
  1. G

    Swapping out, that which does not match the "peak" - is more effective than Evolution

    Hi there, So I want to introduce a very simple concept: swapping out. Swapping out, is the idea that a single member of a species can develop an affinity, with exemplars in the species, such that when a child is born to it, that child will have some of the strengths of those exemplars. This can...
  2. G

    Simple question: when selection pressure pressures, is selection pressure easier, or Evolution?

    Hi there, So the question is really basic, you might not get the subtlety of it (so hang in there with me): The point being, that there is a couple of targets for pressure, to be enacted by Evolution (either the selection pressure itself, or the Evolution as a whole). You need to be able to...
  3. G

    The basic problem we face: is that God does play dice, with *parts* of Creation

    Hi there, So the quote you may know is from Albert Einstein, who said "God does not play dice, with the Universe". I would extrapolate slightly different, only slightly: I would say "God does play dice, with parts of the Universe". The history of mankind then, is in part a reflection of the...
  4. Drought of the Heart

    Zechariah ...Life as a Play , Earth the Stage!!!

    My grandson is in a play this weekend , he loves the theater. I was never in a play but admire the gift of acting . I admire those that have many lines to remember and do . In Montana we raised a niece that loved theater and won state. All those years we saw all that goes into opening night and...
  5. S

    Indoor Playground

    I want to install a safe indoor playground for our children in our house, does anyone know any good brands or stores ? something like a picture attached
  6. Terry Jenkins

    Appropriateness of Jesus in playtime...

    Looking to gather thoughts here; my son has taken to calling one of his action figures 'Jesus' and including him in his general play... I'm happy that he is taking such an interest in his faith (and he is really enjoying Sunday School and the teachings of the Bible) but I'm concerned about the...
  7. S

    Interactive Christmas Program

    Hi, I was looking for some ideas on an interactive type play or Christmas program for our children's church this year. I found one at Group which looked great, but I wanted a few other options to bring my team. Any ideas? Something that might have worked for some of you in the past maybe. We'd...
  8. Senkaku

    Group RP (2-4 players)

    hoping to build something with a few people. something light but immersive. i have a custom rp system that i can use if you would like, but was hoping to build something together. here's a template, i like to keep things organized so I will update regularly... ------------------------ RP Story...