questions & answers

  1. Girl505444

    I am seeking answers on multiple questions about Christianity as a muslim that is curious and lost

    Hi For years, I've been questioning my faith as a Muslim. After leaving Islam and drifting into agnosticism, I felt profoundly lost. However, during Ramadan last year, I rediscovered God and returned to Islam. Yet, despite feeling a connection with God in my heart, I find myself struggling to...
  2. marlovesjesus

    I don't know if I should keep watching a show or not

    Hii, first of all nice to meet you, I'm 16 and I'm from Europe :) Sooo this might be stupid, but I don't know if I should keep watching a show called "the amazing digital circus". The first episode came out a month ago, it has become my favourite show already. :') It doesn't promote sin or...
  3. JoshRamkelowon

    Social Isolation in Children During COVID-19

    I'm not a parent, but for my college assignment, I would like to know from the perspective of christian parents if their children have faced any challenges when the lockdowns were prevalent (such as socioemotional regression, loneliness, lack of social contact with their peers), etc and how it...
  4. K

    Tell me your opinion on this?

    Hey! This is pretty random but its been kinda bothering me for a couple years now. I'm a 21 year old guy, and I noticed a few years ago people starting to stare at me, and not like just your typical looking, like people turning around and looking at me like im from another planet or something...
  5. ChristIsSovereign

    Is the use of the F Bomb in P.O.D.'s 'I Am' Unneeded/Unjustifiable?

    While I admire the message that the song itself portrays, the like 'who the (BEEP) is he?' makes my stomach turn sour in a spiritual sense and I wrote a poem about the matter which can be viewed here: I Am Not by ChristIsSovereign Yet while I admire the message, I see the message being...
  6. I


    Don't know if this fits better here or in the Christian advice forum. Going to post it here for now though. If it needs to be moved, then please move it. Anyway here goes. Has anyone else ever wondered what your purpose in life was? How do you find your purpose? Has anyone else felt like they...
  7. Winken

    Stenographer for Winken !!

    Winken has dictated two Facebook pages which I have prepared and launched. They are a work in progress. At this time he would like for everyone at CF to visit the FB sites. Christianity: No longer confusing Don Watson and Log In or Sign Up to View for conflict resolution, questions & answers...