reformed baptist

  1. Hazelelponi

    1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith - Particular Baptist

    This is a sermon from a conference so it's a nearly 3 hour long talk from Pastor J. Ryan Davidson concerning the London Baptist Confession of Faith. Link to Sermon ^^ Sermon is located on the external website Sermon Audio. The Pastor touches on many aspects of the confession, including...
  2. jintercession

    This church is driving a wedge between me and my family...

    Hi everyone who decides to read this!! Lucky you, you're in for a treat... The church I grew up in (Baptist/Pentecostal) started going woke and seeker sensitive and it turned out to be worse than I thought... Perhaps it was gradually creeping in and I just didn't realize it. Upon participating...
  3. JM

    Post-Mil Only Don't limit the Gospel

    The Gospel is good news, we should act like it and take that Gospel into the world and change the world by the preaching of the Gospel. The only way to change hearts and minds, the only way to change society is by God working through the preaching of His word. Don't limit the Gospel to...