
  1. Q

    Does God want us to live in a patriarchal society ?

    Is that for God’s will or against it ?
  2. Q

    Is there any scripture that explains why women like men that mistreats them ?

    Most women are repelled by guys that treat them really well even some so called Godly women. I was wondering if there is any Biblical scripture that explains why ?
  3. Q

    Why wasn’t Balaam surprised when he heard his Donkey talk ?

    Animals don’t talk to humans unless they are birds so why wasn’t Balaam surprised when he heard his donkey speak ?
  4. Q

    What did Jesus mean when he said follow least of my commands ?

    What is the true meaning of matthew 5:19-20 ?
  5. Q

    Should we confess every sin to fellow Christians?

    Should we confess past sin we did in the past to people we have wronged or should we just confess it to God and not do it again if it doesn’t affect that person today ?
  6. Q

    What does it mean to fall away as a Christian?

    Does it mean to live in sin or unbelief ?
  7. Q

    Can anyone give me the Biblical scriptures against recreational use of drugs ?

    Most Christians are against it and they say it’s witchcraft but is there any scripture behind it ?
  8. Q

    (Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers) what does this verse really mean ?

    I know this verse doesn’t mean we shouldn’t associate with unbelievers but does this verse mean we shouldn’t be friends with unbelievers or close friends with unbelievers or we shouldn’t have business with them ?
  9. Q

    Can a Christian woman divorce her husband if he commits adultery ?

    The bible says if a woman commits adultery on her husband he’s free to divorce her is it the same the other way around ?
  10. Q

    What does the Bible count as a Teacher ?

    In James 3:1 it says not many of us should be teachers because teachers would be judged more strictly. My question is what counts as a teacher. If im reading the bible to someone am I a teacher ? If I am evangelising am I a Teacher ? What counts ?
  11. Q

    What does the Bible consider as a teacher ?

    James 3:1 one says not many of you should be teachers because teachers would be judged more strictly. What counts as a teacher is it someone who is a preacher ? Is it a evangelist who studies the Bible with people or is it any one who teaches scripture ( teacher,professor etc.)
  12. Q

    Is all sin related equal in the sight of God ?

    Supported with Scripture is all sin looked at the same in the eyes of God or some worst than others ?
  13. prd94

    Amazon's 'LOTR on Prime' Is Not Adhering to J.R.R. Tolkien's Vision for Middle Earth

    Hi All! I am a Middle Earth geek. Not over the top in the sense of knowing every elvish language that J.R.R. Tolkien ever wrote, but I don't know of any fantasy lore that comes close to The Lord of the Rings world. Primarily this is because of Tolkien's beliefs and how they affected his...