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word of faith

  1. Pavel Mosko

    My beef with Word of Faith theology

    Back in the early 1990s, I spent a few years at two WOF churches. One in my hometown and the other in the college town where I was taking classes. My issues come from some of these formal beliefs taken from the WOF board here. (Lots of other people make other kinds of complaints as far...
  2. R

    Faith, Foolishness, Presumption Or Science In Regards To Covid-19

    This week, I borrow from the late Dr. Frederick Price, one of the early word of faith Pastors and teachers and share what is meant by faith, foolishness and presumption. (Dr. Price's book is of the same title). Psalm 91:9-10 (KJV) 9 Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the...
  3. A

    Theologies of Healing

    I'd like to have a cordial discussion about miraculous healing, but we'll have to see how this goes. :) As an opening question, do you think healing is always God's will? I'm not asking if it always happens. They answer to that question would be rather obvious. But as we know "it is not God's...
  4. SJ Newell

    Identifying the Problem with our Interpretation Processes, and Offering a Solution

    The primary problem with the way most Christians interpret the Bible, is that often, the final deciding factor in what causes them to accept one doctrine, and reject another, exists outside of the Bible, internally, within themselves. And as long as your process is internal, it isn't objective...
  5. Simon the Tanner

    Rebutting Michael Boehm on the Word of Faith

  6. sheamiao

    Forgive And Move On

    I was born from a troubled family. My parents fought all the time, sometimes abuse each other verbally or physically. My childhood was in terror and instability. I decided to forgive them now because God want me too. If we forgive he will forgive us. Matt6:14 For if you forgive men when they...
  7. Ifeoluwa Adegoke

    Free Ebooks by Word of Faith Teachers

    Hello Saints You may want to visit this link to get free ebooks by word of faith teachers including Kenneth E. Hagin, Lester Sumarall, Charles Capps and many others. Blessings Free Christian eBooks (New Additions Daily – CHARIS CHRISTIAN RESOURCES
  8. Ifeoluwa Adegoke

    Kenneth E. Hagin Complete Life Messages

    Grace and Peace to you I have developed a rich spiritual resource over the years, and would be willing to share with folks on this platform. I have the life sermons of the great apostle of Faith Kenneth E. Hagin. It includes the yearly camp meetings, Bible seminars, Holy Ghost meetings amongst...
  9. unfinishedclay

    Wife/Mom/Daughter Devotions: "Who Qualifies To Teach Me The Word?"

    2 Timothy 4:3-4 "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." God did not give us His Word so that we...
  10. Messa

    Coming Back to WoF After A Long Absence

    I thought I would post an introductory post of sorts here too. I have been lurking lately because I have been getting back into the swing of things with Word of Faith. :bicyclist: I was introduced to it back in August 1994 via Andrew Wommack's tapes. (He was on the only radio station we could...
  11. Simon the Tanner

    Horton Hears a Heretic!

    This is a rebuttal to Dr. Michael Horton's 1991 videos condemning the Word of Faith movement and teachers. He clearly didn't know what he was talking about back then, but prior to publishing the video I emailed him and asked him if he stands by what he said in the videos and he responded in the...