the weekly Sabbath (Saturday) is the Lord's Day, in the Bible

    I mentioned nothing about photographs, I was referring to his suggestion that we still need to enforce a Jewish Sabbath So Jesus’ words are just another Catholic tradition? He said to even look at a woman with lust is adultery. The marital act was given to us to follow the command to be...
  11. B

    Why the weekly Sabbath (Saturday) is the Lord's Day, in the Bible

    Bob, I admire your zeal, and your strict desire to use scriptural arguments. There are things which you have not considered. You correctly state that we are to observe ALL of the commandments, yet you over emphasize sabbath keeping above the other commandments. You claim that we are live by...
  12. B

    Work out your own salvation.

    This is an excellent topic for a thread. It is one of the main accusations against the Catholic Church that says we teach salvation by works, but that is not true. Some think we are saved by grace not by works, so they do nothing. If they sin, they are not grieved because, “It’s all...
  13. B

    Does anyone know any clever ways to overcome gluttony and intemperance?

    I suffer from the same thing brother. We can try to do it on our own but then fail. Temperance is one of the cardinal virtues, and it takes work to develop, but every journey starts with the first step. If all we do is think of our bodies, it becomes a distraction, and our enemy loves...
  14. B

    Need a priest's help for dissertation

    If you want credibilty to truly represent Catholic Doctrine, then I suggest the Marian Catechist Apostolate headed by Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke in La Crosse, Wisconsin. While you may not get to speak to him personally , you could, but I don’t want to make promises for someone not myself, he...
  15. B

    A discussion of the Deep Things of God

    You have stated your beliefs, but what are they based on? The words of men? What did the reformers do when they rebelled against the Church? Has the reformation healed the body of Christ or fracture it further? If so, how? I am not asking to mock you. I genuinely want to know what you...