sunday school

  1. EnriqueNye

    Am I in the wrong for saying "no"?

    Hello everyone, My wife and I are part of a church, and we're very active in serving. Last year we occasionally served in the nursery on Sundays, and I was often scheduled to clean the church on a Saturday before church. On top of that, I shoveled all the paths and was backup to lockup the...
  2. UnshakeableFaith

    The Power of Teaching Prayer

    Prayer is essential. Its far too easy to say you are too busy and skip prayer. It personally has helped me practice gratitude for all God has done for me. Check out this clip I made from Charles Stanley preaching about the importance of daily prayer and teaching it to our children. I hope...
  3. M

    A different approach to Sunday School…?

    I am an American church childcare worker. Prior to my work at the church, I worked primarily as a pre-school teacher. I am trained in both Montessori and Reggio Emilia learning philosophies. (My formal education is in Law) I lost my faith long ago but resumed attending church after the birth...
  4. Paulomycin

    Art and Illustrations of Bible Characters.

    As a child, I started attending Sunday School in the mid-70s (Southern Baptist Convention). At the time, Broadman press was handling the Sunday School materials. Most every depiction of Bible characters (the classroom posters, etc.) were artistically rendered to a very high standard of realism...
  5. justme6272

    How do I delete an entire thread I created, like this one, in one quick action?

  6. ChristianGirl_96

    Sunday school ideas

    I was recently offered the opportunity to teach a Sunday school class at my local church. It is a nice opportunity. If I accept the offer, I will be expected to work with 7-9 year olds primarily. I’ve never done this before. I left the church when I was seven years old and didn’t return until I...
  7. justme6272

    Survey: Looking for a Bible Study Group

    The purpose for these questions is to compare the answers of others with my own and use them to evaluate my own circumstances. Unless otherwise indicated, 'church' is referring to a traditional brick and mortar house of worship with exterior markings indicating such. 'Class' is referring to a...
  8. judson1982

    Is Sunday School still relevant in today's church?

    I am wondering, since "small groups" seem to be the status quo in more contemporary churches. I also find the concept of Sunday School to be more learning from a quarterly with rote activities and prayers--not challenging me to grow in the Lord. I also find such quarterlies to be full of...
  9. Hanan Cohen

    paint the Holy Land - Every sacred christian site on one Huge coloring page!

    Paint the Holy Land! A fun, educational art project for all the family. A Huge coloring page that includes the holiest Christian sites across Israel. The coloring page is accompanied by 20 specially-crafted educational cards for each site. Price: 19.90$ - free shipping worldwide This is a...