Blog entries by Bob corrigan

Bob corrigan
6 min read
This is a very familiar phrase. There are different explanations as to exactly what Jesus meant. In our culture, the two main things people associate salt with are flavoring food and preserving food. But salt can be used for many purposes. An article by Reader's Digest lists 60 different ways...
Bob corrigan
3 min read
I need to point out three things before I begin. 1. The word "sermon" is not a biblical word. There is no Hebrew or Greek word in the original texts that are defined as "sermon." The Middle English word "sermon" wasn't created until 1520AD. When Jesus, or any rabbi in the first century, gave...
Bob corrigan
1 min read
...but he that comes behind me is far greater than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to carry... Most people think that foot washing is the lowest task a servant would perform. There was one task that was more menial than that. The lowest task was carrying the sandals of the master. When the...
Mat 2:1...there came wise men from the east... Besides explaining difficult verses and passages, I will provide helpful information that the average churchgoer is unaware of but should know. The first thing one should know is that no English translation, not one, is the "accurate word of God."...
To better understand what we read in Scripture requires knowing the background that a verse or passage of Scripture is set against, be it cultural, historical, political, or theological. This will also tell why something was said or done. For example, why did Paul, in 2Tim 2:12, instruct that...