
  1. The Liturgist

    I can’t support the Ukrainian Government any longer, even though Putin was wrong to invade

    Ukraine's Zelenskyy addresses Congress, invokes 9/11, Pearl Harbor, MLK as he pleads for pivotal aid Note that Fox News has been consistently pro Ukraine, and I am citing their story because it is easy to read. Zelenskyy addressed the US congress in protest at our correct decision not to...
  2. J

    Early Christians on Violence

    So today I'll be trying to show you through many early Christian sources that Non-violence even in the face of death was the universal way on the Early Church. I think it's important to know what our earliest brothers and sisters thought, and I hope this gives you a new outlook. The sources will...
  3. Radrook

    Is Clergy Prayer for War Outcomes Appropriate

    I recently attended a Catholic Church and the priest made sure to include a prayer for soldiers in a war-torn area. I found the inclusion distracting since I had been taught that Christians are supposed to be neutral in world political affairs. It brought to mind how priests and clergy of all...
  4. Radrook

    Did Jesus change Personality After Ressurection?

    Some are claiming that Jesus was a strictly pacifist who condemned violence even in self defense. However, in the book of Revelation he is depicted riding a white horse and leading the armies of heaven to battle with a sword protruding from his mouth and waging war against God's enemies. In...