premarital sex

  1. heyitskatie

    I constantly regret not saving myself for the marriage

    So I'm 22 now and currently in a relationship with my boyfriend who is 31, I deeply love him and wish for us to marry one day. Everything was okay at first but as the time went on I started realizing he is something special and with that came the regret of him not being my first. He is my...
  2. brudspirea

    I deeply regret not saving myself for marriage.

    This has been weighing on my mind for some time now, and I haven't been sure where to turn to. I'm 20 now, and in a relationship with someone I intend to marry. He does not hold my past against me, in fact, it doesn't seem to actively bother him at all. To me, however, it's a source of great...
  3. L

    Is straight premarital sex okay or not as bad as homosexual sex?

    I know several Catholics (both men and women) that most definitely or definitely had and are having premarital sex. They are straight. I asked a few when discussing sins to see what they thought about it and they said stuff like "well... as long as you don't do it in excess or become addicted to...
  4. K

    Sexual Sin with My Boyfriend

    My boyfriend and I are both Christian (a faithful one - born and raised in a strong Christian family). However after dating, we find ourselves now keep on struggling with our sexual desire and sin. It started with a normal kiss and hug, then passionate kiss, and now dry humping and touching...
  5. C

    Getting over my wife's past

    My wife was honest about her sexual history and I married her thinking I'd get over it but have found it so much harder than I expected. I'm at least number 8 for her I think more like 12 and absolutely hate knowing that she's given herself completely to other men some of whom she loved with the...
  6. C

    How should I approach my mother about her sin?

    My mother and I live with my mom's boyfriend. She's not married to him, nor does he plan on proposing anytime soon, and I'm pretty sure they're having sex outside of marriage. I know that my mom knows premarital sex is wrong, and she's told me before that she felt like God was telling her to...
  7. B

    Engaged, Living Together, Feeling Convicted

    This is my first post on this forum, or any forum for that matter, but I would like some opinions on something I've been struggling with lately. My fiance and I have been together for 7 years. We just got engaged this June and are planning on getting married next August. We had been going to...
  8. Mark Corbett

    What does the Bible Say about Premarital Sex?

    Recently a friend asked me if the Bible prohibits premarital sex. This friend takes the Bible very seriously and his question was honest and sincere. He could not find any clear statements in the Bible prohibiting premarital sex. It’s an important question. It certainly is relevant to our...
  9. D

    I broke a covenant with God

    Hi. I am addicted to porn and masturbation. I tried to stop by making a promise/covenant to God that the day that I touch or have premarital sex, may I die. I included premarital sex because I am in a long-distance relationship, we are both christians but the temptation is unbearable when...
  10. M

    Help plz!

    ok so long story short, i have been with my gf for nearly a year. She is an amazing woman of God. We have both had srs previous relationships where we had pre maritals. It is something we struggle not doing now, but in all after 12 months we have been what i would consider very good considering...