Recent content by Polycarp1

  1. Polycarp1

    Was Faith Alone Good Enough For The Thief?

    Fair point. I did mention it "mediated by the Atonement of Jesus Christ" in my forst post to this thread, and neglected to repeat it in answering your post. Thanks for the catch; it's always wonderful when Christians of varying traditions come at the same answer from differing stances. :)
  2. Polycarp1

    Was Faith Alone Good Enough For The Thief?

    A cautionary note: What you say is true only if one is sure to keep in mind that true divine justice always includes grace and mercy. If we were judged as we deserve, we'd all be in expectation of an eternity in Hell. But He grants us his unearned favor and gives us what we have not earned...
  3. Polycarp1

    Was Faith Alone Good Enough For The Thief?

    I'm not Rev Randy, but I believe I see what he was driving at, and agree. Your faith alone does not save you; just loke good works faith is something that YOU do. It is God's grace, mediated through the Atonement of Christ, whch saves you. You receive that grace through faith, and it's...
  4. Polycarp1

    The Golden Calf & Our Catholic Mass: 3 Reason Man Cannot Invent the Liturgy

    The Tridentine Mass was put in place by the Council of Trent, as an integral part of the Counter-Reformation, replacing the medieval Mass rites rhat had accreted some practices that I cannot come in here and call wrong, but I can say were counterproductive to the Church's intent in celebrating...
  5. Polycarp1

    Me and this "gay" thing.

    God loves you and refrains from condemning rejecting you. <edit>
  6. Polycarp1

    Anglican jokes/sayings

    "For every church there is one infallible authority. For fundamentalist Protestants, it is the Bible; for the Catholics, the Pope. And for the Anglicans, it is the previous Rector."
  7. Polycarp1

    Purgatory and the Immaculate Conception

    I take my stand with these three members. I once saw Purgatory described as "Heaven's mudroom," which if ytou're not familiar with the term is the concrete-floored rear entry to many rural homes where, having gotten dirty working outside, one can remove the filth before entering the home...
  8. Polycarp1

    How to deal with Heresy on this board...

    "They all be heretics save thee and me... and sometimes I wonder about thee!" ^_^
  9. Polycarp1

    What Is the Purpose of Marriage?

    In many threads both on CF and elsewhere on the topics of same-sex marriage, the morality of divorce or of contraception, etc., it becomes evident to thread participants that different people bring to the table divergent understandings of the purpose(s) of marriage, and those threads often...
  10. Polycarp1

    Do Anglicans believe in Demons, the Devil and evil Spirits?

    I believe in God: Father, Son, and Holy Sprit. It is He Who created, redeemed, and is sanctifying me. It is He inm whom I put my trust. People who "believe in" doctrines and entities other than God Himnself are forgetting what "believe in" really means.
  11. Polycarp1

    Liberal Anglican churches.

    Having read this thread, may I venture my observations? 1. TEC members are not welcome in STR. If anyone with even moderately liberal attitudes shows up here, they will receive the brunt of the Continuers' snarkasm until they get discouraged and leave, at which time the Continuers will...
  12. Polycarp1


    Let's see: Yaz = Carl Yastrzemski, famous Boston Red Sox player. Yaz also = birth control pills believed to sometimes be deadly. Boston Red Sox = team which famously went nearly 100 years without winning a World Series after trading away G.H. "Babe" Ruth. The logic is inescapable: it's the...
  13. Polycarp1

    Why We Should not Pray to the Saints

    "Stop telling people to drink from this Well; you just saw me pour poison in it, didn't you"??? That's the message I'm getting from your posts. Misrepresenting the position of a fellow Christian ("straw man" fallacy) in order to argue against it is bearing false witness.