Blog entries by Unofficial Reverand Alex

So if you've been following my activity on this blog... you've noticed a long silence from my end. This has been for a few reasons, but the pertinent one is that I've been working on this complication project on an online spreadsheet, for sake of more materials in a better organized format...
I appreciate sanctifying music with Bible verses, an uplifting or challenging message, and generally thanking God for creating us with the capacity to make & appreciate music. Yet the contemporary Christian genre is simply not appealing to's good Christian songs, in genres that I can...
Copied from this great article: In his Feb. 3 address in Phoenix, Archbishop Chaput summarized the rules of knighthood written more than 500 years ago by Erasmus of Rotterdam in...
I'll be adding in more websites here...but this is a professional-grade photography website, specializing in Catholic images. Beautiful Free Catholic Images & Pictures | Cathopic Here's some more from a public-domain site:
It's not a genre I often go for, but these contain some powerful lyrics & strong backing music:
The Catholic Gentleman is a wonderful website. Too many Catholic resources only mention men who chose celibate priesthood, so I very much appreciate that many of its articles on holiness are focused on those called to marriage. The Catholic Gentleman This article works of the downfall of...
The Psalms are an intriguing collection of writings. Songs appear throughout the Bible, but the Psalms are specially dedicated to musical numbers. Many have put them to music, but my personal favorites are those versions that are set in traditional Jewish music. Here's a few of my favorites...
I don't often seek out people's personal stories of how they found God (or rather, how God found them!--John 15:16). Yet this one really stood out. I was intrigued by John Pridmore when I saw a video of him at a men's church group, which I unfortunately can't find online....but this is another...
Love. -------------- Do good to others--not because of who they are, but because of who you are. Mother Theresa It's God's job to instruct, the Spirit's job to convict, and my job to love. Someone's signature here on CF Whatever you do, do it in love. Paul Forgive. Forgive...
It's the end of a long day. My college semester is entirely online, with my leaving Illinois to come back home, due to lockdown orders. It's almost finals, and I just finished my last assignment before these final tests & essays. My brain is tired, but I'm glad to be able to enjoy tomorrow...
It's a thought I just had in prayer. God didn't have to make us imperfect, and He didn't have to let mercy be His defining characteristic. If we were all inherently sinless, perfect creatures, there would be no challenge to love, nothing to overcome. What are your thoughts?
I've been wanting a girlfriend for a long time now; I've done so many devotionals, novenas, fasts, prayers, Jason Evert talks, and so many things to reach my future wife throughout the past 3 years I've been single. None of it has been to waste; it's been a very gradual, very thorough process...
I've had it backwards all along...but thank God for giving me the grace to do a Holy Hour, an hour a day in front of the Blessed Sacrament, an hour a day of uninterrupted prayer! So much peace has entered my soul since I started this. Now I'm realizing something I've had backwards all along...
Unofficial Reverand Alex
11 min read
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[This has somewhat of an abrupt ending; apparently, I didn't save the finished version, but this still has a lot to it. Also, part of the assignment was referencing an article we read in class, so don't worry about the little citations.] The following is a paper I wrote for a Theology class...
Depends on how far we carry it. Evil spreads so fast, it seems; love? Not so much. Pray to be better carriers of good than evil, sharing stories of good acts rather than stories of wickedness. Stop reading news stories about shootings & hatred; that only spreads Satan's sick reign. Share...
Unofficial Reverand Alex
2 min read
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My main fault is cowardice. Most of my sins are sins of omission; I don't dishonor God very much in what I do, but I all too often dishonor Him in what I don't do. This has made evangelization my worst spot in following Christ; I've been graced enough to be able to follow most of His...
I just wanted to share a picture of the nativity God graced me with, all set up in my dorm. Very simple, very meaningful, and I thought others might like to see it, too. Please say a prayer in front of a nativity, even if it's just this picture of one. I find that prayers offered in front of...
I've been trying to go to Reconciliation every week now. (I prefer the term Reconciliation over Confession, because Confession is what you're doing, but Reconciling yourself to the Father is the purpose). This week, one thing I confessed was that, when I was being genorous, giving stuff away...
Just today, on this forum, God presented me with an interesting side-by-side. I spent some time on a thread I started, arguing against Sola Scriptura, in what was becoming a somewhat heated argument on the subject; from there, I checked out a blog entry from another user I follow, left an...
I just came back from 2 hours at adoration. Spend that much time with the Lord, and some pretty cool things happen, to say the least. At the end, I felt like it was very cleansing, but not in the same way as reconciliation. At reconciliation, bad stuff is lifted off of us; after adoration, I...