
  1. CoreyD

    Who Decides - God or Us?

    For the past 10 years, I have been meeting persons who have the view that you do not have to take things in the Bible literally. They have the view that you get to decide if it's literal or not, and in most cases, people take almost everything in the Bible symbolic, from Genesis through to...
  2. TCAuthor

    Forbidden Lights: Awakening is Free right now on Kindle

    Hey all! I've read through some of the forum here before and love the sharing that takes place. Building unity through diversity! I'd love to share that I have a new book series that just hit Amazon Kindle a few weeks ago. The first two books hit release at the same time, and I am working...
  3. G

    The beginning, was a love story (selah)

    Hi there, So yes, it is typically not read as such, but the story of Adam and Eve in the garden was a love story - Adam and Eve were in love with each other! To them, God was a joy, to be pursued and beheld. Any attempt to describe the beginning in terms of science, falls short of the one...
  4. 777GodLover777

    I have decided that I want to convert to Christianity

    Hello, I'm still young but I have been seeking for a religion almost my entire life. Until I was probably 11 or 12 I was a hardcore bonafide fedora-wearing Atheist. It's just because I was an ignorant immature kid. Then, I was super into Buddhism, trying to practice it in my everyday life; but...
  5. G

    What's the right way to say "whatever the beginning *was*, it wasn't a pretext for isolated change"?

    Hi there, So I am standing out on my own, at this point - I'm not saying "look at the Bible", I'm not saying "look at anything" - I just want to understand this fundamental point: whatever the beginning was, it was not a pretext for isolated change? The point is that once people typically have...
  6. Hrairoo

    The Fifth Season

    The Fifth Season :fallenleaf::snowflake::herb::blacksunrays: Warning: mild horror Author's Notes: A fantasy story I wrote about a world where the seasons are regions on the globe. Seriously, who lived all the way out here? It genuinely made her mad to think about as she trudged through...
  7. G

    We don't need new theology, we need to show the love we've already been shown

    Hi there, So I struggled a lot with this: what should my stance be, what should my religion be, am I bringing glory to Jesus or not? What I learned was, that God takes what He has already created and does something amazing with it. How? He takes what has already known love (as part of a family...
  8. G

    God amassed the Sun, attaching Earth and then setting it ablaze, while Creation went into a cocoon

    Hi there, So there are four parts to this beginning: gravity (the amassing of the sun), magnetism (the molten core of the Earth), the weak force (sun's fission) and the strong force (compounding the Earth's surface, with meteors). The point of the story, is to show that, before anything could...
  9. Landon Graber

    Call to action

    Hey everybody! I’m a Christian, I have a webcomic, and I’m looking for an artist. I’m not the best artist ever, but lately I’ve realized that I’m much better at writing. I take the story very seriously, and I’ve got a really good plan for it. I can’t offer any payment right now, but I’m looking...
  10. Darby Rand

    Short Story: Treasure Unknown

    Let me know what you guys think! It's a quick under 10 minute read. “It’s so hot!” Cali fluttered a fan in front of her face trying to ease her discomfort. “It’s not hot you’re just dramatic.” Cole continued to dig, the hole in the sand was a good six feet deep now. “Easy for you to...
  11. C

    Hello Everyone!

    Greetings! I have never joined a christian forum before. Interestingly I just started turning myself to god weeks ago. I think around 3 weeks ago? Long story short, I have avoided god since I was 12 years old after my sister stopped taking me. From then, I suffered a lot, abusive friendships...
  12. Swan7


    Has anyone watched this series? It's pretty good! I was actually recommended to watch this series from someone in Deviantart. This series has some pretty cool pieces of music as well, if anyone is curious or interested.
  13. Bethany35

    how I found God- my true story

    My name is Bethany and am 37. I first found out I was a true Christian when I was 15 and had a near death experience. Before that I had gone to youth groups and church camp but that was the defining experience then. You can’t wake up in intensive care on life support, with people worried you...
  14. Mark Corbett

    Ashes Can’t Repent (A Big Problem for the Universalist Story)

    Ashes can’t repent. This is a big problem for the Universalist story. I’m talking about the story which Christian Universalists promote. These Universalists are Christian in that they believe that the only way anyone can be saved is by God’s grace, and the only way His grace is experienced is...
  15. Psykes

    Hi, I'm Psykes.

    Of course, my real name ISN'T Psykes, just a nickname I came up with sometime ago. Why hello, how are you?! I hope you are all doing very well! I am just one who want's to be a part of something bigger without corruption! I'm here to be a part of the community and help people! For those who want...
  16. Winter_Rose

    Sharing Ghost Stories

    Hi, this thread is for a bit of fun, nothing serious. What are your favourite ghost stories? Also if you've got any local ghost stories or been told any, then please share them. If you don't believe in ghosts, that's fine. I'm not forcing you to change your beliefs.
  17. cassmith

    Should a Christian Play This Video Game?

    Hey, My sister really enjoys this video game called Undertale. She has watched others play it on YouTube and is very inspired by the artwork and the story it portrays. Unfortunately, the game has a trace of homosexuality in it. The game is fairly innocent besides this. My sister is also a...