self awareness

  1. Tom 1

    Questions about Buddhism

    Hello, I'm curious about what the points of similarity are between Christianity and Buddhism. Anyone here who is a convert from Christianity to Buddhism, or just very familiar with both, who can highlight anything the two religions have in common? I'm also curious about the sense of self in...
  2. B

    Self-harm Mind-body Treatment - A Personal Experience Of Self Help

    Self-harm Mind-body Treatment - A Personal Experience Of Self Help Hello. This article is about my own successful resolution of a personal mental health issue, namely the presence of a specific self-harming thought. I would like to share my personal experience of successfully resolving an event...
  3. C

    Church Advice

    hello, So my Father has been a pastor since I was born. Our church has struggled since I was born. I am 21 and live at home with my parents while I’m in school. We started doing house church because we lost our building. I do not want to participate in our church anymore for a multitude of...
  4. Radrook

    How Would a Self-Aware Android Fit in?

    If indeed such a thing is ever made, which is self aware, knows right from wrong,, where exactly does it fit in within the Christian framework. Is it still a machine with no rights? How should a Christian view it? An abomination and mockery of mankind or a brother of sorts? Most importantly, how...