Recent content by 65James

  1. 6

    Greatest Fears

    If my faith is not shipwreck it is on it last thread! It seems every dream I have ever had is gone, while all my nightmares have come true, so why should I believe Jesus died for my sins? To my complete shamed and total horror this fearfully and wonderfully made man suffers from B.O. even in...
  2. 6

    Greatest Fears

    I guess I did not make my statement clear. Yes I hate being SINgle but it not that fact as much as the underlining reason that I happen to be alone, and yes it is a medical problem. Saw many doctors about this issue all said they did not notice anything but my primary Doctor said it was...
  3. 6

    Greatest Fears

    25) For the thing which I greatly feared, is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me. 26) I was not in safety, neither had I rest, neither was I quiet, yet trouble came. Job 3:25-26 So anyone close to me knows I hate being SINgle, but my greatest fear is not being alone...
  4. 6

    Batting .500

    The real praise will come when I bat a 1.000. So unfortunately I looked at porn last night the good news is did not react to it (other than looking at it). Please pray that I may follow Paul’s advice in Romans 6:13 with the Holy Spirit‘s help, so that I learn to yield my body to Him.
  5. 6

    Hebrews 10:24-25

    So knowing these two verses I know I need to find a church; but need faith for strength to endure to find a place of worship that is describe here: 24) And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works. 25). Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner...
  6. 6

    Hot Temper

    Pray for me, that the Holy Spirit will help me to have a milder or even very cool temper. As it is not only unChrist like but as a diabetic extremely unhealthy.
  7. 6

    Mathew 27:52-53

    IMO, Peter deals with this in I Peter 3:18-4:6. After His death Jesus simply delivers the captives in Abraham‘s Bosom, Luke 16:19-31. Paul speaks of this in Ephesians 4:8 quoting Psalms 68:18 after Jesus rose from the dead He brought with Him those in Abraham’s bosom. I believe their bodies...
  8. 6

    Sister is finally home

    So we were planning on bringing my sister home last Friday, but because of poor treatment at the retirement center she was in the hospital for about a week getting care for mrza however it is spell it is like a boil only antibiotics are useless against it. But Thank God she came home today we...
  9. 6

    Good A1C reading

    So being a diabetic and really not controlling my diet I had my A1C token last Monday and saw my Doctor last Friday, I was so sure especially after stressing out to much and getting to easily angered that my A1C was going to top 10 which is very bad. But God has truly been merciful even with a...
  10. 6

    For my sister

    Please pray for my sister we are hoping to bring her home soon, which is great news; however the original plan was for tomorrow. But we ended up taking her to the hospital for what we think is a boil on her breast, the retirement center thought it was a pimple and busted it open it has only...
  11. 6

    How Easter was used to replace the Sabbath

    Actually that is precisely what they state but you keep your day as Fulfilling the Sabbath I will keep Jesus as my Rest.
  12. 6

    How Easter was used to replace the Sabbath

    Why I agree that Easter is not the best term, I see no problem with people honoring the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and calling it Easter. Especially when I look in the Old Covenant and read this day was a Sunday, Leviticus 23:9-12. For verse 11 of this passage states on the morrow after the...
  13. 6

    As Easter approaches feel more than ever REJECTED by God

    The word I happen to be looking for rhythm with itch, to say I happen to be reacting like one is a great insult to them. It is much worse but after so many years of trying to believe God for His mercy and just being slapped with His justice I cannot any longer see Him as my Father just my Judge...
  14. 6

    Stressing Out

    Will my old man return completely this morning cussing up a storm and can’t wait to see how my next two days get ruined.
  15. 6

    Stressing Out

    So just heard in my neck of the woods by Tuesday morning we will have up to 2 feet of snow. Starting some time Sunday. I will be finishing a 6 day work week Monday, only problem is the person who usually helps me shovel snow will being leaving for a week tomorrow. But what really worries me...