Recent content by Billnew

  1. Billnew


    I kind of like the new system of rating posts. It shows that we can discuss and make points without anger and judgement being part of the debate. We can disagree and still respect the way people state their arguments.
  2. Billnew

    What Handguns Have Done for America

    Not the NRA, the US Government. "the Militia Act of 1903, which became known as the Dick Act. This law repealed the Militia Acts of 1792 and designated the militia (per Title 10 of the U.S. Code, Section 311) as two classes: the Unorganized Militia, which included all able-bodied men between...
  3. Billnew

    Europe and Iran

    Standing up to a bully doesn't mean you want to go to war, it means you have a line they can't cross and you will stand up for that. If they don't like that, then they can start the war and will suffer the consequences. OUr country has for far too long tried to "play nice" with countries that...
  4. Billnew

    Trio Dem Senators considering to acquit Trump

    The impeachment charges were said to be a "Quid pro quo" for Trump asking the Ukraine to investigate a quid pro quo that Biden bragged about and the obstruction of justice was to delay complying with House Dems request until the courts ruled on the request. IE obstruction was waiting on the...
  5. Billnew

    Trio Dem Senators considering to acquit Trump

    The Dems don't want witnesses. If they have witnesses, the Dems will have the whole sham of investigation revealed to the public and the Biden's will have their Quid pro quo put in the spotlight. The only way they could impeach Trump was to have a kangaroo court, no defense witnesses, no...
  6. Billnew

    Do you carry a firearm in church?

    I occasionally get a second glance, because of the radio and ear piece. I can read their face and they are thinking "What does he do here at the church"? Because I am not intimidating at all.
  7. Billnew

    Trump says he deserves Nobel Peace Prize not Abiy Ahmed

    thanks for the link. Just keeping it honest. :) What he said, I could believe he said. But the media has to spin it. I don't agree with him on this, the people in power judge who played the biggest role in the process, Trump was involved, but I accept their choice.
  8. Billnew

    Race relations are better under Trump than Obama!

    I will admit, I thought there were more racial incidents, but now I assume it was probably media hype of isolated incidents around the times of other violence.
  9. Billnew

    Race relations are better under Trump than Obama!

    it was unintentional you saw the's hard to pull out the ones in the USA only. Good to see you again. I can't tell, was that based on skin color or just unhappy about someone being shot. The story doesn't mention race.
  10. Billnew

    Trump says he deserves Nobel Peace Prize not Abiy Ahmed

    People still believe the same pollsters that said Hillary would win in a land slide. The Dems fake impeachment has pretty much given the election to Trump.
  11. Billnew

    Trump says he deserves Nobel Peace Prize not Abiy Ahmed

    we don't need a link so we can read what he actually said? Trump gets credit for saying a lot of things he hasn't said. Kind of like A.Lincoln quotes on the internet.
  12. Billnew

    Doomsday Clock is 100 seconds to midnight, the symbolic hour of the apocalypse

    We're closer to doomsday in the 80's. Both sides looking for a reason to launch. MAD-mutual assured destruction was mad. I've lived through running out of gasoline in the 70's, the coming 2nd ice age, numerous people claiming the world will end on certain dates, to many to remember. MMGW is...
  13. Billnew

    Race relations are better under Trump than Obama!

    also there was a Trump rally riot during the election. I didn't count that one, because it was hostility based on the election.
  14. Billnew

    Race relations are better under Trump than Obama!

    "April 26: 2015 Baltimore riots erupted in Baltimore, Maryland, United States in response to the death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray, who died while in police custody." AA rioting against police because of racial issues. " Riots in Ferguson, Missouri caused by the shooting of Michael Brown and...
  15. Billnew

    Do you carry a firearm in church?

    I was born in Pima county, Tucson. But moved away after the military.