sex masturbation

  1. C

    A debate on when the "One Flesh" union occurs, it's effects, and meaning.

    In this debate, I will attempt to prove that while fornication is a sin, it does not necessarily equate to a union of the flesh and what does achieve that union is the irreversible transfer of genetic materiel, its efficacy, and its consequences. To do this, I will run through 5 points: 1. What...
  2. C

    A debate on when the "One Flesh" union occurs, it's effects, and meaning.

    In this debate, I will attempt to prove that while fornication is a sin, it does not necessarily equate to a union of the flesh and what does achieve that union is the irreversible transfer of genetic materiel, its efficacy, and its consequences. To do this, I will run through 5 points: 1. What...
  3. D

    I broke a covenant with God

    Hi. I am addicted to porn and masturbation. I tried to stop by making a promise/covenant to God that the day that I touch or have premarital sex, may I die. I included premarital sex because I am in a long-distance relationship, we are both christians but the temptation is unbearable when...
  4. BroIgnatius

    Sexual Addictions

    I hope it is okay to post this. If not, let me know. We are inviting anyone who needs to join us in an online healing service for those with sexual addictions. Folks, we live in a overly-sexualized culture. As high as 80% of men consume pornography. The percentage of women is also high. All...
  5. A

    I feel like an hypocrite

    The more I grow up the more I feel like being a Christian becomes even mor challenging. I want to be closer to God and I started to pray more bu there's one area that I really feel ashamed of and stops me from praying. I'm sure I'm not the only one struggling with this, but it's sex. When my...
  6. נ

    Burning with Passion

    I have always considered myself to be a Christian, though I have only attended church on occasion when family friends would invite us to their church. I mainly study and practice The Word of God in private, but recently I have become much more involved, as if a switch was flipped inside of me...
  7. M

    a marriage that needs help

    Hi everyone! This is my first time on a forum like this. I'm sorry if this post is under the wrong forum. My husband and I were married 4 months ago and of course now we are being hit with life. Before we got married I knew that my husband struggled with a pornography addiction, however this was...
  8. Ryan Landsberg


    Hello everyone, I'm a newbie (still trying to find my way around this site) and was just wondering if anyone could help me out... I've been a 'christian' all my life but only recently i really became very involved and dedicated to the Lord. However i do have many questions i would like answered...
  9. Dave-W

    From the thread "Should Christians touch"

    This is the OP of a thread I keep seeing popping up on "Featured Threads" even though the OP was 6 years ago and has not had any dust blown off of it in years. Since the thread is in the "Courting Couples" folder I (being married) did not think it wise to reply there. To me the question is much...