sexual assault

  1. Unofficial Reverand Alex

    Pornhub's profit off rape & child porn

    I hate to share something so dark, as I believe there’s already too many negative news stories out there, but when so many people are getting hurt while others assume it’s fine, that’s not something I can let be. I'll start with a few quotes, then add the full New York Times article at the end...
  2. DevinCamary

    What I found in regards to sexual assault and the victim's virginity.

    So... as some of you know, I was sexually abused before. Years ago I was groped/raped on one occasion, and in another, groomed into sharing explicit photos of me doing things to myself, which could also be considered rape.. Years later, I still get extremely depressed and suicidal from it...
  3. DevinCamary

    Am I a virgin after sexual assault

    I... I need help... I want to save myself until marriage, but since I was sexually abused before, and everyone saying I lost my innocence... it's been hard... Is there ANYTHING in the bible that says a rape/sexual abuse survivor is still a virgin, still sexually pure? Or am I damned for...
  4. bèlla

    The Blame Game

    I don’t typically share posts from the site but this one stood out. She Accused Him of Rape. She Then Sent Herself Threatening Messages to Frame Him. John Doe, told the Record he was on the brink of suicide until he was acquitted last November on five charges of sexual assault. Continued...
  5. SummerMadness

    She Didn’t Act Like a Rape Victim

    She Didn’t Act Like a Rape Victim
  6. SummerMadness

    Why does US Labor Secretary Acosta still have a job?

    Why does the US Secretary of Labor still have a job? The morals of his actions are highly questionable and his illegal actions of hiding this deal from the victims demonstrates a high level of corruption. He needs to go, anyone involved in that deal and anyone associated with Epstein’s crime...
  7. SummerMadness

    Teenager Accused of Rape Deserves Leniency Because He's From a 'Good Family,' Judge Says

    Teenager Accused of Rape Deserves Leniency Because He's From a 'Good Family,' Judge Says I don't think we have to hazard a guess as to why a judge would make such an argument.
  8. SummerMadness

    Donald Trump sexually assaulted E. Jean Carroll in the mid-1990s, writer says in new book

    Donald Trump sexually assaulted E. Jean Carroll in the mid-1990s, writer says in new book
  9. SummerMadness

    Thousands of US child migrants sexually abused

    Thousands of US child migrants sexually abused
  10. SummerMadness

    Woman outraged after former Baylor student accused of rape avoids jail time

    Woman outraged after former Baylor student accused of rape avoids jail time
  11. SummerMadness

    Triple Jeopardy in College Sexual Assault Case Ends an N.F.L. Career

    Triple Jeopardy in College Sexual Assault Case Ends an N.F.L. Career I believe the problem still lies with in the fact that universities handle these cases, thus creating separate justice systems that can either result in too much leniency or draconian results such as this case.
  12. SummerMadness

    5 Wheaton College football players face felony charges in hazing incident

    5 Wheaton College football players face felony charges in hazing incident[/B]']5 Wheaton College football players face felony charges in hazing incident That's rape. And the response to the rape by five of its students: There is a debate about how colleges handle crimnals acts committed by...
  13. cirrutopia

    Did Mary consent to being impregnated?

    So tell me, did Mary get a say in being impregnated? Because sometimes that part of the story just reads like get gets told that she'll be getting pregnant now, and, well, sure, she does say later on, "Okay, let it be so," that part of her response seems pretty inconsequential given the fact...
  14. SummerMadness

    Terry Crews Speaks Out About Sexual Assault, Names Alleged Attacker

    Terry Crews Speaks Out About Sexual Assault, Names Alleged Attacker Yeah, the last thing you want to be labeled is a worthless person... And for those who often ask, "Why didn't he come forward?"
  15. Zoii

    Women around the world say Me Too

  16. Fenny the Fox

    Trojan ranks college sex health programs

    I hadn't posted anything is a long time, and ran across this interesting bit of relatively recent news: Trojan (yes, the condom company) actually does a yearly ranking of collegiate sexual health programs around the country. This year, the University of Georgia ranked at number 1 (apparently up...