
  1. C

    The Lord's will

    Good day, I'm asking for prayer that the Lord's will would be done in Union Hall, San Fernando. Thank you for all your prayer.
  2. M

    The will of God

    “We [earnestly] urge you, believers, admonish those who are out of line [the undisciplined, the unruly, the disorderly], encourage the timid [who lack spiritual courage], help the [spiritually] weak, be very patient with everyone [always controlling your temper]. See that no one repays another...
  3. Heartofsilver

    Prayers for my aunt, Stage 4 cancer and cousin with disabilities

    Hello everyone, Please pray for my aunt who was just diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. She will be unable to take care of my cousin who is quadriplegic and is in a wheelchair. Please pray for them, for the rest of the family, their friends, and other loved ones. Please pray that our God will...
  4. public hermit

    Free to do God's will

    Like Paul in Romans chapter 6, we can define freedom as freedom from sin. If we were perfectly free from sin, then we would fulfill God's will without fail. For the sake of argument: Would we be free (according to Paul's definition) if 1 and 2 below obtained? 1) God determined that we would...
  5. Not David

    Gnomic and natural human will

    Can someone explain to me about them, human will, and Christ?
  6. Lords Man

    We Must Know...

    We must know that the person who is not born-again, a new creature in Christ, led by the Holy Spirit, is, according to God’s own word, a hater and enemy of God. (John 3:3 - Romans 1:30 - Romans 8:7, 14 - 2 Corinthians 5:17). We must know that such a person is under the dominion of disobedience...
  7. Bible Highlighter

    What is the soul?

    What is the soul? The soul is one's mind, will, and emotions. The Mind Being a Part of the Soul: The soul is of three parts—the mind, the will, and the emotion. This is clearly and definitely proved by the Word of God. Proverbs 2:10 gives us the spiritual ground to prove that the mind is a...
  8. Drought of the Heart

    Matthew 12:1-9 Easy Button To Follow God

    Matthew 12:1-9 In all my years I have never seen any other verses used more to do away with the Laws of God than these. I am always amazed how satan confused Adam and Eve with 1 command. I am always amazed how hard we try and find Scriptures to do what we want or not love what God wants...
  9. Drought of the Heart

    Matthew 9

    Matthew 9 I have studied healing in Scriptures for years for my husband and his terrible disease. The one common theme in healing is faith and what God wants. It was my answered prayer for my brother when I learned much about healing , suffering and death. The number one thing that needs...
  10. Daniel Marsh

    What does Will Durant Believe?

    When one comes from the mindset of the copycat thesis they tend to read nonsense into history. They start with that bias and see things that are not really there. That alone makes his worthless to others. Church History: An Introduction to Research Methods and Resources, Second ...By James...
  11. Battle Strategy: Thankfulness

    Battle Strategy: Thankfulness

    Imagine if you will a wagon with a driver being pulled by two horses. The two horses are your mind and your emotions. The driver is your will and the cart is your body. The two horses, your mind and emotions, will take your body, the cart, wherever your will, the driver, wants to go. Simple...
  12. ChristnMe

    Follow The Fruit.

    Follow the fruit. To be a Christian is just the same as the night is to light. God’s first act was to shed light upon the darkness of the Earth just as if one would shed a right perspective of clarity on an issue that is based on ignorance. Simply put; a Christian ought to be someone who is not...
  13. J

    Traditional Catholic understanding of the human person

    Here's the Traditional Catholic understanding of the human person, made up of three parts or aspect, and how these aspects are effected by sin: The Aspects The Mind The Will...
  14. mreeed

    Single and requested to be guardian in will for 8-yr old twins

    I have done respite for these boys for seven years and love them dearly. Their single adoptive mother divorced from their 'Dad' who has a drug habit and is a closet homosexual before they could adopt them together (were his son's children). They see him once a week. She has no living parents...
  15. Lords Man

    Grace pure grace!

    “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9) The grace of God, the ‘loving-kindness’ of God, the ‘favor’ of God, is never to be understood as something that is manifest among men based on...